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Girl With Cerebral Palsy Helped By Stem Cell Research

The parents of a young girl with cerebral palsy (CP)are already reporting improvements in their daughter's quality of life after completing adult stem cell therapy in China.  Mia Allen, 2, completed 30 days of treatment and research recently using stem cells taken from donated cord blood.

Muscle Tone Improved From Stem Cells

The family from Seanaféistín in Costello, Ireland returned from China in December, 2009 after the therapy.  Since then, Mia's mother Barbara says " "I have noticed a marked improved in her since we came home. She is definitely seeing and hearing more and her muscle tone is definitely stronger."  

From the stem cell news story:

But yesterday her mother Barbara told The Connacht Tribune that their “little angel” is already enjoying improved sight and hearing as well as stronger muscle strength.

This is after eight stem cells treatment administered intra-venously at a hospital in the Quingdao region, where she was for five and a half weeks.

Barbara and Mia were joined by Mia’s father Seamus for the last week and the three of them returned home the day before Christmas Eve.

“The hospital and the staff were fantastic. They all loved Mia and even now if she hears Chinese music she smiles. And she loved the food there. The only set back was she developed an allergy to the milk there because it is not pasteurised but we soon got over that,” said Barbara, who was told when her daughter was born that she wouldn’t survive beyond the age of two, would never lift her head and would never smile.

Mia, who is diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, has defied the medics and is due to celebrate her third birthday this July.

Other Cerebral Palsy Stem Cell Research Success Stories

Plenty of other cerebral palsy patients have improved after stem cell treatment.  We have dozens of stem cell research success stories in our cerebral palsy section
Posted: 2/20/2010 3:53:34 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Multiple Sclerosis Patient Gets Life Back From Adult Stem Cells

Another multiple sclerosis (MS)patient from Canada is reporting improvements after adult stem cell treatment from Dr. Shimon Slavin in Israel.  Brent Davidson, from Cochrane, Alberta, Canada, says the adult stem cells which improved his quality of life "wasn’t cheap, but it was worth every penny.” 

Canadian MS Patients Must Leave Canada For Treatment

Davidson followed in the footsteps of fellow Canadians and multiple sclerosis patients  Louis Zylstra and Arndt Roehlig, who went to Dr. Slavin for the stem cell therapy using their own stem cells. 

Multiple Sclerosis Patient Improves From Stem Cell Implantation

Before the stem cells:
  • reduced cognitive functions
  • needed a cane to walk
  • daily fatigue and pain
After the stem cells were implanted:
  • Cognitive functions returned
  • No cane needed, now Davidson is running and playing tennis!
  • Davidson says "5% of the pain" there was before the treatment
From the stem cell news story:

“Five CC’s of clear liquid, which happened to be 49 million of my cleaned cells, were infused into my lower spine,” he said, adding the result was dramatic.

“My body went into a state of delirium, a sort of coma,” he said. “I didn’t know my wife and I forgot my children’s names.”

But that was temporary, and five days later he was released from the hospital, and six weeks after that his balance began to return and now he no longer needs a cane to walk. He’s able to run, ride his bike, and play tennis. Even his cognitive functions have returned.

“I have about five per cent of the pain I had before,” he said. “Every day there’s some improvement.”

Davidson added his doctors here are impressed.

Though stem cell research in Canada is progressing, the procedure is not readily available. The price tag for Davidson’s entire medical procedure was about $30,000 USD, not including travel and accommodation costs.

“It wasn’t cheap, but it was worth every penny,” he said.

Another Cochrane resident and MS patient travelled to a clinic in Germany for a similar procedure.

Kim Johnson’s results have not been as dramatic as Davidson’s, though her eyesight has improved and she does have more mobility.

“I’m so glad I did it,” she said. “Things are coming, but I’d hoped it would have been faster.”

