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Adult Stem Cell Research Talks and Events

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Adult Stem Cell Therapy and Research in the USA

Punta Gorda, Florida, March 22, 2009-  There will be an Adult Stem Cell rally this Sunday at Gilchrist Park on Charlotte Harbor in Punta Gorda from 1pm- 5pm.   The goal is to raise awareness of how Adult Stem Cells are helping people in the other parts of the world and to help bring Adult Stem Cell therapy to the United States.  Attendance is FREE.

This rally will also act as an "Optic Nerve Hypoplasia Family Reunion" as well.  It will unite ONH patients in the United States  who traveled to China for  Adult stem cell research and therapy.   Until the stem cell therapy in China, these children had no options for treatment and were destined to a life of blindness.  However, thanks to the Adult Stem Cells, these children can now see better  and  have a better quality of life.  You can find their individual stem cell stories here

This is from Carol Petersen's Stem Cell Aware website, one of the organizers of this talk:

The words "Adult Stem Cell" are no longer 'dirty' words. Adult stem cell therapy, with roots tracing back to bone marrow transplants in the '50s, is coming into its own. Available outside the USA for several years now, an ever-growing body of US residents travel to distant locations to receive these treatments.

We are a body of patients who have chosen to make this journey and receive these treatments. We have not been scammed by hucksters in foreign lands and we were not subjected to bizarre treatments. For many of us our only option given was to sit at home and suffer. Adult stem cell therapy has offered us the chance to see some improvement in our condition.

We recognize that this is no cure. But improvements in quality of life are valuable nonetheless.

If you are an adult stem cell patient and wish to join our organization please submit an email to us.

Everybody is welcome.  The doctors from  China responsible for this treatment will also be there.  Some of the older children helped by the stem  cell treatment will give speeches.  Therefore, if you are in the Florida area and wish to learn something new and meet some great people, get down to Punta Gorda on Sunday.  You can contact Carol Petersen for more information or if you want to join their group at carolptrsn@msn.com

Stem Cell Treatment and Therapy Talk in Dallas

Dallas/Ft. Worth Area, March 21, 2009-  Preston Walker wanted everyone to know that Dr. Neil Riordan, Ph.D.,the CEO of Cell Medicine in Costa Rica, will be giving a talk in  Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas this Saturday, March 21  between 3pm and 6 pm at the Westin Hotel.

Preston Walker and Richard Humphries (who will both be in attendance at the Westin)  were the two (now famous) Multiple Sclerosis patients who made the trek from the United States to Costa Rica for the Adult Stem Cell research and treatment last year.

Here is the latest update from Preston Walker himself:
"Richard Humphries and I went to Costa Rica in May 2008 with relapsing-remitting MS (Richard had secondary progressive MS) .  At the time I suffered from fatigue, depression, a cognitive “cloud” and a staggered walk.
Since the treatment, I’ve had one poor day with the depression returning with a vengeance!! That was ONE time.

I recently found this site and have been reading feverishly.

The only thing still lingering is an occasional “cloud” moment. the cognitive cloud. I want to say it doesn’t exist because it is normally just a faint memory, but it’s still there.   I have RRMS.   Richard had SPMS.   Dr. Riordan believes his MS may have been reduced to RRMS because of this (stem cell) treatment."

Since Richard and Preston went to Costa Rica, many others, particularly MS patients from  Texas have followed in their footsteps to reap the benefits of Adult Stem Cell research outside of the United States.

Both Preston and Richard will be attending the talk at the Westin Hotel.  For more information on the event at the Westin, or if you are not in the area and wish to correspond with Preston and Richard you can email Preston at pwalker2644@sbcglobal.net You can also email Richard at rdhforegolf@hotmail.com
Posted: 3/20/2009 6:39:37 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Multiple Sclerosis, Optic, Optic Nerve, Optic Nerve Hypoplasia, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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