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Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
I've shown you readers a few stories showing that stem cell treatment can help cerebral palsy.  Check them out here .  Repair Stem Cell treatments for cerebral palsy are available in China, Germany, and Costa Rica.  One day soon, I hope the western world (the United States in particular) will take notice and make it available to all.

The young child's name is Thomas Bourke, and he has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy since he was 1 year old.  The Bourke family have done their research and they decided China was the best place to go for their son's stem cell treatment :

"We are excited at the possibilities and of engaging Thomas in therapy that aims to treat the cause, not just its symptoms," said his mother Linda Canning. "We hope that the treatments that he continues to access following his trip will only reap stronger results."

The family, who lives in the Jane and Annette streets area, decided to seek treatment for Bourke in China because stem cell therapy is not available in Canada or the United States. China, particularly Beike Biotech, the company that runs the operation at several Chinese hospitals, is considered a worldwide leader in providing safe and effective stem cell application for such conditions as spinal cord injury, muscular dystrophy, optic nerve hypoplasia and CP, said Canning.

"Many families I have spoken to, whose children have CP, have reported a wide range of restored function, including increased range of movement, muscle coordination, trunk control, balance and speech," she told The Villager.

The decision to seek this cutting-edge therapy was a long and arduous one, but in the end, Canning came to the conclusion that she wanted to provide her son as many opportunities for a better quality of life that she could.-- I commend her for this and think this is a great opportunity.  She did her research well- DM

Click here for the whole story
Posted: 9/10/2008 6:21:29 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
Repair Stem Cell Institute Chairman-  that's me- Don Margolis!  I was just interviewed by The Wall Street Transcript (TWST)about my views on adult stem cells (aka Repair Stem Cells) and embryonic stem cells and how they both fit (or in the case of embryonic stem cells, don't fit) in the scheme of things in the world of investment.

The full interview is only available to  TWST subscribers (Sorry, I gave them my word).  However, I can share our press release regarding this interview:

According to Mr. Margolis, stem cell research companies that store
umbilical cord blood cells for future use will have "the best shot at
making the first profits once the public becomes aware how well these stem
cells work." The RSCI Chairman is the founder of TheraVitae, the first stem
cell company
in the world to successfully treat dying heart patients with
Repair Stem Cells.

Update:  Early November 2008, Happily, I was wrong.  Osiris just received $130 million of what can potentially be 1.3 billion.

Among the other predictions Mr. Margolis made in this TWST financial
news interview were the following:

-- Wall Street has been discounting Embryonic Stem Cell (ESC) company
stocks from 2004 through this summer when these stocks hit new lows;

-- There are 2100 Adult Stem Cell clinical trials listed at
http://www.clinicaltrials.gov right now "for more diseases than I can count" said
Margolis, "and these clinical trials means two things: First, thousands and
thousands of human beings either have been treated, will be treated, or are
being treated in these clinical trials by the only stem cells with a chance
to improve their lives. Second, many powerful financial and investment
leaders are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to fund these trials.
They know that Repair Stem Cells are the future of medicine."

-- Margolis stated that "Embryonic Stem Cell (ESC) clinical trials are
somewhere in the distant future, waiting for someone to discover an ESC
which can be safely implanted into a human being." Six such attempts can be
found at http://www.clinicaltrials.gov, but no treatments are even being

I have more good stuff in the press release--

Click here to see the full press release on this fresh interview on stem cell profits

Posted: 9/9/2008 3:41:52 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
4 year old, Taja Harris, a  girl suffering from Leukemia could NOT find a matching donor for a possible bone marrow stem cell transplant that would save her life. Her mother, Jo Ann didn't have many options to save her, but she did have one-JoAnn decided to get pregnant to see if she can make a match with the resulting stem cells from the umbilical cord of her new child.

It worked! And it was a perfect match! Right after her brother's Adyn's birth, the cord blood which is rich in stem cells, was taken from the severed umbilical cord and later implanted into Taja in the first sibling cord blood transplant in Hawaiian history.

