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Cardiomyopathy Patient Declares He Could Do A Triathlon After Adult Stem Cell Treatment
March 6, 2010 by biotechconnection.com
Until November 2005,  Jason Ludwick’s life was dominated by what he could not do. He was in and out of hospital and living on a cocktail of expensive drugs to try and keep his failing heart functioning. Then, like hundreds of others he went to Thailand for adult stem cell therapy to get real help for heart disease.

Jason Ludwick then 33,now 37, from West Bloomfield, Michigan, counts himself a lucky man. Born with an atrial septal defect, by the time he was 15 he had a pacemaker; by 21 he was diagnosed as having cardiomyopathy and by 25 he had a defibrillator in place and an ejection fraction of just 8-10 percent. Heart failure dominated and restricted his life until he received adult stem cell therapy. Now he says that with training he could do a triathlon.

While his schoolmates ran and played sports, Jason’s life was dominated by his illness and his failing heart ensured he did not run or play any contact sports. He was in and out of hospital and living on a cocktail of expensive drugs. His kidneys bled, his liver swelled, he suffered from asthma and he found it difficult to throw off a common cold. Despite all this, Jason tried to live as normally as possible although his heart was steadily failing.

His mother searched for help after he was removed from a heart transplant list. He was then left only with medications, some of which had unpleasant side-effects and he felt constantly tired and depressed as he went back and forth to specialists having his medications reviewed. And then his mother read about adult stem cell therapy.

Just one month after his adult stem cell therapy, Jason knew his life was going to change, “My heart was beating better, more rhythmically, and I had more energy,” he said. “After six months I was up and flying, feeling 100 percent different. I could mow the lawns, take walks, ride a bike with my kids, lift weights – do whatever I liked,” he said. “I’m always on the go with our fifth child on the way and always busy as a full-time parent.”

Jason has always enjoyed a huge level of support from his family and friends, but is very happy to spend time advising other cardiomyopathy sufferers of the power of positive thinking. “Always try to be positive,” he counsels. “There is hope. Take care of your diet and help get the word out that adult stem cell therapy is worth getting done. It’s nothing like what you would have thought.”
Hundreds of people suffering from end-stage heart failure, cardiomyopathy or coronary heart disease, who have been amazed at the results of adult stem cells and the clinical outcomes. Those being told they are without any treatment options now have the choice of staying at home to await death or to join the 75-plus percent who will enjoy a longer life characterized by greater energy and far fewer symptoms.

Adult stem cell therapy is proving a lifeline to all those heart patients who are sick of being sick, or who do not wish their lives to be characterized by restricted activity, low energy, pain, cost and brevity. The trend will continue to grow as more and more people become aware that they cannot be harmed by a therapy that uses their own adult stem cells and that the procedures are straightforward, effective and performed in world-class hospitals by skilled, often eminent, heart specialists. Most encouraging clinical outcomes are being supported by research findings as well as by patient report. If Jason gets the time to train and does a triathlon, the world will sit up and take notice.

Posted: 3/12/2010 4:48:15 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
New Heart, New Love, New Son Courtesy of Adult Stem Cells In VICTORIES & SUCCESS STORIES on March 8, 2010 at 3:50 pm


New Heart, New Love, New Son Courtesy of Adult Stem Cells
Jon Bradshaw - March 8, 2010 

Ten years ago a Surfers Paradise manss life was dominated by heart disease and time was running out. Now he has been granted a new wife and baby son better health total happiness.
Peter Irwin from Surfers Paradise in Queensland, Australia, has much to be thankful for. Ten years ago he was depressed, ill and deeply unhappy. He suffered from both Dilated Cardiomyopathy and some Ischemic Heart Disease that was slowly but surely killing him. Told there was nothing more that could be done for him and with no hope of living beyond another two years he started to seek for someone or something that could give him better odds.
An internet search unearthed that adult stem cells can offer hope and help. Peter failed to get on to a clinical trial in his own country because he was too ill to meet their entry criteria and so he went to Bangkok in October 2005 thinking he had nothing to lose.

