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Stem Cell Treatment Gives Texas Sheriff With Multiple Sclerosis His Job Back

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Stem Cell Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis- Giving Life Back

Multiple Sclerosis had taken many things away from Jason Upshaw- his job at the Sheriff's department, his ability to play with his kids, as well as his ability to walk. Jason had given up hope . Luckily for Jason, he found an article about Preston Walker, another law enforcement officer in Texas with MS. Preston Walker had gone to Costa Rica for a new stem cell treatment and therapy using Adult Stem Cells and had reported tremendous improvements.

Jason, 36, of Erath County, Texas contacted Preston Walker who gave the stem cell therapy a glowing review.  Jason promptly contacted the stem cell treatment company in Costa Rica and arranged to go there for treatment.

In June, 2008, Jason went to Costa Rica with his mother to receive the Adult Stem Cells that would turn his life around.

Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms Before the Stem Cell Treatment

  • numbness and tingling on his right side

  • balance issues- had to use a scooter to mover around outside

  • poor coordination

  • severe heat sensitivity

MS Symptoms After the Stem Cell Therapy

  • Not Applicable (NA)

  • NA

  • NA

Jason no longer has any symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis and he has stopped seeing his neurologist.  He is also back to playing baseball in the backyard with his kids.

Thanks to Stem Cell Therapy, Back to Work

The Adult Stem Cells have enabled Jason to go back to his work at the Sheriff's Department. The Multiple Sclerosis had forced him to stop work and put him on full disabiltiy. That is not the case today.

According to the stem cell article:

“I never thought I would be back,” Erath County Sheriff’s Investigator Jason Upshaw said, referring to his career in law enforcement. “The day the sheriff handed my badge and gun back, I cried. I mean, I really broke down and cried.”

Stem Cell Research Impresses Wife Too

“Four months after we got married, his MS was very bad,” Michelle said. “And then, just weeks after he left for Costa Rica he was walking on his own. I fell to my knees when I saw him. I hit the floor.”

However, Michelle isn't so impressed with the state of stem cell research and therapy in the United States (and why should she be?):

“Our lives have truly been changed forever,” Michelle said. “It is an injustice that these treatments, resources and facilities are not available in the United States.”

Adult Stem Cells- Giving Hope and Inspiring Others

Jason hasn't let the FDA stop him from spreading the wonders of adult stem cell therapy around. Jason is now speaking in front of groups and writes 25-50 emails a day to MS patients who are in similar straits to where Jason once was.

One of those MS patients is Robyn Gorrie who is in Costa Rica now (April 2009) receiving stem cell therapy for her condition. Jason wrote a very nice email to her-

I now play baseball with my boys in the back yard. I'd nearly given up on ever being able to do that again, much less get back in to the profession I love. Please feel free to contact me at any time. You can call anytime. Please know that you are in my prayers and I hope you get to go, it has truly changed my life.
Your friend,
Jason Upshaw"

You can read Jason's full email to Robyn here

Thank you to Janice Fuller  for this terrific story and it looks like she is getting ready to go to for stem cell treatment herself.  Read Janice's story at Adult Stem Cell Therapy Ning Group

Other MS Patients Who Have Had Successful Stem Cell Treatment in Costa Rica

Holly HuberJennifer Blankenship and Dennis Trammell and Angie Adcox, Joey Quinn, and Juli Balli who all followed in the footsteps of Richard Humphries and Preston Walker.
Posted: 4/20/2009 6:42:31 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Multiple Sclerosis, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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