Hoping Stem Cell Treatment Will Come To Canada Faster

Well, I wouldn't have to publicize Canadians MS patients going abroad if adult stem cell treatment was available in Canada. Unfortunately, this safe treatment is not. Therefore, Canadians must travel abroad and pay money out of their own pocket for treatment that actually helps them. I guess that "free" Canadian health care isn't so great if you actually have to use it.
Posted: 2/18/2010 1:06:38 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research Trial Gives Girl Improvement In Cerebral Palsy

The mother of a Tampa Bay girl says her daughter is 85% cured of her cerebral palsy following her participation in a stem cell research trial at Duke University.  The parents of Alyssa Dupuis call it a medical miracle following the implantation of adult stem cells saved from her cord blood at birth.

The treatment took place at a research trial at Duke University for children with cerebral palsy and also who have stored their cord blood at birth.  If you have not stored your child's cord blood, the FDA and Duke says you are out of luck and must seek therapy outside the United States. 

From the stem cell news story:

Call it mother's intuition, but years before she had banked Alyssa's umbilical cord blood at birth. “I said to my husband, I said ‘Hey, we may have a shot here to reverse what has happened to Alyssa.’” 

The stem cell infusion took only 15 minutes.  Back home, the family must report to researchers any changes every 3 months. “Her speech has exploded, unbelievable. She is about what I would consider 85 percent cured from CP. She can walk flatfooted with a leg brace."

The treatment cost about $10,000 - not covered by insurance because its still deemed experimental and the cost to recover and bank those stem cells is also in the thousands of dollars but Andrea says, “When it comes to your child, you'll pay anything."

Stem Cells Helping CP Now

Other patients who have been helped by the research stem cell trial at Duke are John Centrello, another lad with cerebral palsy.   Maia Friedlander, a girl who with her family traveled all the way from New Zealand.

Adult Stem Cells Not Available In United States

If you have not saved your child's cord blood and your child has cerebral palsy, you do have some options, but none involve treatment in the United States.  You may have to go for overseas stem cell treatment .  Costa Rica, China, Germany, Mexico, El Salvador are all other options where you can get your child stem cell therapy using either donated cord blood stem cells or your child's own stem cells taken from his bone marrow.

Posted: 2/11/2010 4:49:52 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research Helps Improve Dilated Cardiomyopathy Patient

A dilated cardiomyopathy patient who has battled congestive heart failure for over 10 year is reporting improvements in his ejection fraction following therapy using his own adult stem cells.  Les Nachman says his ejection fraction has gone up from 23% to 41% after 6 months following the stem cell research and treatment. 

From the stem cell news story:

Nachman feels much better, and says he expects his Ejection Fraction to rise even more when he is tested again in a few months.

“I’m thinking about dancing again and doing things I haven’t done,” Nachman said. “I stay in the office instead of leaving to take a nap. My life has taken on a whole new meaning, and I have a good feeling about this lasting.”

The Adult Stem Cell Process

Posted: 2/7/2010 2:51:00 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cells Helps Spinal Cord Injury Patient, but Michigan Court Does Not

A spinal cord injury (SCI) patient who improved after stem cell treatment in Portugal has lost a court decision in Michigan declaring that insurance did not have to pay for the therapy despite the success of it.  Kevin Krohn, who regained feelings in his lower body after the adult stem cells from his nose were implanted into his spinal cord, lost in the Michigan Court of Appeals when the judges reversed a jury decision earlier which had awarded Kevin $51,000 for the treatment and stem cell research which improved his quality of life. 

From the stem cell news article:

The panel reversed the jury verdict ordering Home-Owners Insurance Co. to pay a $51,400 claim by Krohn for an experimental stem cell procedure.

The case went to court after the insurance company denied the claim, arguing the procedure was not reasonable nor necessary. (Not necessary? What if they were in Kevin's unfortunate condition? -DM)

Krohn suffered a severe spinal injury in a 2001 traffic crash, leaving him with no feeling below his chest. A stem cell treatment in 2005 restored some nerve connections, giving Krohn control of his bowels and bladder and allowing some movement of his hips.