Within four months of a simple procedure at a Bangkok Heart Hospital Peter was feeling much better and far more optimistic. His cardiologist had to agree that on clinical tests his heart was performing far more efficiently. His life since then has continued to improve. He still has some health issues but they no longer dominate his life. The greatest improvement has been that he can enjoy a far better quality of life and has high expectations of a very positive future.
Adult stem cell therapy helped his heart strengthen, revascularize and repair and he made other dietary and lifestyle changes that he thinks have also benefited him. If you are beyond hope of treatment because of heart disease, all is not lost, he said. Almost every day research is being published that shows just how many seriously ill heart patients can be returned to a life they thought they had lost.

To cap off all his gains Peter and his new wife have just recently brought into the world a new son. “Stem cells made me reconsider my life. I now have the love and care of a new partner and a son whom I love more than I thought it possible to love. It is indeed a miracle and I am so grateful”, Peter said.
Looking at the family photographs he sent at the time of his son’s birth Peter looks the picture of health and happiness. One would never know that such a short time ago he faced a brief, painful, anxious, hopeless and debilitating future.
Jon Bradshaw writes constantly about the next to miraculous effects of adult stem cells. Theravitae’s Vescell adult stem cells the new frontier of regenerative medicine. They offer a return to a more active, longer and healthier life to patients who have heart disease or PAD. They are derived from the patient’s own blood so cannot be rejected by the body.

by biotechconnection.com
Posted: 3/10/2010 4:35:51 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
“A 42-year-old HIV patient with leukemia appears to have no detectable HIV in his blood and no symptoms after a stem cell transplant from a donor carrying a gene mutation that confers natural resistance to the virus that causes AIDS, according to a report published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine.”
The startling case of an AIDS patient who underwent a bone marrow transplant to treat leukemia is stirring new hope that gene-therapy strategies on the far edges of AIDS research might someday cure the disease.

The patient, a 42-year-old American living in Berlin, is still recovering from his leukemia therapy, but he appears to have won his battle with AIDS. Doctors have not been able to detect the virus in his blood for more than 600 days, despite his having ceased all conventional AIDS medication. Normally when a patient stops taking AIDS drugs, the virus stampedes through the body within weeks, or days.
Dr. Gero Hütter isn’t an AIDS specialist, but he ‘functionally cured’ a patient, who shows no sign of the disease.
“I was very surprised,” said the doctor, Gero Hütter.

The breakthrough appears to be that Dr. Hütter, a soft-spoken hematologist who isn’t an AIDS specialist, deliberately replaced the patient’s bone marrow cells with those from a donor who has a naturally occurring genetic mutation that renders his cells immune to almost all strains of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

Why does this sound familiar?
  1. The original article that got almost no coverage is from Wall Street Journal – Nov 2008http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122602394113507555.html?mod=googlenews_wsj#articleTabs%3Darticle
  2. This article was then posted here in Feb 2009http://repairstemcell.wordpress.com/2009/02/20/stem-cells-hiv-part-2-a-doctor-a-mutation-and-a-potential-cure-for-aids-wsjcom/
  3. The abstract of the case was posted in the New England Journal of Medicine in Feb 2009 – See abstract below
Good question….Perhaps because they have been ordered to not publish anything other than embryonic stem cell stories over the past 3 years or so? SCREW THE EMBRYOS, THEY’RE IRRELEVANT!