That was 3 years ago. Let's see how Taja is doing now:

Taja, now a healthy and happy 7-year-old, loves to run, tumble and play with her older sister and younger brother, now 2, whose blood DNA she shares.

"She is doing wonderfully," said Dr. Kelley Woodruff, pediatric hematologist oncologist. "There's still no evidence that the cancer has come back. ... She's a delight.

"I expect her to live until old age and healthy and cancer-free," said Woodruff, who performed the transplant.

"It was like a new life was born with the baby being born, and Taja was given new life," she recalled.

And here is a brief summary of how the stem cell treatment works:

Taja received high doses of chemotherapy, which killed off her own bone marrow and stem cells. When she was infused with the cord blood, the stem cells, like homing pigeons, went to the bone marrow and remained there to create new blood cells and will remain her whole life to keep propagating new blood cells. Now Taja shares her brother's blood DNA, even having XY cells because they are from a boy.

Jo Ann hopes that her family's story will encourage other women to donate cord blood. "For every one that's thrown out, that's a life that could have been saved," she said.

Click here to read the whole happy story
Posted: 9/8/2008 12:53:02 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
Three months ago, I wrote about two gentlemen who traveled to Costa Rica together to receive Repair Stem Cell treatment (aka adult stem cell treatment) for their multiple sclerosis. Richard and Preston were treated in late May, 2008.  Since then, I have followed their own blog and presented it to you on a monthly basis.  You can see my previous posts here on the remarkable progress these two have shown since their stem cell treatment .

This month from Preston:

Good Afternoon,

I am still feeling really well!!

The heat is not an issue nor is the medication ... oh yeah, that's right, I'm not taking any!!

I don't like appearing to be indecisive, but I have stopped taking the Avonex again. Unless I have an exacerbation, I don't plan on resuming this one.

A lady named Tracey Brinton, who co-chairs a local MS support group, just returned from Costa Rica. Her vision has become a more clear and she mowed her yard yesterday afternoon (at about 95 degree heat) without any issue.

If anyone has any questions, she can be reached at (817) 992-2049. (With Tracey, I hope I will now have one more patient helped with Repair Stem Cells to follow)

And now Richard and Preston seem to be taking golf lessons together- I love it!  - DM

Go check out their blog and wish them well
Posted: 9/5/2008 3:37:59 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
Last week, I brought you the story of Cameron Hardy, a 19 year old man stricken with leukemia. Cameron couldn't find the matching bone marrow donor he needed to save his life.  Therefore, his doctors had to find another option- cord blood stem cells. (Cameron was treated yesterday, I wish him all the best)

Before, a bone marrow transplant was the final option for these patients such as Cameron, patients who were suffering from life threatening ailments.

However, very recently, doctors are finding there is yet one more arrow in their quivers- a cord blood stem cell transplant.

Alishba Qamer's predicament is very similar to Cameron's. Alishba, only 9 months old, is suffering from osteopetrosis - a rare hereditary bone disorder that can be fatal and the only known cure is a bone marrow transplant (and now perhaps a cord blood stem cell transplant). Alishba's parents and community desperately searched for a matching donor, but none were found.  So again, very similar to Cameron's case, Alishba's doctors are turning to cord blood stem cells:

The healthy stem cells would be injected into Alishba and it is hoped they would replace the faulty cells that cause her illness.

Alishba's aunt Shaheena Salahuddin, aged 26, of Saltley, said: We had thought a bone marrow transplant was the only way forward.

We know we have to be realistic and be grateful for any chance.

Shaheena has now joined Alishba's parents, Javed and Shakeela, to launch a petition for a national umbilical cord blood bank. - a great idea, more chances to find a matching donor (bone marrow + cord blood) give these patients more chances to survive!- DM

Click here to read more about Alishba
Posted: 9/4/2008 7:28:42 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
I'm coming across more stories now that show that Repair Stem Cell treatments are working for Crohn's disease sufferers.  This is great news for these patients who suffer symptoms like diarrhea and continuous abdominal pain and cramps on an everyday basis.

