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Bone Marrow Matches Found for Young Florida Toddler!

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
A couple of days ago, I wrote about how joining the bone marrow registry can save someone's life.  Again, I urge you to register so if someone has a disease that can be helped with a bone marrow (stem cell) transplant, and if your bone marrow matches that of the patient, you will have the opportunity to save that person's life.  And I can imagine that is a wonderful feeling.  Look at the faces of these parents who received the news that their child has found a matching donor:

Larrow, an English teacher at Mulberry High School, was grading final exams Tuesday when she was told that two bone marrow matches had been found for her son Liam.

Nine-month-old Liam was recently diagnosed with Hurler syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that affects only one or two people in 100,000.

The disorder causes the buildup of mucopolysaccharides, or long chains of sugar molecules, that are in the body's mucus and joint fluids.

Liam and others with Hurler syndrome do not have the necessary enzyme needed to break down the molecules.

The only way to keep the disorder from causing mental retardation is a successful bone marrow transplant.

When she heard the good news, Larrow couldn't contain herself. She called her husband, James Larrow, as well as other family members and friends. She left messages for those she couldn't reach. "Everyone got this really high-pitched, chattery message. I was so thrilled," Larrow said.

Click here to see their happy smiles 
Posted: 6/9/2008 2:00:12 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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