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Stem Cell Therapy Helps Bubble Boy Out of ICU!

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Many of you may have seen this on TV already, but no reason not to see it again- it is a fantastic story!

Granton Bayless is a 9 month old boy who suffers from severe combined immunodeficiency, which means his immune system is unable to fight off any disease, even a simple cold. Therefore, he must live in a protective bubble that protects him from any viruses and bacteria, thus the name "bubble boy."

Recently, Granton received a repair stem cell transplant from donated umbilical cord blood and look at what happened:

Instead, a recent umbilical-cord-blood transplant at Children's Mercy Hospital has transformed Granton Bayless from a frail, nearly immobile patient into a bubbly baby who wiggles when he sees his masked and gloved parents enter his sterile hospital room.

Granton received his transplant on June 10. Daniel Bayless said that because of the donor program's confidentiality guidelines, all he and his wife, Jenni, would ever know of the donation was that it came from a boy born in 2000 and was stored in St. Louis.

So far, Granton is improving, his parents said. A recent blood test on him showed that 86 percent of his white cells were donor cells. A recent test showed Granton had produced "natural killer cells," which play a major role in fighting infections.

These are key milestones in a transplant because they indicate that the donor cells are starting to produce other cells, said John Miller, medical director of donor medical services for the National Marrow Donor Program.

His improvement thrills the family, friends and strangers who have rallied around Granton and who follow his medical saga through daily blog updates posted by his parents.

Click here to see how repair stem cells saved Granton's life and gave him and his family hope for the future
Posted: 7/11/2008 5:08:38 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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