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Going to China for Adult Stem Cell research and treatment
Not taking no for an answer, a California family is going to China for the stem cell research that should help improve their son's life. Gryphon Klomp, a 2 year old boy living in Visalia, California will travel to China in April, 2009 to receive treatment in the form of umbilical cord blood stem cells to treat his cerebral palsy.
Blocked by the US FDA for stem cell treatment:
He's been blocked by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration from receiving umbilical-cord stem-cell treatment for a combination of rare medical conditions, said his mother, Aleesha Klomp, a graduate of Golden West High School in Visalia."China is the world leader in the type of stem-cell treatment Gryphon needs," she said.Such treatment has yet to be approved by the FDA, but the Klomps, who live in Hanford, are in no mood to wait.From Jaundice to Kernicterus to Cerebral Palsy
Gryphon Klomp ran into difficulties 8 days into his life when his jaundice turned into kernicterus which in turn almost killed Gryphon. Gryphon was lucky to survive, but did suffer some brain damage and a form of cerebral palsy.
Community Helping Out For Cost of Stem Cell Therapy
The stem cell treatment and trip to China for the family will cost approximately $50,000, so the Klomps have held a series of fund raisers and with the help of the community have raised some of the money needed for the stem cell therapy in China.
80% Success Rate for Cerebral Palsy
Gryphon's mother states that the stem cell company in China has an 80% success rate of helping cerebral palsy patients and it is better done at an early age.
No stem cell research on offer in the United States
It is too bad that this family had to leave the country for the treatment. However, what did the US FDA have to offer as an alternative to improve Gryphon's condition? Any answers? I hear crickets.
I sincerely wish Gryphon the best on his stem cell treatment. It is already a story of triumph of what we can do when we come together. A family was in need and with the help of the community, may make their dreams come true. I hope to see updates of Gryphon's progress in the near future.
See the whole
stem cell article here If you want to help Gryphon, they have a website That Help Gryphon website is also useful for those of you out there looking to raise money for possible stem cell treatments overseas. They made cookies, had dinners etc. Don't give up. It can be done.
And for some success stories of patients with cerebral palsy, please see our
Cerebral Palsy Stem Cell section.
3/2/2009 1:08:33 PM by
Don Margolis | with
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In what seems to be a continuing trend, Americans are seeking out
stem cell research and treatment abroad because it isn't available in the United States. Chuck Melton, of Hoyleton, Illinois was the latest to leave the United States in search of the
stem cell treatment that would improve his quality of life. It worked so well that Chuck is trying to raise money to return to China for more Adult Stem Cells to treat his spinal cord injury.
Doing his own research on the treatment
Chuck who was paralyzed in a diving accident in 2002 went to China in January 2007 to try and improve his spinal cord injury. Chuck said "
I found out that China had been doing [stem cell treatment] for a number of years and experimenting with treatments and results. So I contacted [people in China] and talked to doctors and patients and got a lot of great feedback from it.”
His wife Kelly said "We decided to take a leap of faith and send him and see what happened.
We figured we didn’t have anything to lose.”
Before the stem cell treatment:
- Couldn't sweat to cool off his body, would pass out at high temperatures
- No feeling in his legs
- difficulty breathing, diminished lung function
- No control over his bladder
After the Adult Stem Cells were implanted:
- Started sweating after first injection of stem cells
- More feeling in his legs, can now feel hot and cold
- Easier breathing, stronger lungs
- More control over his bladder
Stem Cell Research using Adult Stem Cells Giving Hope
Chuck said “It’s been a big boost in morale. It’s all the more reason I want to go back to see what possibly could come out of that.”
“We’re hoping he can gain more bowel and bladder control and functions,” Kelly added. “We’re not looking for him to walk again per se, but if we can improve his quality of life and give him some independence, then it will be worth it.”
Going Back to China for more Stem Cell Therapy
As stated above, Chuck is trying to raise money so he can go back to China a second time and hopefully improve even more. Funny how we always hear that these stem cell therapies overseas are unproven and scams, but then I must ask once more why Chuck and his wife want him to go back again. Must be something good there- Adult Stem Cells
Chuck hopes stem cell treatment will be available to others like him here in this country.
“I think [lawmakers] are focusing on the wrong thing — on embryonic instead of umbilical cord,” he said. “I think they should seriously consider what China and others have done. I know there’s a lot of skepticism,
but they need to focus on the healing process and the problem itself, as opposed to trying to clone another person.”
Well said Chuck.
A raffle is being held for Chuck's benefit is being organized in which a high definition television, a laptop and other gifts are prizes. For more information, you can call 618-231-5558.
