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Adult Stem Cell Research Gives Heart Disease Patient a Miracle

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Advances in Stem Cell Research for the Heart

The doctors had given Aaron Cathcart, a Louisiana native about a year to live. Suffering from congestive heart failure after a major heart attack, Aaron was told he was going to be yet another victim of heart disease. However, thanks to the wonders of Adult Stem Cell research, Aaron is not just living, he is "thriving" after having his own Adult Stem Cells injected back into his heart.

On June 26th, 2008, Aaron Cathcart was injected with stem cells taken from his own bone marrow and into his heart muscle in Covington, Louisiana in a clinical trial using Adult Stem Cell treatment.

Before the Adult Stem Cells

  • Ejection Fraction of 20%

  • Couldn't walk 200 feet without pain

  • Couldn't go outside if lower than 50 degrees because the cold weather would strain his heart

After the Stem Cells Were Injected into his Heart Muscle

  • Ejection Fraction of 41%- 6 months later

  • Can now take his dog for nice walks

  • the "non-functioning part of his heart that had received the adult-stem-cell injections was beating again"

Given His Life Back

Aaron now feels like he has been given his life back and his new goal is to let others know about this procedure that has saved his life and to "clear up any misconceptions there might be about adult-stem-cell research."

He also said “Everyone’s body has them (adult stem cells), and if you increase them in concentration, they can repair your body much better than normal,”

Adult Stem Cells Aren't Rocket Science

Once again, Aaron is correct, this isn't some special rocket science or splitting an atom, it is common sense.  In essence, your own stem cells are already there to repair damage to the body, let the body heal itself.  However, sometimes, there aren't enough of these stem cells to do that.  Therefore, these doctors/researchers are multiplying the amount of stem cells and then putting them into the area that needs repair- in Aaron's case it was the heart, and then they let the body's own repair mechanisms (the adult stem cells)  do what they are "born to do"- no controversy, no ethical concerns, a 3rd grader can understand this---  so why isn't it available in the United States?

FDA Regulates Adult Stem Cell Therapy Like a New Drug

Aaron was one of the lucky ones to qualify for a clinical trial, but while these clinical trials are going on, thousands of lives are being lost because in the United States, adult stem cells aren't available due to FDA regulations-  regulations that treat a person's own stem cells just like a new drug from Pfizer or Merkk- meaning 7-10 years until approval.  Until the FDA changes these archaic rules, Americans will suffer needlessly.  I'm at a loss at what to do to change this. Anyone have any ideas?

More Stem Cell Treatment Information

Here is the original stem cell article with Aaron Cathcart

That same article lists contact information for this particular heart disease trial

Also, for more information on heart disease patients helped by stem cell treatment
Posted: 3/16/2009 1:32:54 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Congestive Heart Failure, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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