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Dying kids can get them in India but not in Obamas America

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Thalassemia major boy saved after stem cell transplant
Ahmedabad India:
Updated on Tuesday, July 20, 2010, 22:28 IST
A five-year-old thalassemia-major boy got a new lease on life following a successful stem cell transplant and would never require another blood transfusion for thallesemia, doctors who treated him said here today.
"Kavya, son of Mahesh Vaghela who works with the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC), under went a stem cell transplant last month. His condition is fine now as the donor cells have been accepted by the body," Dr Uday Deotare of Sterling hospital, who led the team of doctors who operated on Kayva told reporters.
"The stem cell were extracted from bone marrow of Kavya's elder brother Mihir (7)," he said.
Giving a brief medical history of Kavya, Deotare said that Kavya was detected with thalassemia major when he was six months old. 85% of his young life was spent on transfusion after transfusion:  "Since then he has been undergoing blood transfusions every month till he was four and half year old. His parents had approached us some time ago for the operation which is very costly," he said.
"Now that the operation is successful, Kavya would not need blood transfusion for the rest of his life. However, he would be on medication for next one year," Deotare said.
Kavya's father Manish said that he was very happy that his son was cured and would never need blood transfusion. "I am thankful to the doctors who saved my boy," he added.
The difference between medicine controlled by super-powerful corporations (which own every democracy in the West) is that if it is not profitable to Big Pharma, to HMOs, to medical device companies and to insurance companies, IT IS NOT LEGAL. 
The Medical Mafia doctors, instead of caring about their suffering and dying patients, lie to them and tell them stem cells are “snake oil and dangerous and don’t work.” That way they won’t complain as the FDA, owned by those corporations, pretend that stem cells are “unproven” and the patients die without a whimper or a protest. ---Don Margolis
Posted: 7/28/2010 1:06:56 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Research, Stem Cells, Thalassemia, Therapy, Treatment

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