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Cliff Lee's Son Got Adult Stem Cells Too!

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Cliff Lee, a pitcher for the Cleveland Indians is off to one of the best starts in major league history.   Why is that pertinent to this blog you may ask?  An early Cy Young candidate, Cliff is no stranger to adversity (or adult stem cells) since his son had been suffering from Leukemia:

 But Lee was able to maintain perspective throughout the ordeal given the health issues each of his two children had overcome. Jaxon, 7, the couple's oldest child, was diagnosed with leukemia when he was 4 months old and needed chemotherapy and a stem-cell transplant to beat the cancer, and daughter Maci, 5, was born three months premature.

"That brought us back to reality and helped us remember what is really important," Kristen Lee says. "The season wasn't all that bad. We know what real struggles are when you have a child that almost dies of leukemia. He wasn't pitching well, but compared to everything else, it was minor."

This is primarily a baseball story rather than about stem cells, but click on this link if you are interested.

Posted: 5/22/2008 7:03:50 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Cancer, Leukemia, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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