Read the whole
stem cell news article here
2/27/2009 5:08:36 PM by
Don Margolis | with
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treatment form or email me and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
In what seems to be a continuing trend, Americans are seeking out stem cell research and treatment abroad because it isn't available in the United States. Chuck Melton, of Hoyleton, Illinois was the latest to leave the United States in search of the stem cell treatment that would improve his quality of life. It worked so well that Chuck is trying to raise money to return to China for more Adult Stem Cells. Chuck who was paralyzed in a diving accident in 2002 went to China in January 2007 to try and improve his spinal cord injury. Chuck said "
I found out that China had been doing [stem cell treatment] for a number of years and experimenting with treatments and results. So I contacted [people in China] and talked to doctors and patients and got a lot of great feedback from it.” His wife Kelly said "We decided to take a leap of faith and send him and see what happened.
We figured we didn’t have anything to lose.”
Before the stem cell treatment:
- Couldn't sweat to cool off his body, would pass out at high temperatures
- No feeling in his legs
- difficulty breathing, diminished lung function
- No control over his bladder
After the Adult Stem Cells were implanted:
- Started sweating after first injection of stem cells
- More feeling in his legs, can now feel hot and cold
- Easier breathing, stronger lungs
- More control over his bladder
Stem Cell Research using Adult Stem Cells Giving Hope
Chuck said, “It’s been a big boost in morale. It’s all the more reason I want to go back to see what possibly could come out of that.”
2/27/2009 4:42:45 PM by
Don Margolis | with
Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our
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Hailey Goranflo, a 6 year old girl suffering from Batten Disease is now back in China a second time to receive cord blood stem cells (Adult Stem Cells) to try and help her condition even more. Her mother says the first trip to China to receive stem cell therapy saved her life.
Hailey went to China last year and according to this
stem cell news story here:
Before the stem cell treatment:
- Hailey was averaging 500 seizures per day
- Doctors said she wouldn't live much longer
After the Cord Blood Stem Cells were implanted in China:
- Hailey has 5 seizures per day
- Has reversed damage done and has gained 10 pounds
Hailey's mother Miranda says
“They saved her life. The doctors in China saved her life. We know that.”Strong words coming from the mother of a child. What did the doctors in the United States have to offer? Going back to China for more stem cell therapy
And for those of you who think it is a scam, they are back in China now for more stem cell therapy from Adult Stem Cells. To get fooled once by a so called "scam" is one thing, but to go back to China for more? The only logical explanation is that the Goranflos have deduced (correctly) the stem cell research and treatment is more advanced in China than it is in the United States. Dr. Mark Freedman, the doctor in
Canada doing a study to treat MS (in which one person died out of 18 patients) said previously that this same stem cell treatment center in China is "dangerous in the wrong hands,” he said. “The only reason these places could be in existence is to take people’s money and offer them something that’s unproven.”
It may be "unproven" in the New England Journal of Medicine, but to people like the Goranflos and thousands of others who have gone to China for
stem cell treatment, it is proven to them. And until this treatment is available in the United States, Americans (and others) like the Goranflos will have to keep going overseas to get the only treatment that can help.
2/25/2009 3:40:49 PM by
Don Margolis | with
Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our
treatment form or email me and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
Terrible accident causes Spinal Cord Injury
Michael Flounders, a 52 year old man from Fressingfield, England broke his neck and suffered a spinal cord injury in a bad accident 20 years ago and thought he would never be able to walk again. However, thanks to the wonders of Adult Stem Cell research and having his own Adult Stem Cells implanted into his spinal cord in Ecuador, he now has aspirations of walking.
Mr. Flounders read about a new stem cell treatment in Luis Vernaza hospital in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Dr. Luis Geffner had just completed an Adult Stem Cell research study of implanting the patient's own stem cells from their bone marrow back into the patient's spinal cord.
From the article:
He first heard about the pioneering procedures on a spinal injuries blog online.“It was really bizarre, as I was reading about it I knew it was what I had to do. The whole thing became a very spiritual experience for me,” he said. “It was really a step of faith to travel to a country 5,500 miles away where the doctors were saying they didn't know what they would find when they opened up my neck, it could just crumble and all collapse, but I knew it was the right thing for me to do.“You have to evaluate your whole life, the quality of life you have and think can I live with what I have now or do I take a chance to see if I could be a bit better?”In November 2007, Mr. Flounders decided to do it. He traveled to Ecuador for the stem cell therapy.
Before the stem cell treatment:
- hair stopped growing and his legs were white due to poor circulation
- no strength in his stomach and back muscles so his body would always flop and fold
- no feelings in his legs
After the Adult Stem Cells were implanted:
- hairs in his legs are growing and his legs have color due to better circulation
- can control his stomach and back muscles - no more flopping and folding, can control his upper body better
- every day has more and more feelings in his legs
New Hope from Adult Stem Cell Research
The 52-year-old from Fressingfield, received ground breaking stem cell therapy in Ecuador in November 2007 and since the treatment he has started to see major improvements.
