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CNN Presents Adult Stem Cell Video of COPD Patient

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Stem Cell Video Shows Improvement for COPD Patient

This stem cell video is from the story I had last week, on the COPD patient who was helped by Adult Stem Cells. CNN presents this video which features Barbara Mckean, a COPD patient who received stem cell treatment from Dr. Zannos Grekos in the Dominican Republic.

Adult Stem Cells From Her Own Blood

The stem cell video shows Barbara playing with the Nintendo Wii and trying to stay in shape, approximately 1 year after her stem cell therapy which used Adult Stem Cells taken from her own blood.

Barbara, who was on oxygen 24/7 before the treatment and riding around in a scooter is living proof that Adult Stem Cells can help improve lives now!

Protecting Us From What? Possible Improvements in Quality of Life?

But of course, that doesn't stop the naysayers like Dr. Irving Weissman (see the video) who under the guise of "trying to protect us" are actually slowing down the pathways to treatment and thus costing lives.

And of course, the stem cell video didn't show the original part of the stem cell story which featured Dr. Robert Folsom, who was amazed, but actually now believes in the stem cell therapy after seeing Barbara's miraculous improvement for her COPD. Because we wouldn't want to be too positive about Adult Stem Cells would we CNN?

McKean’s family physician, Dr. Robert Folsom, confirmed to CNN that she had been suffering for many years from an advanced state of COPD, an incurable lung disease. Folsom told CNN he was “quite incredulous” after seeing her condition improve.

Folsom, who said he has been McKean’s family physician for many years, disputed any suggestion that her apparent recovery stemmed from a “placebo effect” — an improvement sometimes seen in patients who are given an inert substance in clinical trials.

“I know about the placebo effect, and her improvement does not seem to be a result of that,” he said.

Anyway, you can watch the stem cell video and judge for yourself.

Special Note on Stem Cell Treatment

If you or someone you love has COPD or perhaps another disease, If you are interested,

Go to The Repair Stem Cell Institute website

Right side of page, click on STEM CELL TREATMENT NOW.

Fill out the form and click SUBMIT. You will get an immediate answer listing some more facts about stem cell treatments.

Within a few days you will get a personal answer for the medical condition you inquired about.

This service is free.
Posted: 7/24/2009 11:07:06 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: COPD, Lung, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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