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Stem Cell Research- Oregon Man "Much Happier" After Treatment

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Steve Foster, of Bend, Oregon, a man partially paralyzed for more than 30 years recently returned from Mexico after receiving adult (repair) stem cell therapy. Foster lives by the motto "attitude is everything" and he took that attitude along with him to Mexico to receive stem cell treatment. Now, back in Oregon, Foster is in great spirits and his long-time friend is already noticing changes:

"I saw his arm relax the very next day down his side, which it has always been across his stomach and his voice was better three days after his procedure,"said Johnston.

Foster said, "Before I had to push the air out and now it feels a little more easier and a little less raspy."

Johnston says he can even walk up stairs with less of a struggle.

"He took his first step with his right leg instead of his left, which he hasn't done in 30-plus years," Johnston said.

And Foster said, "I feel more energetic, after I stretch. I have more movement and flexibility."

I'm much happier," Foster said. "I have hope, I have a vision...angels are with me."

Repair stem cells- giving another person hope and happiness. I love these stories!

This story is also on video- click on the link and go watch Mr. Foster and his "attitude."
Posted: 6/19/2008 10:33:31 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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