Crohn's disease is what plagued Billy Tytaneck, 25, of St Catharines, Canada. Diagnosed with Crohn's at the age of 12, Billy had spent half his life battling the disease.  However, he was at the end of his rope and facing a complicated bowel removal surgery. But Billy had other ideas.  He had read of Repair Stem Cell treatment helping Crohn's disease in the United States, but it had never been done in Canada.  So Billy took it upon himself to seek out a Canadian doctor who had used Repair Stem Cells to treat Lupus and Multiple Sclerosis (but never Crohn's)- Dr. Harold Atkins, at The Ottawa Hospital.

Dr. Atkins agreed to Billy's request and Billy became the first Canadian to be treated with stem cell treatment for Crohn's disease.  How did that turn out?  Let's hear from Billy:

I'm much, much better easily 100 per cent improved from what I was last year, Tytaneck said Tuesday in a phone interview from his home in Collingwood.

"It's not perfect yet, but my symptoms are improving all the time, he said.

He recently began working as a mechanical engineer for a firm in Collingwood a job that would have been difficult for him to do prior to the transplant.

I can go out for a day and do anything without worrying about getting sick, he said.

It's a huge difference. I enjoy everything so much more.

Tytaneck is hopeful raising awareness about the procedure will make transplants more common for other Crohn's patients.

People don't even know it's an option. I want it to be an option for anyone who's facing surgery, he said.  - Billy's goal and my goal is very similar.  That is one of the reasons I formed the Repair Stem Cell Institute- I want Repair (Adult) Stem Cells to be a known option for all of those with very little or no options.- DM

Billy has formed his own stem cell transplant for Crohn's disease website to help attain that goal too.

Click here to read the full story
Posted: 9/3/2008 3:45:58 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
It has been awhile since I posted a story about Repair Stem Cell therapy for dogs so I thought I would do so again. I want to get the word out as there are possibly thousands of dogs out there who could benefit from this.  No, I'm not expecting the dogs to read this blog :).  However, some dog owners may read this and get some good ideas- that adult stem cells are benefiting animals/humans right now!  This isn't the future.  It is now:

Kodiak, 10, has suffered from arthritis most of his life, but three months ago, he took a turn for the worse and couldn't get up. When his owners found out about pet stem cell therapy, they thought, "why not?"

Researchers near San Diego are hoping the contents in a test tube can help other dogs, like Kodiak, and revolutionize some types of pet care.

"It reduces the pain, increases range of motion, and ability to function more normally," said Bob Harman, Vet-Stem CEO.

"It really is just your own natural cells," said Harman. "All we do is speed it up, put more of them on the battlefield, quickly." -- I couldn't have said it better- DM

"Within a few days to a week, you could actually see... It was so fascinating," said Kodiak's owner, Terence Francis. "You could actually see the limbs tightening up."

Some vets are still waiting for more data, but more than 1,000 have already signed up to be certified in the procedure. The Vet-Stem lab work runs about $2,500 to $3,500. Kodiak's owners say it's worth it. "Now that he's, once again, got that pep in his step."

Click here to read the whole story
Posted: 9/2/2008 10:53:50 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
I love these stories- an anonymous bone marrow (stem cell) donor generously registers his bone marrow (http://www.marrow.org) stem cells and then is called upon to save a life and then comes through for the patient. And later (usually years later) they meet for the first time

That is what happened in this case.  Larry Murdock of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania had registered his bone marrow and was notified that an anonymous leukemia patient from Israel was in need.  Mr. Murdock generously donated his stem cells and it turns out he saved Dahlia Schlesinger's life.

Last week, Dahlia and Larry met for the first time in a tearful "reunion" of sorts:

She came to visit him while she was in the states for a wedding. Now the blood siblings are inseparable.

"They're a nice second family for us," says Murdock. Schlesinger could only cry as they hugged.

"I saw an angel in front of me," she gasped with a thick accent. "And he looks so young, so healthy, beautiful. And I went to him and I hug him.

What a great moment! This is the reason why I keep telling you readers to register your bone marrow at www.marrow.org - you can save someone's life and the procedure isn't that difficult, the article describes it:

His part required some preparation, too -- first, shots for five days to boost the number of stem cells.