Some clarifications on the story:
  • There were no embryos involved in this.  Any time you see the words “treated” or “improved” or “recovered” associated with the words “stem cells”, assume it was from adult or repair stem cells until proven otherwise. http://repairstemcell.wordpress.com/stem-cells-for-newbies/
  • In this case, there were 80 compatible blood donors living in Germany and on the 61st sample tested, they found one with the “retrovirus resistant” mutation from both parents.
  • I’ve been told the procedure cost about $150k.
Long-Term Control of HIV by CCR5 Delta32/Delta32 Stem-Cell TransplantationSUMMARY
Infection with the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)requires the presence of a CD4 receptor and a chemokine receptor,principally chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5). Homozygosity for a32-bp deletion in the CCR5 allele provides resistance againstHIV-1 acquisition. We transplanted stem cells from a donor whowas homozygous for CCR5 delta32 in a patient with acute myeloidleukemia and HIV-1 infection. The patient remained without viralrebound 20 months after transplantation and discontinuationof antiretroviral therapy. This outcome demonstrates the criticalrole CCR5 plays in maintaining HIV-1 infection.

Posted: 3/8/2010 4:29:14 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
March 6, 2010

The quality and quantity of a doctor's Repair Stem Cell treatment created a unique response in a 5 year-old girl with brain damage, paralyzed since birth [her SC treatment was performed at a stem cell clinic very recently].

Three days after infusion of 40 million [umbilical and placenta] stem cells prepared by the doctor's lab, the parents of the child called stating that their little girl started crawling into cabinets, then walking into cabinets & closets, pulling at objects and wandering about in their home.

This is the first time [she's ever done any of this] since birth 5 years ago. This is so far the best results that this doctor and another treating stem cell doctor has seen in the dozens of children treated. [The huge improvements are attribute to] Great stem cell culture and expansion in quantity to 40 million. All of the treating doctor's stem cells are fresh, unfrozen stem cells expanded in an incubator.

Not only is there no freezing, there is no DMSO used (Dimethyl sulfoxide - a chemical added to the Repair Stem Cells to prevent damage during freezing). No chemicals at all.
Posted: 3/8/2010 4:18:45 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cells Saved Her Life From CIPD

Stem cell research using a patient's own stem cells has saved a woman from  chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIPD).  Jennifer Osman received a stem cell transplant in 2005 that has probably saved her life. 

CIPD is an inflammation of the nerves that leads to a loss of movement or sensation.  Jennifer had given up hope when by chance, she was watching TV and saw a report about a stem cell research program for multiple sclerosis at Northwestern University with Dr. Richard Burt.  The next day, Jennifer called Northwestern and learned they were starting a trial for chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, a disease similar to MS.  

Below, see Jennifer and her loving husband, Rick. 

Stem Cell Research Saved Jennifer From CIPD, Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy

From the stem cell news story:

The next day, she called Northwestern and learned hospital officials had been searching for qualified CIDP patients to enroll in a similar program.

"This was my first hope for life."


Her request for the experimental research treatment was initially turned down by her insurance company, but several letters from doctors and family members, as well as a financial breakdown of how the experimental program, though pricey, would still be less costly than a lifetime of the approved plasma treatments that weren't working, convinced her HMO to sign off on it.

"I was approved on my birthday," she said.

Though the hospital had been successful in treating MS patients this way, hers was the first such treatment for CIDP. No one knew what to expect.


In February 2005, the process of collecting stem cells began for Jennifer Osman's experimental treatment. Once doctors had gathered and frozen between 1 million and 2 million stem cells, they would knock out Jennifer's immune system and restart everything with the harvested and treated cells.

The harvesting complete, Jennifer was then blasted with high doses of chemotherapy for five days until her immune system was virtually wiped out.

Once Jennifer's blood count had been zapped, the treated stem cells were injected back into her body. It would take weeks for them to work their way into her bone marrow, creating more healthy cells and, in theory, overtaking the Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy that was attacking her peripheral nervous system.

