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Stem Cell Treatment Saves Chippendale's Life!

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
No, this story is not about males dancing, although the entertainment industry is involved.   In the year 2000, James Chippendale was suffering from Leukemia.  He needed a bone marrow stem cell transplant to save his life.

More than 75 possible matches were rejected.  However, James got lucky.  James had given up hope when he received a call from the International Bone Marrow Transplant Registry-  they had found a match!

The resulting stem cell treatment saved his life.  2 years later, James went to Germany to meet the man who had saved his life-  Klaus Kaiser.  James says-

"Our lives couldn't be more different, but Klaus and his family are now a part of my family," says Mr. Chippendale, who has taken night classes in German and bought his donor a computer with translation software. "I get an e-mail from him or his children almost every day."

James is the president of CSI Entertainment Insurance, a company that takes on clients with special needs in the entertainment industry.  Gwen Stefani and Lance Armstrong are amongst his clients.  More importantly,  James has co-founded a charity with another cancer survivor, Mike Peters, the lead singer of  the rock band, The Alarm.

Together,  their organization- Love Hope Strength Foundation has raised more than $1 million for cancer patients around the world.  In October, they are planning a huge extravaganza at Machu Picchu.  Here's more on that-

In October, Mr. Chippendale will participate in the foundation's Peru Rocks event at the ancient archaeological site of Machu Picchu. More than 100 cancer survivors, musicians and supporters will join the climb and live concert. Among the organizers' goals is to set a world record for bone-marrow registrations at a music event. A signed consent form and a simple swab inside the cheek are all that is required.

Adds Mr. Chippendale: "We want everyone out there to know that donating is not a barbaric procedure. There's no more drilling into hips, and you don't have to spend two days in the hospital.

"This is truly the easiest way to save someone's life through a donation process." ---  As I keep telling you readers every week, get on the donor list, - go to their website www.lovehopestrength.org or go to www.marrow.org and register so you may have the chance to save someone's life.  It is easy, and you may find a life long friend like James Chippendale and Klaus Kaiser- DM

Click here to see the whole story.
Posted: 9/16/2008 4:04:35 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Cancer, Leukemia, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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