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Heart Attack Patient Improves Due To Adult Stem Cell Research

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Stem Cell Research For Heart Attacks

Aaron Woods, a congestive heart failure patient who had suffered through 3 heart attacks is reporting major improvements in his quality of life thanks to new stem cell research using his own Adult Stem Cells. 

In a new press release by the Xcell Center in Germany, Woods says:

"I no longer have any angina pain or shortness of breath; no symptoms whatsoever. I am walking 3 miles per day and lifting heavy weights again. I consider this a complete reversal. I saw my cardiologist 2 weeks ago for more testing and he is still shaking his head!" exclaimed Aaron Wood five months after treatment. Mr. Wood was suffering from heart failure following three heart attacks and was treated at the XCell-Center's Dusseldorf clinic in May 2009.

Stem Cell Treatment Explained

The treatment begins by collecting a small amount bone marrow from the patient's hip bone using a thin needle under local anesthesia. The stem cells ae then separated from the bone marrow at the XCell-Center's EU certified cGMP laboratory (current good manufacturing process). Before the cells leave the lab, they are counted and their vitality is confirmed. The last step of the treatment is the minimally invasive implantation procedure, which consists of inserting a cardiac catheter into the patient's right femoral artery and then guiding it to the heart where the stem cells are released into the coronary arteries.

Stem Cell Heart Disease Treatments Offered Now

"We are offering heart patients a practical, affordable and State of the Art therapy . We know that autologous stem cell therapy can improve their quality of life and Mr. Wood is a perfect example. Patients like Mr. Wood no longer need to wait for 'treatments of the future'. They can undergo stem cell-based heart treatments at our world-class treatment facility in Dusseldorf, German today," said Dr. Cornelis Kleinbloesem, the XCell-Center's Director.

Another Heart Patient Forced To Travel Abroad For A Safe Treatment

Aaron Wood is just the latest congestive heart failure and heart attack patient to improve following stem cell research and treatment.  We have covered heart disease patients who have improved in clinical trials in the United States as well as Americans like James Eilert who have had to travel abroad to receive a safe treatment that should be made available to heart disease patients in the US, but is not. 

Filling A Void

The Xcell Center is just the latest stem cell treatment center of many to begin treating the heart.  While the US muddles slowly through multiple years of clinical trials (for treatment using your own cells??) , millions of Americans unnecessarily suffer and die.  Or, they are forced to travel abroad.  It is sad. 

Posted: 10/28/2009 3:39:40 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Cardiac, Congestive Heart Failure, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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