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Adult Stem Cell Research- Now in Trials for Heart Failure

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The United States is moving agonizingly slow towards making Adult Stem Cells available to its residents.   Despite many studies that show Adult Stem Cell research is beneficial to heart disease patients- angina, coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, and congestive heart failure patients, the United States is still probably about 5 years away from making it widely available to the public.  How many heart patients will die during that time? Of course, American researchers have other vital things to study.

Well, from a more positive point of view at least articles like these show that they are moving in the right direction albeit too slowly:

Ronald Ferstadt went ballroom dancing the other night.

A few months ago, the Lomita resident couldn't walk around the block without stopping several times to catch his breath because of the damage to his heart from four major heart attacks.

The former machinist said he's probably feeling better because of the millions of stem cells that were injected directly into his damaged heart tissue at the University of California San Diego Medical Center in Hillcrest. He admits, though, that it could be the placebo effect that's making him feel so good. Ferstadt, 71, is one of 17 patients enrolled so far in a 60-patient clinical trial for end-stage heart disease.

There are no more drugs to help these people. A stent does no good, and valve replacements or bypasses are not valid options. So doctors at UCSD and several other centers around the country have received Food and Drug Administration permission to inject millions of bone-marrow stem cells from a donor directly into heart tissue that has been damaged by heart attacks.

While stem cells can be found throughout the body, few are thought to be in the heart, and certainly not enough to prompt the kind of regenerative healing needed after a heart attack.

It took an hour and a half, tops, and I didn't feel a thing, Ferstadt said. He spent the night in the hospital and went home the next day.

The third day after the procedure, I could walk a whole block without stopping, he said. I thought, 'This is crazy “ those cells can't work that fast.'

Ferstadt said the measure is a bit simpler for him: Will I get my life back? Will I be able to play with my grandchildren?

Remember, using a patient's own stem cells- there are no side effects ie.. no down side.

For more information about clinical trials such as the one above- go to http://www.clinicaltrials.gov .

If you want adult stem cell treatment for heart disease- you must go outside the United States, go to the Vescell website or Regenocyte website

Mike Rumble and Leonard Narracci did.
Posted: 12/20/2008 12:45:41 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Congestive Heart Failure, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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