The fact the treatment was successful in improving Krohn’s condition is irrelevant, the panel ruled. The majority opinion stated the case should have been dismissed by the trial court for lack of evidence of the “scientific reliability” of the the surgery.

Before allowing the jury to decide the case, the opinion said, Lenawee County Circuit Judge Timothy Pickard should have required evidence the procedure had “gained general acceptance in the medical community.”

The procedure was done at a government hospital in Portugal’s capital of Lisbon by Dr. Carlos Lima.

A dissenting opinion by Judge Karen Fort Hood said the panel was overstepping its authority in ruling on the scientific reliability of the procedure when no hearing on that issue was held.

The insurance company did not challenge admission of the surgeon’s testimony, said Hood, so there was no opportunity at the trial level for Krohn to present evidence of scientific reliability. The Appeals Court panel erroneously made its own analysis based on a limited record, said Hood.

Michigan’s no-fault auto insurance statute does not require medical procedures to be approved by the federal Food & Drug Administration and performed in the United States, as the majority opinion indicates, she said.

Hood also rejected the insurance company’s argument that the Lenawee County jury’s decision would cause a flood of claims for experimental procedures.

The Fact The Treatment Was Successful Is Irrelevant?

"The fact the treatment was successful in improving Krohn's condition is irrelevant."   What a terrible statment that is.  I see a man in distress and doing what was best for him under the circumstances-- going to Dr. Carlos Lima for stem cells which improved his quality of life.  If he had left it up to the insurance company, he would NOT have anything now- no feeling in his bowels, no feelings in his legs, no movement at all in his hips. 

This is the problem with Obama's proposed healthcare reform and socialized medicine in general.  It takes the individual's personal choice or preference for medical treatment out of the equation.  If Kevin had left his fate up to a insurance commission or a "medical commission" appointed by the state,  he would not have any of the improvements in his quality of life that he has today thanks to the adult stem cell research.

Posted: 2/2/2010 11:58:02 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cells Help New York Girl See The Light

A young New York girl is already experiencing improvements in her septo-optic dysplasia following stem cell therapy in China.  London Call, 2, has improved her quality of life in various ways just after returning to New York from the adult stem cell treatment.  And the good thing is since she just completed the therapy, the stem cells may still have more potential to help her in the coming months.  

London Call Smiles After Stem Cells Helped Her Septo-Optic Dysplasia

Before The Adult Stem Cell Treatment

  • was in complete darkness, could not perceive any light
  • could not stand up on her own
  • difficulty speaking

After The Stem Cells Were Implanted

  • pupils dilated when a light hit them meaning London could see light.  
  • can stand up on her own for 15-20 seconds.  Can also pick herself off the ground if she falls, something she couldn't do before
  • now is using more words than before, her vocabulary expanding quickly
From the stem cell news story:


London was born with septo-optic dysplasia, a rare condition that caused her to be born without a septum pellucidum, which separates the ventricles of her brain. Her optic nerves are not large enough to send a message to the occipital lobe of her brain, causing her blindness.

When they found out about her condition, Call and her husband Brandon were told there was nothing to be done. Only later did they hear about experimental stem-cell treatments being done with umbilical cord stem cells (not embryonic ones) at a hospital in Qingdao, China.

After a massive, year-long fundraising effort in Saranac Lake and the surrounding communities, the family raised about $50,000 to pay for the treatments and were on their way.

Now That London Can See The Light, Why Can't The FDA?

Another case of it's a shame that the stem cell treatment is not available in the United States and this family had to raise money to receive the stem cells in a different country.  However, if this treatment was not available in China, London wouldn't have any options as the family was told "there is nothing that can be done".   

Luckily London's family didn't accept that and now London can see light.  I dream of the day when the US FDA sees the light too and makes adult stem cells available in the United States. 

