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Multiple Sclerosis Patient Documents Stem Cell Treatment

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Repair Stem Cell Institute Helps MS Patient Find Treatment

Lindsay Butti, a multiple sclerosis patient is now receiving treatment using her own adult stem cells in Athens, Greece.  Lindsay, who contacted the Repair Stem Cell Institute for treatment information to begin the whole stem cell process, is documenting everything at her "Bindsanator" blog.   Lindsay states that she wants to "to publicize this procedure, regardless of my results, and offer an alternative to the endless medication, futility and heartbreak of MS." 

No Stem Cell Treatments In Canada - Canadians Must Go Overseas

Lindsay contacted the Repair Stem Cell Institute after reading about Arndt Roehlig, who followed in the footsteps of pro golfer Louise Zylstra, both Canadians who received stem cell treatment from the Repair Stem Cell Institute's Dr.Shimon Slavin, a stem cell research doctor.  Lindsay is a Canadian living in London so she didn't have to travel so far for the treatment that takes place in Israel and Athens, Greece.

Lindsay has set up "before treatment" benchmarks for her stem cell treatment so it will be easy for everybody to follow her progress after the therapy.  Remember, these are before treatment symptoms, Lindsay is getting this stem cell treatment right now (January 16th, 2010)  in Athens.

Benchmarks- Before Adult Stem Cells Implanted

Hearing – my right ear is normal, my left ear is not – I had a copy of my hearing tests somewhere, but they are not handy. Basically, I can hear quietly low frequency sounds (i.e. bass tones) ok but not high frequencies. And constant tinnitus – it is mild, sounds like constant radio static, often cracks and pops. It is not a bad as others may have it, like jets screaming overhead. Now, this happened in 2002, before anything was “wrong” with me, the doctors attributed it to Sudden Deafness Syndrome (SDS). No, because I was soon after diagnosed with MS, I am not so sure. It is an infrequent first sign of MS, but this SDS is so rare that I think it may be attributable to MS.

Eyesight –
This is bad in both eyes – peripheral vision in both eyes is fuzzy – it is worse in right eye, but bad in both. Sort of like looking through frosted glass. Distance eyesight is blurry and inaccurate. I cannot read a street sign from across the road, but from 1 or 2 metre away I can read it. I can get to about line 3 on the vision chart. I cannot watch movies with subtitles anymore. I am by no means blind but it is quite bad.

Balance –
standing on left foot, about 10-15 seconds. On right foot, about 3-5 seconds. My right 3 last toes, they have little feeling and can cross each other. I call my right foot “the clubfoot”, it has foot drop and can drag a lot. After about 10-15 minutes of walking, this gets really bad. All of my right shoes are scuffed up. If you have foot drop, you know how this is. I cannot wear any sort of heel (damn). I cannot walk one fort over the other for more than 2 paces.

Lindsay lists more benchmarks at her blog (see below) , including her goal of getting off her multiple sclerosis medications.   

Lindsay Butti - The Bindsanator

For more information about Lindsay Butti, MS patient receiving stem cell therapy with Dr. Shimon Slavin, please go visit her Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Blog. Lindsay says "this blog is to give others, especially MS sufferers, a play-by-play of my trying out a revolutionary stem cell treatment for this disability. It is not "proven" but has the potential to give us all a second chance. I will update as the whole journey progresses."

Also, you can visit the Repair Stem Cell Institute for more research and treatment information

Lindsay, I sincerely thank you for all your support. You are a brave woman and I hope the adult stem cells work their magic on you. Lindsay is going to be updating her blog with her progress- good or bad, so keep going there for her updates so you can do your own stem cell research for multiple sclerosis (MS). 
Posted: 1/18/2010 8:07:03 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Multiple Sclerosis, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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