The Power Of Adult Stem Cells- Americans Need It Now

Jennifer is now perfectly fine thanks to the power of adult stem cells.  While so many marvel at the "potential" of embryonic stem cells which are great at creating tumors, adult stem cells are now helping patients improve their quality of life.  Jennifer was lucky enough to qualify for a clinical trial, thousands of other Americans are not as lucky as the FDA has made it all, but impossible to get this stem cell treatment


Posted: 3/3/2010 2:46:22 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Man's Own Stem Cells Save His Crushed Leg From Amputation

A man's own stem cells have saved his crushed leg from amputation in England.  Andrew Kent, 53, of Kent has had his leg saved by adult stem cells after a huge boulder landed on it, shattering his bones in his leg.

After the accident, Andrew had 3 surgeries on his leg attempting to save it.  None of them worked.  His doctors told Andrew that he was facing amputation.

Andrew Kent, stem cell research saved his leg from amputation.

From the stem cell news story:

Surgeons told Mr Kent he could lose his leg unless they tried the new stem cell technique.

He said: “I was given two choices. I asked what the surgeon thought was best and he said he wanted to try the stem cells. I was the first in the country at that time.”

Orthopaedic surgeon Anan Shetty removed stem cells from bone marrow in Mr Kent’s hip. These were mixed with a new collagen gel called Cartifill to make a paste, which was smeared into the fractures.

They finally fixed his leg in a metal cage to gently press the bones together. The cage was finally removed six months after the procedure.

Mr Shetty said: “He’s really surprised us. This is an amazing technique. Mr Kent won’t be able to run for about a year, but after 18 months his bones will have healed completely. I’m sure he’ll be able to go back to rock climbing.”

Cartifill was invented by an orthopaedic surgeon from South Korea, Professor Seok Jung Kim, who has helped Mr Shetty pioneer a series of procedures. Prof Kim was present to watch the operation.

Cartifill has also been used in combination with stem cells to repair torn knee cartilage. The gel holds the stem cells against the bone, where they form a new layer of cartilage. Ten patients have been treated so far in Britain, with an 80 per cent success rate.

Cost is always a factor in medicine, but this technique only costs a few hundred pounds.
Prof Kim said: “Many people who have problems with knee injuries can now get effective, low-cost treatment.”

NHS Didn't Pay For It- Why? Because it works?

Don't look for Britain's own Obamacare- the NHS to pay for stem cell treatment, it actually helps people heal.  For more stem cell success stories regarding orthopedics, please see our stem cells for cartilage section

Posted: 2/27/2010 9:57:02 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

2 More Stem Cell Research Papers Show Adult Stem Cells Help Heart Disease

As if we needed more evidence that adult stem cells help heart disease, today, we have two more research studies that add to our already huge list. First, we have a research study coming out of Brazil, where doctors injected 8 angina patients with stem cells from the patient's own bone marrow. 

The research study in Brazil found that all 8 heart patients improved after having their own stem cells implanted into their myocardium.  Here is the full research study for the heart study:

The researchers found that the procedure benefitted all eight of the refractory angina patients in the study, all of whom had previously received surgical revascularization.

"The large fraction of monocytes in the ReACT formula appears to be related to the new blood vessel growth, or angiogenesis, that restores perfusion on the myocardial ischemic areas after the cell transplantation," said corresponding author Dr. Nelson Americo Hossne, Jr. of the Paulista School of Medicine, Federal University of Sao Paulo. "For our patients, angina symptom relief began as early as three months post-procedure with continuing improvement through the twelfth month and sustained improvement past 18 months. Symptom relief improved in all patients, suggesting that the effect is sustained, not transitory."

"This results in a substantial decrease in the quality of life for the refractory angina patient," added Prof. Enio Buffolo.

Bone marrow is a natural source of a broad spectrum of cytokines involved in controlling angiogenic and inflammatory processes. Bone marrow white blood cells therefore play an important role in the angiogenic mechanism, contributing to the revascularization of the heart.

Next, we have a study from China in which they showed that apelin, a newly described inotropic peptide, improves heart function following transplantation of stem cells from the patient's own bone marrow.  

