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Stem Cell Treatment Helps Peripheral Artery Disease Patients!

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
This isn't a shocker.  Repair Stem Cell therapy is helping patients with critical limb ischemia brought on by peripheral vascular disease.  This trial wasn't published with a lot of fanfare or even with a press release (at least I couldn't find one).  However, someone put this completed trial online and I was very lucky to come across it- this trial deserves some attention!

This trial, done in the Czech Republic, injected Repair Stem Cells into the legs of patients with blockages that were untreatable (critical limb ischemia).  In layman's terms (because that is what I am too), this means that these patients had blockages that were not treatable (with an angioplasty or bypass) and as a result, there was little or no blood flow in the feet and/or legs.  Therefore, these patients were facing amputation of these limbs.

Here are some highlights from this stem cell therapy trial which treated 24 patients:

Results. One year after treatment, all patients were alive and only 2 patients have undergone high amputation. Eleven of 14 defects have healed (78%) and Fontaine grade of ischemia has changed from median grade 3.5 to median grade 2 (P<0.0001). Collateral vessel development has unproved by mean 1.13 and 1.3 points on a four- point semiquantitative scale in calf and foot, respectively (P<0.0001). There were no grade III-IV adverse events. According to the SF-36 quality of life questionnaire, 1 year after the procedure patients have reported significant improvement in all measured items.

Conclusion. Intra-arterial infusion of BMMC can lead to significant and long-lasting subjective and objective improvements in patients with CLI. The results merit validation by randomized controlled studies in patients with less critical limb ischemia.

Wonderful, even if you aren't a doctor and some of these terms are confusing- you can tell that essentially- the adult stem cells worked and in most cases saved patients from the amputation of their legs!

More proof that Repair (adult) Stem Cells are working now!  No need to wait for the future.  If you are interested in treatment for peripheral artery disease or peripheral vascular disease now, you can try to get in a trial or you can find stem cell treatment for peripheral artery disease information at my "sister" site.

Here are some more studies I have come across recently on peripheral artery disease trials in the United States - here and here

Or if you are a doctor or peripheral artery disease patient ( or just interested in this trial information), click nofollow" href="http://www.redorbit.com/news/health/1562369/autologous_intraarterial_infusion_of_bone_marrow_mononuclear_cells_in_patients" title="Stem Cell Therapy Critical Limb Ischemia" target="_blank">here for the full results/details of the trial.

Posted: 9/22/2008 3:49:58 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Peripheral Artery Disease, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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