Others With Septo-Optic Dysplasia Helped By Adult Stem Cells

London followed in the footsteps of other children like Scarlett Berkmire,  children with septo-optic dysplasia and optic nerve hypoplasia who have had a new world opened up by using adult stem cells.
Please check out more of our stem cell success stories for septo-optic dysplasia
Posted: 1/30/2010 9:36:38 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

American Dogs Can Use Stem Cell Treatment, Americans Can Not

While Americans must go overseas to be treated for heart disease, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries and arthritis using their own adult stem cells, at least American dogs can be given stem cell therapy in the United States. The treatment using the dogs own stem cells is helping the dogs recover from arthritis and various other ailments.

Adult Stem Cells Help With Arthritis

In 2008, Carol Ball had a springer spaniel named Joey who was suffering from arthritis.  Carol had already had another dog euthanized due to the pain of arthritis a couple of years earlier and did not want to lose another one to the same condition.  However, this time, her veterinarian was offering a stem cell treatment using adult stem cells taken from the dog's fat. 

Dog Smiling After Stem Cell Therapy For Arthritis

From the stem cell news story:

In the therapy, stem cells, which produce chemicals that reduce inflammation and pain, are extracted from the animal's own fatty tissue. The cells are then injected directly back into the arthritic joints, where they can develop or change into other cells necessary for repair.

Pets that receive the treatment typically find relief within a month or two, says Keith Clement, the veterinarian at Burnt Hills Veterinary Hospital who cared for Joey, but results have been observed as early as within three days of treatment.

Before the stem-cell therapy, Joey used to lag behind during walks. Since the treatments, Ball says 4-year-old Joey simply doesn't wear out and keeps busy roughhousing with her other dogs.

"He has had absolutely no problems," she says. "He's a very active dog. We do a lot of off-leash running and hiking together. His life is wonderful."

Although some countries use the same stem-cell therapies on humans to treat conditions such as arthritis, it has not received Food and Drug Administration approval for human use in the U.S.

Since April 2008, Clement has treated 45 to 50 dogs and one cat. All but five of the pets were treated for arthritis, he says, the most common application for the stem-cell procedure. Vet-Stem also approves experimental use of the treatments for issues such as liver disease and kidney disease.

About 85 percent of patients respond to treatment, Clement says, and it's unknown why it's ineffective in some animals.

The therapy has no side effects, Clement says. The only risks are those faced anytime an animal receives anesthesia, which is required for Clement to surgically remove the samples of fat from the patient's abdominal area before sending them to Vet-Stem.

For many pet owners, the treatment is worth the investment, Clement says. His own golden retriever, Buster, who suffers from severe hip dysplasia, had the treatment when he was 7 months old to slow and curb arthritic changes.

"If you have to put a dog to sleep because of chronic joint pain, it's horrible. To be able to offer something that will extend their life and their quality of life ... is a good thing," he says.

Can Americans Get A Better Quality of Life Too?

It is sad that this therapy isn't available to American people who suffer from arthritis and other conditions on a daily basis.  This treatment is available overseas, but the US FDA wants to "protect" us from receiving a better quality of life with little risk and no side effects and does not allow stem cell treatment in the USA. 
Posted: 1/30/2010 12:55:10 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Heart Attack Victim Improves Quality of Life

A heart disease patient is reporting that participation in a stem cell research trial in Arizona has improved his quality of life.  Thomas Lankford, an award winning journalist and heart attack victim, is able to lift up and play with his grandson again after adult stem cells were implanted into his heart muscle.

Stem Cell Research Study in Arizona

The research trial, taking place at Mercy Gilbert Medical Center in Arizona is run by Dr. Nabil Dib, a cardiologist who has been a believer in adult stem cells for many years.  Dr. Dib implanted the stem cells into the heart muscle of Lankford using a minimally invasive catheter with a special needle attached.  The procedure doesn't involve surgery and Lankford was awake the entire time of the stem cell procedure.