From the stem cell news story:

Apelin helps heart function after bone marrow transplant

Apelin, a newly described inotropic peptide (related to the force of heart muscle contraction) with important cardiovascular regulatory properties, contributes to functional improvement in patients with severe heart failure after they have undergone implantation with bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMC). The study, carried out at the Navy General Hospital in Beijing, evaluated 40 patients with severe heart failure following myocardial infarction. Twenty patients were assigned to receive BMMC transplants and 20 received standard medication. Another 20 healthy patients were assigned as controls.

"Baseline levels of plasma apelin were significantly lower in all heart failure patients as compared to normal, healthy subjects," said corresponding author Dr. Lian Ru Gao. "However, in patients who underwent cell transplantation, apelin increased significantly from three to 21 days post-transplantation. This increase in apelin was also followed by significant improvement in cardiac function."

In patients who received standard treatment, there was no increase in apelin.

Ok-- I think this research study is saying that the stem cells somehow increase apelin which is responsible for helping increase heart function.

More Proof Needed?

Please feel free to peruse our Heart Disease section for more proof that adult stem cells are helping heart patients now.  Unfortunately, not in the United States except for clinical trials which are difficult to qualify for and you may get the placebo-- nice going FDA.
Posted: 2/27/2010 12:44:28 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Peripheral Artery Disease Helped By Adult Stem Cells

An 80 year old woman suffering from peripheral artery disease (PAD) has had her leg saved from amputation by her own stem cells.  The adult stem cells restored circulation in her right leg and in her words has "given me my life back."

Helen Thomas, 80, of Hastings, Michigan, already had a toe amputated due to peripheral artery disease which affects more than 10 million Americans. Her right leg was due to be next.  She asked her physician, Dr. Kenneth Merriman for an alternative.  Luckily, Dr. Merriman found one in a PAD study being conducted in nearby Ohio that used the patient's own adult stem cells for the treatment. 

Stem Cell Treatment Saves Leg From Amputation and PAD

From the stem cell success story:

The stem cells are injected into the leg, causing new blood vessels to grow.

A few days later, Thomas left for Grant Medical Center in Columbus, Ohio.

“It was a miracle,” she said this week. “I’m walking, and I wouldn’t be walking without the stem cells. I have my leg.”

“They saved my life. I told them they saved my life,” Thomas said.

By becoming part of the Ohio study conducted by Franz, Dr. Kaushal Shah and Dr. Thomas Hankins, she was one of 16 patients who underwent the procedure. Of those, 13 avoided major amputations, the researchers said.

“This technique sheds new light on stem-cell treatment and has the potential to become the gold standard for PAD,” Hankins said.

Franz, medical director of Grant Vascular and Vein Center, said: “We were pleasantly surprised by our results. ... This is cutting-edge technology that could benefit millions of Americans.” (It can only benefit millions of Americans if we actually USE the technology already available- Don)

Stem Cell Study Open to 16 out of 10 Million PAD Sufferers

Here is more information on the adult stem cell study for peripheral artery disease.  Once again we have a safe, simple treatment that is not a cure, but the benefits outweigh the almost zero risks.  And once again, it is not available to help Americans in the United States.  Helen Thomas was very lucky to get into this stem cell trial as well as save her leg.  Unfortunately, I don't tell the stories of PAD sufferers with critical limb ischemia  who didn't qualify, or who couldn't get into a tiny trial and most likely have lost their legs because the FDA doesn't allow this in the United States. 

Here is another woman who had her leg saved from critical limb ischemia by her own stem cells
Posted: 2/25/2010 5:39:30 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Eating Improves For Girl With Cerebral Palsy After Treatment With Stem Cells

A New Zealand girl with cerebral palsy and epilepsy traveled all the way to Mexico for stem cell treatment that has already improved her quality of life.  Jaide Pearson, 8, and her family went to Mexico for therapy using donated cord blood stem cells and is already seeing the benefits of the adult stem cells.

