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Quadriplegics ultimate goal is to someday walk again

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Man travels to Russia for stem cell treatment

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Excerpt from story:
He's already seen some improvement in controlling his torso and balance. Alwood can now lean froward and push himself back up, something he couldn't do before the treatments.  He can also lean from side to side.  "My trunk muscles are starting to come back," Alwood said. He is trying to rehabilitate muscles that have "atrophied to almost non-existence," he explained¦
¦His ultimate goal is to someday walk again.

For the full story go here:

For the autologous stem cell treatment center go here:

Summary of story:
¦The 32-year-old Mt. Pleasant resident has been going to the Neurouita Clinic in Moscow to receive adult stem cell treatments that are not available in the United States.   Alwood was severely injured Sept. 9, 2005, in a bull riding accident while participating in a rodeo at the Double J Resort in Rothbury about 20 miles north of Muskegon¦
¦The accident fractured three vertebrae, leaving him as a quadriplegic and confined to a wheelchair. He was paralyzed from the chest down. He can move his arms but has little feeling¦I went there (Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan in Rockford) for nine months and that's when I learned about the adult stem cell treatments in Russia from some other patients who were going over there," Alwood said.
During his first visit to the clinic, which lasted about three weeks, doctors conducted extensive tests, then gave him a series of shots that made his bone marrow produce an abundance of stem cells. They were then drawn from Alwoods blood and separated by a special machine.  "The thing is, the machine they used was made in the United States and they can't even use it here," he said. They harvested enough stem cells, which are injected into the lumbar region of the spinal cord, for 20 doses. Alwood received two injections, or four doses, during each of his first two visits to the clinic. The next time he goes in March the two injections will include three doses of stem cells each.
"It's something new they are trying," Alwood said. "The program is still considered experimental even there."
He's already seen some improvement in controlling his torso and balance. Alwood can now lean froward and push himself back up, something he couldn't do before the treatments.  He can also lean from side to side.  "My trunk muscles are starting to come back," Alwood said. He is trying to rehabilitate muscles that have "atrophied to almost non-existence," he explained¦
¦His ultimate goal is to someday walk again. He is encouraged by the results and the stories he has heard from others who have received similar treatment¦
¦Adult stem cell therapy is conducted in the U.S. on cancer patients, and on an experimental basis for those with heart disease, but not for spinal cord injuries.

Posted: 1/31/2008 4:21:26 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Cancer, Research, Spinal Cord, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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