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Phony Embryonic Stem Cell Scientist to Get Patent?

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That is what it looks like. All of you may remember Hwang Woo-suk, the South Korean scientist who claimed to be the first to be able to clone embryos. Hwang became an overnight sensation. He was the pride and joy of South Korea. The government even created a stamp with his picture on it. The mainstream media and the embryonic stem cell profiteers in the United States trumpeted it as proof that the U.S. was falling behind in embryonic stem cell research and called for more tax payer funded research. It later turned out to be a big fraud .

Well, he is back in the news again although he isn't getting nearly enough attention this time. It looks like Australia is going to grant him a patent on the (unsuccessful) process of cloning embryonic stem cells. Here is more from a Korean newspaper:

Australia is the only country so far to approve a patent for the cloning scientist Hwang Woo-suk based on a stem cell line at the center of the scandal that saw him fall from grace.

The Korea Intellectual Property Office said Wednesday that Hwang submitted patent application in Korea and several other countries since 2006, and Korea, Russia, Canada, China, New Zealand and the European Union rejected the application. SooAm Biotech Research, which is headed by Hwang, announced Tuesday that Australia granted the patent for technology for cloning human embryonic stem cells.

According to KIPO, the six countries rejected Hwang's application because he violated Korean bioethics regulations in the process of making the embryonic stem cells and because the results could not be duplicated.

“The patent offices in these countries accepted the judgment by the investigation committee at Seoul National University and Science magazine that no real cloned human stem cells existed, an KIPO official said. “We rejected the application on the same grounds.

I have to give Hwang credit. He does have a lot of nerve- applying for (and receiving) a patent for cloned human stem cells that don't exist and for which he was publicly disgraced.

With the patent, Hwang may be able to demand royalties from other stem cell researchers who try to clone embryos.  In other words, Hwang, can profit from his fraud.  This is truly amazing to me.

However, where are the quotes from embryonic stem cell researchers condemning Hwang? Where is the media coverage? Where is the outrage?  I want to hear from the International Society for Stem Cell Research and other organizations. Hwang is the poster boy for the embryonic stem cell fraud that is being perpetrated on the American public and for him to get away with something like this is ridiculous.
Posted: 9/26/2008 2:46:40 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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