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Stem Cell Research Replacing Need For Orthopedic Surgery in USA

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research Already Paying Dividends in Colorado

Dr. Christopher Centeno, a pioneer in stem cell research in Broomfield, Colorado is now treating patients with osteoarthritis, joint pain, knee injuries and non-healing broken bones at his clinic using the patient's own Adult Stem Cells to repair the damage.

Goodbye Ankle Surgery- Stem Cell Treatment Instead

Hal Kaye, an accountant who loved sports had endured four difficult ankle surgeries trying to repair a damaged arch sustained 15 years ago. The four surgeries had almost crippled him and the last surgery had caused his bone to in his ankle to die due to an artery dying off.

For Hal, an avid golfer, his quality of life had deteriorated. Hal said,"Golf was done in a cart with a handicap flag on the cart with a cane hanging from my golf bag.”

Facing an ankle fusion as a fifth surgery, Hal decided to change things up and try to heal himself using his own Adult Stem Cells implanted by Dr. Centeno.

From a cane to running again after Adult Stem Cell treatment

2 months after having his own stem cells implanted, he didn't have to use his cane anymore. Later, after 2 more injections of his own Adult Stem Cells, Hal was running again, “I got on my treadmill and did my first mile where a year before that, 100 yards was a job,”

From the stem cell article: For now, the Regnexx treatment is strictly used on some orthopedic patients, from osteoarthritis sufferers, to knee replacement candidates. Dr. Centeno said soon, adult stem cell treatment could replace orthopedic surgery altogether.

Centeno said he believes if the success of the treatment continues, health insurance coverage is not far off.

The Regenexx procedure is available in new treatments for the following bone and joint conditions:

* Non-Union Fractures
* Chronic Bursitis
* Chronic Bulging Lumbar Disc
* Thumb Surgery Alternative
* Shoulder Arthritis
* Moderate Hip Osteoarthritis
* Severe Hip Osteoarthritis
* Non-healing Fracture of the Arm
* Sacral Fracture (Tailbone)
* Knee Osteoarthritis - Cartilage Lesion
* Knee Osteoarthritis and Meniscus Changes
* Shoulder Rotator Cuff Tear
* Posterior Meniscus MRI
* Talar Dome MRI
* Ankle Talofibular Ligament Repair
* Non-Healing Fracture of the Foot

Stem Cell Doctors Taking on the FDA!

Dr. Centeno is also leading the charge in taking on the FDA's stance that a person's own stem cells are a drug.
He has formed a group of doctors AND a group of patients who are taking on the FDA. If you are an individual that is not a Doctor you can still get involved. ASCTA is focused on physician membership but there is a patient forum at www.safestemcells.org that you can get involved and ACT now! Please visit this patient site and contact the FDA and your congressman to tell them what you think.
Posted: 4/28/2009 1:11:01 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Cartilage, Osteoarthritis, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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