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Multiple Sclerosis Patients Still Doing Well After Stem Cell Treatment

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
One month ago, I wrote about 2 gentlemen who traveled from Texas to Costa Rica to receive repair stem cell therapy for their multiple sclerosis.  These two brave men returned to Texas after receiving their stem cell treatment in late May.  The two men, Preston and Richard are continually updating us with their progress via their own blog so I thought I would check back in with them to see how they are doing one month later and I am very happy I did.  Look at this! -

June 18, 2008

Still feeling like a million bucks!

I am still feeling like a million bucks!! 


However, I have re-considered my stance on taking medication for my MS.  Hopefully, you will remember my original stance on the medication.  I stopped taking it, all of it!!

I recently resumed the Avonex injections.  As I understand it, the stem-cells were halting the progress of the MS.  Avonex is just another weapon I decided to begin using again to keep the MS at bay.


That is from Preston.  Now here is the latest entry from Richard:


Still feeling better

Preston and I started feeling so much better starting May 16th after our second stem cell injection, and we are still feeling well.

The fatigue is significantly lessened. It has been such a long time since I slept normal hours. Last week
I spent 58 hours sleeping, whereas before stem-cell treatments, I slept around 80 hours a week. It is taking me awhile to get used to this energy.

I used to stumble around 20 times a day and now for the last 25 days it has dropped to
5 times. Not 5 times a day but a total of 5 for the 25-day period. I probably stumbled like that before MS.

Before the stem-cell treatment period, I would fall at least once every other day.  I bet more than a few people thought I had a few to many beers.

Cognition is more clear. I'm not sure how to describe it, but the fog is lifting.

Now here is the kicker. The three weeks prior to May 16th, I took 147 pain pills and 147,000 mg. of tylenol and aspirin and ibuprofen.

Yes, all three at 147,000 mg. each. When you are hurting that bad, after awhile, you don't care. You just want a break and this was only giving me a little pain relief. Since May 16th...ZERO. YIPPEEEE!!

In the back of our minds we wonder when will this quality of life fall off, but it has not and we are enjoying this so much. Thank you Lord.


Wow-  keep it up guys!  I'm cheering for you. They are encouraging others who are also considering stem cell research as a solution to their condition or disease. I also encourage all of you to email Richard and Preston and send them your best wishes.   See their emails below-

rdhump1@hotmail.com   pwalker2644@sbcglobal.net.
Posted: 7/4/2008 2:29:52 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Multiple Sclerosis, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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