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Stem Cell Treatment Helps Heart and Lung Disease Patients

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Are Stem Cell Therapies A Scam?

Today, we have another article about patients who are going overseas for stem cell therapies that are not available in the United States due to the FDA's rigid and archaic regulations that continue to cost lives and keep patients in unnecessary pain under the guise of "protection."

Ejection Fraction From 39% to 62% - Must Be A Placebo Effect???

This stem cell research article features Dr. Zannos Grekos of Regenocyte who treats heart and lung patients.  The article starts with Howard Lindeman, a coronary artery disease patient who in his own words had "99.9% blockage everywhere"  We featured Howard before in this post about heart attack and stem cell research in which he said "I had the procedure done and since then, I've just been getting better and better and better. I'm going to be 58-years-old in May and I'm on my way to being 35 again,"

6 months after the stem cell treatment, tests show that Lindeman's ejection fraction, a measure of the heart's pumping capacity has gone from 39% all the way to 62%!

Next, the article features Barbara McKean, a COPD lung disease patient who was moving around pulling an oxygen tank 24/7  but now no longer needs it thanks to the stem cell therapy by Dr. Grekos. 

Cam Calls Scam On Stem Cell Treatment

What does Cam Patterson, M.D., director of cardiology at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, N.C. have to say about this? 

"It's a scam," Dr. Patterson said. "I don't see any other way to characterize this."

"Keep in mind that the placebo effect is very powerful," Dr. Patterson said. "It can fool patients. It can fool other physicians, and it certainly doesn't surprise me at all that some people feel they've gotten better after they've invested an enormous amount of money, time and effort."

So, Lindeman's ejection fraction (a typical measurement for heart patients that the director of cardiology of UNC should be familiar with) has gone up from 39% to 62% and Cam calls it a placebo effect and scam??  And McKean who needed to pull an oxygen tank around with her and now no longer needs it and Cam calls it a placebo effect and scam? 

It is closed minds like Cam's that permeate throughout the medical establishment in the United States.  Cam closes his mind totally that this therapy can and does help people.  Are there unanswered questions about stem cell therapy? Definitely.  Is stem cell therapy a 100% cure? No.  Does it work all the time?  No. But we can say the same things about a "proven" angioplasty- which evidently wasn't helping Howard Lindeman.
However, there is enough evidence that adult stem cells can help dying patients like Lindeman and McKean, patients who didn't have the time for Patterson to declare that this is a "proven" treatment and had to do something and thus took educated risks. 

What a wonderful placebo effect!  Give me some of that placebo too.

One Doctor Is Convinced - More Needed

From the previous post on Barbara, the COPD patient:

Luckily, Barbara's doctor does not intentionally close his eyes to the obvious:

McKean's family physician, Dr. Robert Folsom, confirmed to CNN that she had been suffering for many years from an advanced state of COPD, an incurable lung disease. Folsom told CNN he was "quite incredulous" after seeing her condition improve.

Folsom, who said he has been McKean's family physician for many years, disputed any suggestion that her apparent recovery stemmed from a "placebo effect" -- an improvement sometimes seen in patients who are given an inert substance in clinical trials.

"I know about the placebo effect, and her improvement does not seem to be a result of that," he said.

More Doctors With Open Minds Needed

We need more doctors like Dr. Folsom who don't intentionally close their eyes when they see adult stem cells do the work that the drug companies' medicines can't. 

Posted: 11/7/2009 2:25:56 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: COPD, Lung, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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