Dr. Nabil Dib, stem cell research doctor treating a heart disease patient

Before the stem cell treatment

  • Couldn't lift his 5 year old granddaughter
  • Couldn't work in his yard and garden
  • No energy, shortness of breath

After the stem cell therapy

  • Can pick up and hold his granddaughter
  • Used a chain saw, which "I couldn't even crank two months earlier," to saw downed trees into fire logs. I then split and placed the logs into stacks.
  • I can now walk miles without any shortness of breath or tightness in my chest. I can lift up the garage door in one motion, and easily lift and pour the five-gallons of gasoline into my farm tractor. I can walk up stairs without resting.
From the stem cell news story:

I am in the project's second of three phases. This one involves the injection of 75 million stem cells. Only 25 million cells were injected in each participant in Phase I, and 150 million cells are to be injected in Phase III.

The purpose of the study is to determine if the injection of special cells can help restore heart muscle function and to try and determine what number of cells is the magic number of cells needed.

I keep pinching myself to see if I am dreaming, or if this new-found energy is for real.

Ho Hum - More Lives SaveD By Stem Cells

This shouldn't come as a surprise as there are plenty of these stem cell research studies showing that adult stem cells are beneficial to heart disease patients.  There was this research study in Germany showing the benefits of stem cells and where I argued that there is so much evidence that adult stem cells help heart attack victims that it should be a crime of humanity NOT to give something that so obviously can help.    Also, there was this recent completed stem cell study in America that showed the same thing. 

While adult stem cells don't help every time, they give the heart attack patient the greatest hope and there are no side effects!  The worst thing that can happen is nothing.  If a doctor told me "Hey Don, there is a good chance these stem cells will make your quality of life better, but there is a chance they will do nothing."  I would say "Go ahead Doc, what have I got to lose?" 

Even Frank Drebin of Naked Gun Can Figure This Out. Why Can't the FDA?

You can see more than 50 stem cell success stories in our heart disease section if you need more evidence.  Evidently the FDA is not a reader of the Don Margolis Blog as thousands of heart disease patients are dying every year due to the fact that adult stem cells are not available to Americans except in limited clinical research trials.

Americans now are traveling abroad to countries where adult stem cells are used as they are forced to go due to the FDA who claim to "protect" patients from "unproven" treatments, but in reality are killing them. 
Posted: 1/24/2010 1:23:31 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research Helps SCI Patient Improve Quality of Life

A European woman who suffered a spinal cord injury says that stem cell research is working "miraculousy" after receiving the therapy in Russia.  The treatment used adult stem cells taken from her bone marrow.  Vlada Kravchenko, 18, of Malta who was paralyzed by a spinal cord injury when a lighting structure fell on her, says that the stem cell therapy has helped her to crawl and wants to return to Russia for more treatments in hopes for more improvement. 

Vlada Kravchenko Credits Stem Cells For Her Improvements

Vlada Kravchenko (above) moving around after stem cell treatment. 

From the stem cell news story:

Her mother said the recovery process had been miraculous, adding that her daughter had to train herself to walk like a child, starting from crawling and working her way up.

"We're going to have to do it all over again, but we will manage," she said.

Vlada was quick to add that the treatment does not work by itself. "You cannot sit down, watch TV, and expect to heal. I have to do exercises every day. Unfortunately, in Malta we don't have the kind of rehabilitation centres you find abroad - so I have to make do with what we have."

Besides the medical fees, there are several risks involved when her bone marrow cells are extracted and placed into her damaged spinal cord to stimulate nerve reconstruction. Some scientists have argued the stem cells can become cancerous.

"I wasn't a blind sheep. I asked the doctors questions about everything so I was absolutely informed. The risks are very minimal compared with the results I'm getting. Besides, with every type of treatment there will always be risks, but I would do it anyway," she said.

Remarkable Progress For SCI Patients UsING ADULT STEM CELLS

Vlada is in contact with an American girl who had a similar SCI injury.  The American girl is apparently on her 9th treatment and has made remarkable progress.  This is noteable as I always say that adult stem cell therapy is a treatment that helps improve the quality of life in patients.  It is rarely a cure. 

I think most patients realize this, but the media and research scientists create a strawman and say that these stem cell companies claim amazing cures.  However, any adult stem cell treatment associated with the Repair Stem Cell Institute do not promise cures, but they do promise a chance at a better quality of life with minimal risks. 