"Then he went through the aphoresis procedure," explains Sharon King of the Central Blood Bank, "where he had a needle in each arm, and his blood came out of one arm, circulated through the centrifugal machine, pulled out only the stem cells, and gave everything else back to him."

Read more about this happy story
Posted: 9/1/2008 4:09:10 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
Almost 4 weeks ago, I blogged about little Hailey Goranflo, 5, who went to China to receive Repair (Adult) Stem Cell treatment for her Batten Disease- a fatal, inherited disorder of the nervous system.  4 weeks ago, Hailey had received 40% of her stem cell therapy and had shown some improvement in her symptoms. Now, after her full Repair Stem Cell Treatment, she has shown incredible improvement! Don't tell Hailey's mother that Repair Stem Cells are "limited"! We now have another believer in Repair Stem Cells as well as a very happy mother:

Hailey, and her mom Miranda, have just returned from a seven week trip to China for the first round of treatment and all four members of the Goranflo family - Hailey, Miranda, Neil and Carter - are happy to finally be back under one roof.

"It was much more than we ever expected," said Miranda Goranflo.

She and Hailey returned home to Shepherdsville around 2:30 a.m. Thursday after seven weeks in Beijing, China.

"Going there, we weren't expecting very much. We didn't want to get our hopes up too high and be let down," said Miranda.

And they weren't. The Goranflo's say the decision to take Hailey to China to receive stem cell treatment that isn't available in the U.S. was the best one they could have made. (I agree- DM) They say Hailey's stronger and more alert. She's more relaxed and breathes better, without an oxygen machine. But the biggest improvement they have seen is the dramatic decrease in the number of seizures she now has.

"Before we left, she was having hundreds a day, so many that you couldn't even keep count. Now she has maybe 5, sometimes on a bad day she'll have ten seizures. It is an amazing improvement," says Miranda.

She says Hailey's treatment went beyond just stem cells. She had sessions with a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, daily massages and rigorous physical therapy.

"Now, when I play with her, sing to her, read to her she tries to vocalize to me. She just has a completely different facial expression her eyes just light up and just looks like she feels so much better," Miranda says.

AHHHH- A very happy story to run into the weekend!- DM

Click here to read the whole thing

Posted: 8/29/2008 5:13:19 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
Cameron Hardy is a 19 year old man living in Carson City, Nevada. Last year, he was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. Doctors say he needs a bone marrow (stem cell) transplant to save him.Unfortunately, they couldn't find a matching donor. This is the reason why I constantly implore my readers to register! register! register at http://www.marrow.org and maybe you will have the opportunity to save somebody's life. Despite all the success stories I show you here, there are many I can't tell you- the ones where a matching donor isn't found.  Therefore, the more people who register, the better chance these sick patients have.

Well, these days, bone marrow transplants aren't the only game in town. Now, we have cord blood stem cell transplants to work with too.  Since time was short, Cameron's doctors began searching cord blood registries.  Luckily, they have found a match, and now Cameron has a great chance to survive. The stem cell treatment is very similar to a bone marrow stem cell transplant-- if it goes according to plan-  the stem cells from the cord blood will survive in a patient's bone marrow and produce healthy white blood cells. Here is more:

Despite hundreds of people showing up for bone marrow testing on behalf of Cameron Hardy, no match was found. Now doctors have scheduled the Carson City 19-year-old for a cord blood transplant, his mother said Wednesday.

The transplant team (was) unable to locate a donor match for Cameron and were concerned at this point that timing was now their main focus. UCD began searching cord blood registries and came up with two that matched each other as well as being a good match for Cameron, Lynn wrote.

Lynn expressed her gratitude to the hundreds of people who showed up on June 22 to be tested for a bone marrow match for Cameron.

You all mean so much to us and we know you are all keeping your chins up with great faith and positive attitudes. Remember: Two Thumbs Up,as Cameron always says.

Click here to read the whole thing
Posted: 8/28/2008 4:38:20 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

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