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Stem Cell Therapy For Peripheral Vascular Disease!

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
In Utah, they are about to begin a trial that will have patients with peripheral vascular disease treated with their own adult (repair) stem cells.  The trial will be offered to patients who are "no-option," that is, they can't do an angioplasty, they can't do a bypass, the only option left is amputation.  Well now, thanks to Repair Stem Cell Therapy, there is another option- getting stem cell treatment using a patient's own stem cells.

Here is part of the article-

Can stem cells save patients from amputation?  (I can save somebody a lot of work- YES!! THEY CAN!!!- DM)

August 11th, 2008 @ 6:14pm

By Ed Yeates

Utah doctors want to know if a patient's own stem cells might save them from amputation. (Memo to Utah Doctors- Yes, they can!!!- DM)

The University of Utah is starting a unique clinical trial using volunteer patients who are at a critical stage of their vascular disease.

Surgeons may have to amputate a limb for a number of reasons. Patients might be soldiers, or victims of an accident, or they might have what is called peripheral vascular disease. Diabetes, age, smoking, high cholesterol and genetics all play a role in how this disease blocks vessels going to the lower limbs. In critical stages, patients are at the end of their rope.

Stem cells from study volunteers will be brought to the University of Utah's cell therapy lab. There they'll be purified and concentrated. The cells will be drawn from the blood stream of patients who have been given a medication. That medication literally mobilizes the stem cells out of the bone marrow.

Once prepared in the lab, the concentrated cells go back to those same patients.

Dr. Kraiss said, "We're hopeful that taking a lot of these cells from the patient's own bone marrow and then injecting it into the areas where there's poor blood supply that these cells will basically manufacture new blood vessels."

Ok,  I have to be positive that this is a step in the right direction, albeit a tiny one and too slow for my (and millions of others suffering from Peripheral Vascular Disease) liking.  My goal at the Repair Stem Cell Institute is to make adult (repair) stem cell therapy available to all!

Click here to see the whole thing
Posted: 8/12/2008 2:08:21 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Diabetes, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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