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Stem Cell Therapy for Dogs!

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
It has been awhile since I posted a story about Repair Stem Cell therapy for dogs so I thought I would do so again. I want to get the word out as there are possibly thousands of dogs out there who could benefit from this.  No, I'm not expecting the dogs to read this blog :).  However, some dog owners may read this and get some good ideas- that adult stem cells are benefiting animals/humans right now!  This isn't the future.  It is now:

Kodiak, 10, has suffered from arthritis most of his life, but three months ago, he took a turn for the worse and couldn't get up. When his owners found out about pet stem cell therapy, they thought, "why not?"

Researchers near San Diego are hoping the contents in a test tube can help other dogs, like Kodiak, and revolutionize some types of pet care.

"It reduces the pain, increases range of motion, and ability to function more normally," said Bob Harman, Vet-Stem CEO.

"It really is just your own natural cells," said Harman. "All we do is speed it up, put more of them on the battlefield, quickly." -- I couldn't have said it better- DM

"Within a few days to a week, you could actually see... It was so fascinating," said Kodiak's owner, Terence Francis. "You could actually see the limbs tightening up."

Some vets are still waiting for more data, but more than 1,000 have already signed up to be certified in the procedure. The Vet-Stem lab work runs about $2,500 to $3,500. Kodiak's owners say it's worth it. "Now that he's, once again, got that pep in his step."

Click here to read the whole story
Posted: 9/2/2008 10:53:50 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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