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People Are Dying- You Can Save Them

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
Yesterday, I presented the miraculous story of Chris LoDuca- a man no longer suffering from cancer thanks to a bone marrow stem cell transplant from an anonymous donor at the time. (See yesterday's story below- they met for the first time recently).

Today, I present a letter from a woman who was also saved in a similar fashion. Tiffany Hooper wrote this letter to the editor of her local newspaper. Read it and think about what you can do to help:

Dear Editor,

I am a wife, stepmom, daughter, sister, and I am a 2-time survivor of acute leukemia.

I was diagnosed in 2002 and after chemotherapy and nearly five years in remission relapsed last October. Without a bone marrow transplant I believe there was no hope for my long-term survival. I think about what those words mean, would have meant, to my family¦no hope.

Like over 70% of patients in need of bone marrow or stem cells I had no donor match within my family. I needed the gift of an unrelated donor. And, in January in intensive care, “hope was delivered.

I can thank the doctors, nurses, and the other staff of the transplant team, but I can never truly thank the biggest hero, my anonymous marrow donor, who somewhere in the world made the choice to join a donor registry.

In a small attempt to “pay it forward I'd like to urge, better yet beg, your readers to visit www.onematch.ca or call 1 888 2 DONATE for information on joining the registry and becoming a potential donor. If people would like to ask me questions about my experience to help in making a decision they can email me at tjhrh@sympatico.ca.

What if you knew you were a match, right now, for someone whose life is being stolen by cancer or another marrow disease, and your donation could save them? If it were your spouse, your child, or your parent, what wouldn't you do?


Tiffany Hopper

Petawawa, Ontario
Posted: 7/22/2008 3:23:02 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Cancer, Leukemia, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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