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Bubble Boy Out of the Hospital Thanks To Adult Stem Cells!

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In July, I posted a story about Granton Bayless, the "bubble" baby suffering from severe combined immunodeficiency in Kansas City, who had just received a cord blood transplant that initially improved him that he was able to leave the ICU at the hospital.

Now, a couple months later, I am very happy to find out that the Repair (Adult) Stem Cells had helped Granton so much, that he is now out of the hospital!  It seems Granton isn't out of the woods yet, he and his family will remain in a sanitized apartment at the Ronald McDonald house for a couple of months to allow his immune cells to mature more, but it looks very promising.

Cord blood stem cells or a bone marrow transplant are believed to be the only cure for severe combined immunodeficiency.

Read on-

Despite the dreary gray weather, Thursday turned into one of the brightest days so far in the life of tiny Granton Bayless.

Eleven-month-old Granton rolled out Children's Mercy Hospital's front door in a bright blue wagon wearing the cowboy boots his parents bought months ago in hopes that this day would happen.

The Bolivar, Mo., infant was born with a rare condition severe combined immunodeficiency that prevents his body from producing enough T cells to fight off disease.

The condition often is referred to as the “bubble boy disease because its victims are so vulnerable to infectious diseases that some must live in protective bubbles. Experts estimate that it occurs once in every 500,000 births. The cure is either a bone-marrow or a cord-blood transplant.

What made Granton's recovery remarkable was how gravely ill he was when he underwent a cord-blood transplant June 10. At the time, the baby was on a ventilator fighting multiple infections.

As you may have suspected, his mother and father were thrilled:

“It's feels wonderful, Jenni Bayless said. “It feels awesome.

Click here to read this fantastic story

And you can read the Bayless family's blog about their son
Posted: 9/12/2008 4:28:15 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Bone, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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