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Proud Mom Says Adult Stem Cells Helped Her Child's Autism

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I first posted on how adult stem cell therapy had helped Matthew Faiella's autism back in June.  Now, about 3 months later, I wanted to check back in and see how Matthew, age 7 or 8,  and his loving parents were doing.

I really like their blog not only because it promotes the benefits of Repair (adult) Stem Cells, but because the blog conveys how much love the parents (Ruth and Daniel) have for their son.  Even though I am in my mid 70s, I can still find a soft spot in my heart for a loving family such as the Faiella family.

A short summary- the Faiella family have been to Costa Rica twice for adult stem cell therapy for their autistic son Matthew.  And they credit the adult stem cells (along with hyperbaric oxygen and cranial electrical stimulation) for helping improve Matthew's autism.

Here is the latest update on Matthew:
Since doing the first treatment with Adult Stem Cells, Matthew has been more interested in reading. Since the second treatment, he is much more proficient.

Before Adult Stem Cells....Matthew had immense trouble understanding, had a love/fear relationship with the water; due to his inability to swim.

After Adult Stem Cells....Matthew is beginning to understand, his receptive language improves daily. He taught himself how to swim just days after returning from Costa Rica and now doesn't fear swimming in the deep end of the pool.

Go take a look at their blog here, you will be happy you did!
Posted: 9/11/2008 4:07:32 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Autism, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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