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Stem Cell Donor and Stem Cell Recipient Meet For 1rst Time

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I love these stories- an anonymous bone marrow (stem cell) donor generously registers his bone marrow (http://www.marrow.org) stem cells and then is called upon to save a life and then comes through for the patient. And later (usually years later) they meet for the first time

That is what happened in this case.  Larry Murdock of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania had registered his bone marrow and was notified that an anonymous leukemia patient from Israel was in need.  Mr. Murdock generously donated his stem cells and it turns out he saved Dahlia Schlesinger's life.

Last week, Dahlia and Larry met for the first time in a tearful "reunion" of sorts:

She came to visit him while she was in the states for a wedding. Now the blood siblings are inseparable.

"They're a nice second family for us," says Murdock. Schlesinger could only cry as they hugged.

"I saw an angel in front of me," she gasped with a thick accent. "And he looks so young, so healthy, beautiful. And I went to him and I hug him.

What a great moment! This is the reason why I keep telling you readers to register your bone marrow at www.marrow.org - you can save someone's life and the procedure isn't that difficult, the article describes it:

His part required some preparation, too -- first, shots for five days to boost the number of stem cells.

"Then he went through the aphoresis procedure," explains Sharon King of the Central Blood Bank, "where he had a needle in each arm, and his blood came out of one arm, circulated through the centrifugal machine, pulled out only the stem cells, and gave everything else back to him."

Read more about this happy story
Posted: 9/1/2008 4:09:10 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Leukemia, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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