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Meg's cerebral palsy journey

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Jason Casley describes how daughter Meg's cerebral palsy improved following world-leading stem-cell brain-surgery.

Would you consent to having your child's brain operated on, in the hope that it might help a particular condition, but with no guarantees?

Jason and Meg Casley

That was the very difficult question Freeburgh's Jason and Kate Casley had to grapple with in March 2010, when they took their 2-year-old daughter, Meg, for groundbreaking stem-cell surgery in Germany to help her cerebral palsy.

18 months on, and with Meg now 3-and-a-half, how has that surgery on Meg's brain changed her life?

"Immediately one of the big things we noticed was the spasticity across her shoulders reduced, so she was able to relax. The biggest thing, without a doubt, was her immune system. We used t be in and out of the local hospitals, it felt like every second week. Because if meg picked up anything, it went straight to a major infection. Following the treatment, we virtually went an entire winter season with only a couple of minor ailments."

However, with the risks involved, and no guarantee that the surgery would help Meg, Jason and Kate went through a change of heart more than once before making that final decision for Meg.

"Yes we did. And we sat down and we talked about it at length in the evenings to try and work out how we were going to do what we were going to do. Because let's face it, there is no magic bullet that's going to remove Meg's cerebral palsy. But if we can make little changes that help her develop from that point, so in later life she is able to maximise her potential, and her indepependence, and being able to do things for herself - anything - then it's worth doing."

Jason says the trip to Germany would not have been possible without the amazing local support and that he and Kate have been overwhelmed by the help they have received.

"The local community support was fantastic and we couldn't have achieved what we did without it."
Posted: 9/5/2011 9:32:31 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Brain, Cerebral Palsy, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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