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Stem Cells for Spinal Cord Injury- Toddler Now Walking Again!

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
Marie Surprenant, 3, of Fulton County, Georgia has already suffered more in her young life than most people do in an entire lifetime.   Before she reached the age of 1, Marie was beaten by abusive parents and these awful parents broke many bones in Marie's body and broke her spinal cord too.

After this horrible beating, Marie was taken out of her parents custody and was adopted by Michele Surprenant.  Doctors in Georgia said Marie would never walk again and never be able to stand.  Her new mother didn't accept that answer and searched the globe for alternatives.

She found a place in India where Marie would be treated with her own Adult Stem Cells (Repair Stem Cells).  In another victory for Adult Stem Cell research:

Surprenant and Marie traveled to India, where doctors removed stem cells from her body and then injected them into her spine. The procedure was quick, safe and had almost immediate effects, according to Surprenant.

It™s politics, it™s politics. She™s had no side effects, Surprenant  says of the stem cell injection. The only side effect is that her circulation has improved.

Baker said the changes to Marie after the stem cell injection were stunning. The day after the injection, Marie began to pull herself up on a window ledge.

She™d had never been able to anything like that before,
Baker says. Because when she crawled it was just her arms and her legs were dead weight behind her, so for her to be able to get up on her knees was amazing.

I am happy to report that Marie is now standing up and walking (with the help of some braces)

You can read the whole article here
Posted: 1/7/2009 2:05:41 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Research, Spinal Cord, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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