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Stem Cells Work for Scleroderma!

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
Over 300,000 Americans suffer from scleroderma- usually it is confined to a autoimmune related skin disorder.  However, about 1/3 of scleroderma sufferers have systemic scleroderma, the most severe form which destroys interior organs- kidneys, lungs, etc.  and can eventually kill the patient.

For patients with systemic scleroderma, there is no cure.  However, unsurprisingly, it is adult stem cells leading the way in what possibly can be a cure for this disease.

2 years ago, Bari Martz was suffering from systemic scleroderma.  The systemic scleroderma was causing her to lose about 10% lung function per month.  She was given approximately 1 year to live.

Enter Adult Stem Cells ( or Repair Stem Cells as I like to call them)-

"There wasn't a choice," Martz, now 49, of Parkland, Fla. "If I died from it, well, at least I went out fighting."

From the beginning-

First Bari Martz's fingers turned blue. Then she started gasping for breath, and her joints stiffened so that she couldn't even open her hands. Doctors diagnosed scleroderma, part of an insidious family of diseases where the immune system attacks a patient's own body, sometimes enough to kill.

Worsening rapidly, the Florida woman took a gamble: Doctors stored stem cells from her blood and then wiped out her faulty immune system. Her reinfused stem cells seem to have let a healthy new immune system take root, stopping more damage and, nearly two years later, letting her lungs and joints heal enough for better function.

 For now, "I'm great," she says. Her lung function jumped and is still improving, she can flex her hands again, and can even climb stairs, if slowly. "I'm continuing to get better."

Bari Martz knows the power of Adult Stem Cell Therapy.  I hope stories like Bari's help spread the word- Repair (adult)  Stem Cells are helping people now.

Click here to read the whole story 
Posted: 9/24/2008 2:04:58 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Autoimmune, Lung, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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