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Stem Cell Research Trials For the Heart Are Gathering Steam In USA- Not Fast Enough

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Stem Cell Research Trials for Heart Attacks and Heart Failure

Recent stem cell research studies using Adult Stem Cells to treat heart diseases such as congestive heart failure and heart attacks have made the news recently.  And on the surface, these adult stem cell success stories of heart attack victims making amazing recoveries in these research clinical trials is wonderful news indeed.

New Research Trials for Heart Attack Victims

For example, at the Texas Heart Institute, John Hartman who had suffered a heart attack recently had his own stem cells implanted into his heart muscle in a new stem cell research trial.

From the stem cell article:

Dr. Jim Willerson President, Texas Heart Institute, said, "We think the improvement we see is largely from the blood flow increase salvaging the cells that are reversibly injured, allowing them to function normally."

"That reflects in the patient being able to do better, walk further, breathe better," said Dr. Emerson Perin St Luke's, THI Cardiologist.

Stem Cell Trial for Congestive Heart Failure

Also, in another stem cell research trial at Vanderbilt, an unnamed 65 year old congestive heart failure patient was treated using his own Adult Stem Cells again.   Dr. David Zhao, director of the cath lab there said “The patients who stand to benefit from this approach include those whose coronary arteries are so diseased that nothing else could be done,”

What About Heart Disease Patients Who Can't Get Adult Stem Cells?

However, the headlines don't mention the millions who are suffering and dying after having heart attacks (1.25 million per year in the United States) and are in congestive heart failure and don't have the opportunity to receive adult stem cell treatment because the FDA has classified a patient's own stem cells as a drug- thus slowing down progress and starving heart patients of a "drug" with no side effects or ethical issues and only has upside.

For every Barry Brown or Kenneth Milles, heart attack victims who were lucky enough to get into a US stem cell research clinical trial using their own stem cells, there are millions of heart disease patients who do not have that opportunity. And for that, we have the FDA to blame.

And that is only addressing adult stem cell therapy for heart disease.........what about the hundreds of other conditions that can be helped or improved by Adult Stem Cells?


For more information on clinical research trials in the United States, go to the Clinical Trials website - www.clinicaltrials.gov
Posted: 7/13/2009 4:55:39 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Congestive Heart Failure, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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