Patients like Justin McCray, another spinal cord injury patient, who has returned to school after stem cell treatment, know that the stem cells do not cure, but they do help.

Also, there are some research studies that show stem cells do help improve SCI injuries.  For example, there is this research study showing how stem cells help improve the quality of life in spinal cord injury patients.

Posted: 1/23/2010 2:12:24 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Repair Stem Cell Institute Helps MS Patient Find Treatment

Lindsay Butti, a multiple sclerosis patient is now receiving treatment using her own adult stem cells in Athens, Greece.  Lindsay, who contacted the Repair Stem Cell Institute for treatment information to begin the whole stem cell process, is documenting everything at her "Bindsanator" blog.   Lindsay states that she wants to "to publicize this procedure, regardless of my results, and offer an alternative to the endless medication, futility and heartbreak of MS." 

No Stem Cell Treatments In Canada - Canadians Must Go Overseas

Lindsay contacted the Repair Stem Cell Institute after reading about Arndt Roehlig, who followed in the footsteps of pro golfer Louise Zylstra, both Canadians who received stem cell treatment from the Repair Stem Cell Institute's Dr.Shimon Slavin, a stem cell research doctor.  Lindsay is a Canadian living in London so she didn't have to travel so far for the treatment that takes place in Israel and Athens, Greece.

Lindsay has set up "before treatment" benchmarks for her stem cell treatment so it will be easy for everybody to follow her progress after the therapy.  Remember, these are before treatment symptoms, Lindsay is getting this stem cell treatment right now (January 16th, 2010)  in Athens.

Benchmarks- Before Adult Stem Cells Implanted

Hearing – my right ear is normal, my left ear is not – I had a copy of my hearing tests somewhere, but they are not handy. Basically, I can hear quietly low frequency sounds (i.e. bass tones) ok but not high frequencies. And constant tinnitus – it is mild, sounds like constant radio static, often cracks and pops. It is not a bad as others may have it, like jets screaming overhead. Now, this happened in 2002, before anything was “wrong” with me, the doctors attributed it to Sudden Deafness Syndrome (SDS). No, because I was soon after diagnosed with MS, I am not so sure. It is an infrequent first sign of MS, but this SDS is so rare that I think it may be attributable to MS.

Eyesight –
This is bad in both eyes – peripheral vision in both eyes is fuzzy – it is worse in right eye, but bad in both. Sort of like looking through frosted glass. Distance eyesight is blurry and inaccurate. I cannot read a street sign from across the road, but from 1 or 2 metre away I can read it. I can get to about line 3 on the vision chart. I cannot watch movies with subtitles anymore. I am by no means blind but it is quite bad.

Balance –
standing on left foot, about 10-15 seconds. On right foot, about 3-5 seconds. My right 3 last toes, they have little feeling and can cross each other. I call my right foot “the clubfoot”, it has foot drop and can drag a lot. After about 10-15 minutes of walking, this gets really bad. All of my right shoes are scuffed up. If you have foot drop, you know how this is. I cannot wear any sort of heel (damn). I cannot walk one fort over the other for more than 2 paces.

Lindsay lists more benchmarks at her blog (see below) , including her goal of getting off her multiple sclerosis medications.   

Lindsay Butti - The Bindsanator

For more information about Lindsay Butti, MS patient receiving stem cell therapy with Dr. Shimon Slavin, please go visit her Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Blog. Lindsay says "this blog is to give others, especially MS sufferers, a play-by-play of my trying out a revolutionary stem cell treatment for this disability. It is not "proven" but has the potential to give us all a second chance. I will update as the whole journey progresses."

Also, you can visit the Repair Stem Cell Institute for more research and treatment information

Lindsay, I sincerely thank you for all your support. You are a brave woman and I hope the adult stem cells work their magic on you. Lindsay is going to be updating her blog with her progress- good or bad, so keep going there for her updates so you can do your own stem cell research for multiple sclerosis (MS). 
Posted: 1/18/2010 8:07:03 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

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