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Research Study Shows Adult Stem Cells Help Heart Attack Victims

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A Shocker? Adult Stem Cells Help Heart Attack Patients

A new stem cell research study shows that giving adult stem cells to a patient who had suffered a heart attack is more effective than giving a patient nothing following a heart attack.  Dr. Joshua Hare, of the University of Miami, along with 10 other universities completed a study that shouldn't surprise any readers of this blog. 

Research Clinical Trial Details:

The study enrolled 53 patients who had suffered a heart attack within 10 days.  75% of these heart attack patients received infusions of adult stem cells.   25% of the heart attack patients received a placebo (ie. nothing). 

Unsurprisingly, the 75% who received the stem cell therapy are now faring better than the patients who didn't receive anything. 

All patients were tested using an MRI and echocardiogram, 

From the stem cell news article:

After six months, patients who received the adult stem cells were four times as likely to have improved overall condition, were able to pump more blood with each heartbeat than untreated patients, had only one-quarter as many dangerous heart arrhythmias, and suffered no toxicity or other serious adverse side effects from the treatment.

Echocardiograms showed patients had improved heart function, particularly in those patients with large amounts of cardiac damage. Patients also have improvements in lung function.

Why? Emergency signals sent out by wounded heart tissue attract help from stem cells.
It's probable that the stronger signal from the more damaged hearts attracted more of the stem cells to the site of injury, suggest Cleveland Clinic researchers Marc S. Penn, MD, PhD, and colleagues in an editorial accompanying the Hare report in the Dec. 8 issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

Dr. Joshua Hare, Led the Research Study Using Stem Cell Therapy

Dr. Joshua Hare Led A Research Study Showing Adult Stem Cells Help Heart Attack Patients

Stem Cell Therapy Available In United States in 2020?

While this is a promising stem cell research study, if you are thinking this may help heart disease patients in the United States in the near future, you are sadly mistaken.  This was only a Phase 1 study.  Phase 2 and Phase 3 studies must still be completed and approved by the snails at the FDA and then this was only a trial for patients who had a heart attack within the last 10 days (before receiving the stem cells).  

What if you had a heart attack 5 years ago and now suffer from congestive heart failure?  Well, there are still congestive heart failure trials going on, but don't expect anything in the United States for at least 5 more years.   That is the reason more and more Americans are leaving the comforts of the United States. 

Nonetheless, this is a nice addition to the overwhelming evidence that adult stem cells can help heart disease patients.  -Congestive heart failure, recent heart attacks, coronary artery disease- all have been shown to be helped by stem cell therapy using adult stem cells.  So if you aren't convinced yet that adult stem cells can help heart disease, I'm not quite sure what else I can do. 

Is Stem Cell Therapy A Cure For Heart Disease?

No, I'm not saying it is a 100% cure.  I'm not saying it works in every case of heart disease.  But, I am saying that giving adult stem cells has no side effects AND there is a good chance that it will help improve a  heart patient's quality of life.  I don't see any reason why it shouldn't be given to all heart patients.  To not give them something that could save their life is essentially sentencing them to death. 
When will the FDA wake up and make stem cell treatment available to the general population? Until they do, they are costing people their lives by doing nothing.

If you are interested in stem cell treatment using adult stem cells, please write me an email at don@repairstemcells.org and we will assist you in seeking therapy- unfortunately it will most likely be abroad in a foreign country. 
Posted: 12/7/2009 1:24:22 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Cardiac, Congestive Heart Failure, Lung, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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