From the stem cell research success story:

Jayne Pearson said Jaide Pearson, 8, was more alert, happier and eating pots of dairy food and mashed baby food instead of relying completely on tube feeding.

Jaide is a blind quadriplegic with epilepsy and cerebral palsy. Her mother and grandparents raised about $40,000 to take her to a Tijuana clinic in Mexico five months ago, hoping for a miracle cure.

Ms Pearson said eating and sitting up in the back of the car with just a seatbelt were the most marked improvements since the trip to the Mexican clinic. "She is eating more every day and has put on weight. She also seems brighter, happier, is sleeping better, can hold her head up in her wheelchair and stares at things," Ms Pearson said.

Before the treatment, Jaide had to sit in a special car seat as she could not sit upright unaided.

The treatment involves inserting cells from umbilical cords of healthy new babies to the base of the patient's brain.

Her grandfather, Norm Pearson, said Jaide's improvement in eating was the most marked improvement he had noticed. "Her prime nourishment still comes from a tube but she now enjoys one meal a day. We used to try and feed her real food before but it was a real effort just getting her to open her mouth and get any food in. Now she eats a whole pot of dairy food, it is a big improvement," Mr Pearson said.

With the medical profession here only offering medication to help control Jaide's symptoms, Ms Pearson said she had to give the stem cell treatment a go.

New Zealand to Mexico For Therapy With Stem Cells

Yet another child with cerebral palsy helped by adult stem cells.  And this family had to travel all the way from New Zealand to Mexico for the treatment.  Why?  Because adult stem cell treatment isn't available in New Zealand. A harmless treatment that can only help and families are forced to travel thousands of miles for help that their own country won't provide. 

Other Cerebral Palsy Stem Cells Stories

Last week, we covered Mia Allen, a young Irish girl with cerebral palsy who had to travel to China for stem cell treatment using cord blood stem cells. And we also recently covered this girl with cerebral palsy who was helped by her own stem cells stored from her cord blood. 

Posted: 2/24/2010 12:38:42 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

SCI Treatment Using Own Stem Cells

2 Idaho cousins who suffered spinal cord injuries in separate accidents have improved after treatment using their own stem cells.  The adult stem cell therapy in Germany has given both of them quality of life improvements that has thrilled them to no end.

Harold (Bud) Poxleitner, of Cottonwood, and Robert Braucher, of Forest, Idaho both report after the stem cell treatment that:

  • Chronic pain has subsided and they both have more feelings in their legs
  • the treatment was worth the money and effort
  • they are both considering going for more treatment using their own stem cells
From the stem cell research story:

"It helped me quite a bit. It took the pain and dropped it down to about half of what it was," Poxleitner, 67, said. "And then my legs got real warm. They've never been warm for 40 years, and they just warmed up. Those stem cells must have gone in there and fixed my circulation or something. They're staying real warm now."

Braucher said his improvement may not be quite as pronounced, but is noticeable. "I had a lot of pain in my left leg and I don't have it anymore," he said. "And I'm getting more sensation in the bottom of my right foot. My muscle on my thigh, I can feel a little bit. Other than that, that's about it."

Poxleitner explained the bone marrow is extracted from the hip and stem cells, after being separated out, are injected back into the body as close to the spinal chord injury as possible. Poxleitner was injured in a 1968 logging accident, Braucher in a 2003 automobile accident. Both have been using wheelchairs since.

Just the reduction of pain for Poxleitner and virtual elimination for Braucher is well worth the cost of the trip and treatment, the men said. "I'll tell you what, I couldn't hardly get any sleep before," Braucher said. "Now I can sleep all night. It has made a lot of difference, just getting rid of that pain."


More SCI Stem Cell Research Success Stories

Other SCI patients have gone to Germany and have had some success with their own stem cells.   Justin McCray from Mississippi has improved as well after the stem cell treatment.


Posted: 2/21/2010 8:29:56 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

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