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Adult Stem Cells Help New Zealand Child With Cerebral Palsy at Duke!

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As I always try to remain optimistic, I will try to concentrate on the good aspects of this miraculous story of yet another child helped with her own Adult Stem Cells (or Repair Stem Cells as I like to call them).  The most important thing is Maia Friedlander, a 4 year old girl from New Zealand, has improved dramatically from a "birth related brain injury" (Cerebral Palsy) after receiving her own Repair Stem Cells saved from her umbilical cord at birth.

The negative part of this story is she had to travel all the way from New Zealand to Duke University in the United States for a procedure that has almost zero downside and plenty of potential to help her- receiving her own stem cells.  And then we have other children and patients in the United States with other conditions who have to go China, Costa Rica, and the Dominican Republic among other countries to receive similar treatments for different conditions.  Think of how many millions of lives could be changed if using your own stem cells were easily available to the masses.

No more preaching- let us get to the miracle story at hand.  Maia Friedlander was born with a brain injury and

her father Daniel Friedlander said "that before the treatment Maia had difficulty running, chewing and communicating despite having up to 6 hours of therapy a day for the past three years. The oxygen deprivation left her developmentally delayed which meant her progress was inconsistent and slow and Maia was as frustrated as we were. We were facing a lifetime of therapy with no prospect of improvement.

Sounds like a job for Repair Stem Cells.  The Friedlanders heard about a program at Duke University where Dr Joanne Kurtzberg in her Adult Stem Cell research program has reinfused cord blood stem cells into about 50 children with brain injury or cerebral palsy.  You may remember my posts on Chloe Levine, a young Colorado girl who suffered from Cerebral Palsy until she was also helped by Dr. Kurtzberg at Duke.

Did the stem cell treatment work?  I'll let Daniel, the girl's father have the floor:

Daniel says the reinfusion, which took 2 hours, completely unlocked the door on Maia's personality and her physical development.

“Just a few days later after the procedure her eyes started to look more alert, and she lost the unfocused, dreamy kind of look she had always had. Her arms and legs began to straighten out, and her physical co-ordination improved.

Since Maia's return home she's continued to make progress and is now attending pre-school 5 days a week.

“We just can't believe the change in her. Maia is now talking, hugging us, playing and getting up to mischief with her sister and we couldn't be more thrilled.

She's had a second chance at life and we can now have the family life we'd always dreamed of.

“While science can't tell us exactly how it works some think that the stem cells in cord blood have a road map to damaged tissue and when they get there they rebuild it. All we know is that it worked for Maia.

“We couldn't be more grateful for the dramatic change it has made to our lives and want to make sure other families are aware that they can save their baby's cord blood at birth.

“You never know what can happen at your child's birth but when you have their cord blood stored you have options like the option we had for Maia. We would also like to see the reinfusion procedure available to families in NZ, he said.

See the last sentence- I would also like to see this procedure available to families in New Zealand and the rest of the world as well-  my reason for forming the Repair Stem Cell Association.

Read the whole article here
Posted: 12/8/2008 12:37:30 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Brain, Cerebral Palsy, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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