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Man With Spinal Cord Injury Improves After Stem Cell Therapy

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Man Out of Wheelchair After Stem Cell Therapy

A man with a spinal cord injury suffered 10 years ago has improved his quality of life tremendously after receiving adult stem cells in a new stem cell treatment in Costa Rica.  Paralyzed in a roofing accident, Jason Slawson was in a wheelchair for 10 years before he went for stem cell therapy and now is using a walker. 

Lifted Out Of Depression As Well As His Wheelchair

The stem cell treatment has given Jason confidence as well as lifting him out of depression he was feeling (not to mention lifting him out of his wheelchair).  From sleeping all day to forget about his depression to working 7 days a week after the stem cell therapy.

Back To Work After Adult Stem Cell TReatment

From the stem cell article:

While in Costa Rica, progress was immediately apparent, muscles he had not used in a decade were contracting and spasms that were violent enough to shake the walls in his home subsided.

He admits the road to recovery is still rocky at times.

“I am still using the walker and some days I’m not strong enough to make it in public, but I use it every day when I am at home,” Slawson said. “There are days when my legs instantly buckle.”

Are ADULT STEM CELLS  A Fountain of Youth?

Slawson said he believes that in taking the steps to get back on his feet, he may have discovered the fountain of youth.

As his muscles are slowly regenerating and feeling is returning to his lower extremities, Slawson said the stem cell therapy also cured carpel tunnel syndrome.

“Before I went to Costa Rica I needed surgery to repair my wrists, I was in a lot of pain from 10 years of gripping and pulling myself in my wheelchair,” Slawson said, with a grin. “Today, I stopped to look at myself in the mirror - and I think I am looking younger.”

Mother Knows Best

Jason's mother also sees the difference-

Schirman said the $40,000 the family pulled together to send Slawson and his wife to Costa Rica was the best investment they could have made for their son’s future. She said he is a changed man who is now staring life in the face instead of hanging his head in defeat.

While she said the physical improvements are more than she ever imagined, she knows the emotional and mental healing far outweighs those benefits.

“More important than the physical progress is his renewed sense of self-confidence and hope,” Schirman said. “He is willing to take risks again, gets out every day and is even talking about raising a family of his own.”

Adult Stem Cells- Not Available in the USA

A very nice story.  While the USA is obsessed with Geron and their embryonic stem cell trial that isn't working, American patients go abroad for adult stem cells that are helping people now.  As long as adult stem cells aren't used in the US, it doesn't matter how much money Obama throws to stem cell research.  

Posted: 8/31/2009 12:24:09 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Research, Spinal Cord, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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