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Stem Cell Research - Adult Stem Cells for Friedreichs Ataxia!

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
Today, I am presenting two separate Friedreich's Ataxia patients.  Both are on their way to China to receive stem cell treatment, the only place in the world that offers stem cell research and treatment for this disease.

First, we have Josh Wallace, a Friedreich's Ataxia patient who has already received stem cell therapy in China for his condition and now is aiming to go back for a second helping:

"I was diagnosed when I was 17, but I began showing signs in my early teen years," Wallace said about his condition. "The doctor said it was a muscular disease that wasn't going to get any better without a medical breakthrough."

Wallace found that possible medical breakthrough in stem cell research in China. In 2006, Wallace traveled to China where he stayed for six weeks and received six stem cell injections, two IV stem cell infusions and two spinal punches. He was the first person with his condition to receive the treatments.

"It improved it," Wallace said about the injections. "Not by a great amount, but it definitely improved it more than anything else I ever had. So I'm going back over there.

I also present to you Zach Ghazali, an aspiring boxer, who is on his way to China for the first time, also to treat his Friedreich's Ataxia with repair stem cell treatment:

Aspiring boxer Zack Ghazali will travel halfway around the world beginning Thursday as he seeks medical treatment to save his life.

"They say don't put all your eggs in one basket," said Bernadine Ghazali, Zack's mom. "We only have one egg. We have to do something."

They are going to Hangzhou Hospital in China to receive stem cell therapy offered by Beike Biotech, which is one of 32 laboratories worldwide offering stem cell transplants. The procedure is not done in Canada or the U.S (Hey, let's change this people, why does this man have to go to China for stem cell treatment?-DM).

Good luck to both of you brave gentlemen!  You have chosen the right path with repair stem cells.

For more on Mr. Wallace

and for more on Mr. Ghazali
Posted: 7/10/2008 5:07:17 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Ataxia, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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