“Since the stem cell implant I am making recovery. How long and how far it will go no-one can say because it is so new,” he said. “It could still take a number of years before the full effects of the operation are felt because nerves are very slow in healing.“It has broadened the horizons of my recovery; it has given me a sense of hope. Everyday things are changing; the feelings in my legs are becoming a lot more powerful.”Gamble on Adult Stem Cells Pays Dividends
The man took a chance on stem cell research using Adult Stem Cells, and it has paid off. I applaud him for having the courage to make a long journey to the unknown and having it seemingly pay off and wish him continued improvement. Mr. Flounders is an inspiration to me and hopefully to others as well.
Click here to read the
stem cell news about Mr. FloundersThe link seems to have been moved - This
stem cell link should work
2/24/2009 3:10:44 PM by
Don Margolis | with
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A Canadian Television station decided to do some stem cell research of their own recently. CTV Calgary did a two part series-a comparison of 2 different stem cell treatments using Adult Stem Cells to treat Multiple Sclerosis.
Part 1- Stem Cell Treatment for MS in Canada
In part one of the stem cell series, they took a look at a Canadian clinical Adult Stem Cell research study led by Dr. Mark Freedman at Ottawa General Hospital in which they first use chemotherapy to destroy the Multiple Sclerosis' patient's immune system and then implant the patient's own stem cells to create a new immune system and hopefully destroy the Multiple Sclerosis in the process.
The TV show focused on MS patient Jennifer Molson who they show is seemingly cured of her MS as they show her playing street hockey with her kids. On the other side of the coin, they also show a patient, John McCleary who died in the clinical study from the effects of the chemotherapy (before the stem cells were implanted).
Part 2- Stem Cell Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis in China
In part two of the series, they focus on two patients who have gone to China to receive Adult Stem Cells, but this time in the form of cord blood stem cells- stem cells taken from the umbilical cord blood of new born babies. The stem cells are administered through an IV as well as implanted into the spinal cord. This treatment does not require chemotherapy.
The first patient they showed was Margo Oliver of Prince Edward Island:
two months after coming home, she was able to get out of her wheelchair for the first time in two years and to walk, albeit with assistance. Oliver believes if she could afford more treatments, she'd be able to walk unassisted.
"Everyone that can afford it should go and the sooner you go, the better."
Then they follow another patient, Lee Buckry to China and film his stem cell treatment. Before Buckry went to China, he did his stem cell research and spoke with Multiple Sclerosis patients who had been there before him:
"To a tee, everyone has said, 'Go'. Not one person has even come close to regretting it," he said, referring to patients he has chatted with after finding them online.
Buckry just received his Adult Stem Cells recently and has seen slight improvement although the doctors said it would take up to two months for the stem cells to take effect.
Hypocrite Alert
And what has to be the most hypocritical statement so far of 2009, Dr. Freedman, the one in charge of the stem cell
study in Ottawa takes a shot at his foreign counterparts in stem cell research.
Dr. Freedman is concerned that patients are forking over large amounts of money for unproven treatments like this, especially when there is no follow-up care or monitoring when they get home.
"It's dangerous in the wrong hands," he said. "The only reason these places could be in existence is to take people's money and offer them something that's unproven."
That is ridiculous. A doctor who is doing an unproven therapy himself (in which one person died in a small 18 person study), says that stem cell therapy somewhere else is dangerous and offering something that's unproven? Isn't that what you are doing Dr. Freedman? And I'm fairly certain you aren't doing the $4 million dollar study for free. This study is funded by the MS Scientific Research Foundation, I'm guessing this is a mixture of grants from the Canadian government (taxpayers) and donations.
Adult Stem Cell Research- which treatment is best?
Now, which stem cell treatment for Multiple Sclerosis is better? Chemo and a patient's own stem cells or no chemo and cord blood stem cells? Which delivery method of the stem cells is best? Which type of Adult Stem Cells is better? A patient's own stem cells or cord blood stem cells? I don't know the answer to those questions. Probably nobody does at this point. But it is good to have this debate. At the very least, it is good in that it gives MS patients a couple of options.
Now, let's take it a step further, imagine if they had 30 more options, what if Adult Stem Cells (already proven safe in hundreds of clinical trials) were available in the United States and Canada? Multiple Sclerosis patients would have to pick and choose which hospital and therapy offered the best chance of success. Very quickly, the effective Adult stem cell treatments and doctors would be pinpointed by the market (the patients) and just like that, the ineffective stem cell treatment hospitals would fall by the wayside. Either they would lose money and close shop or as in any competition, they would strive to invent a better Adult Stem Cell therapy which is better for all of us. Another benefit would be hospitals would strive to compete on price, thus lowering the costs for each patient.
Look at Lee Buckry's comment that every single person he spoke with who had previously had the stem cell therapy in China said "GO" - as in go to China and get the stem cells. Something must be good about it since Beike Biotech, the company in China has been helping people since 2001.
What do you think? This should make a good debate and I look forward to your comments.
UPDATE: Betty Helm, another MS patient who went to China read this post and wanted to give her opinion-
I am one of the ones who have MS and went to China for Beike Biotech's stem cell therapy. I got my life back. It's the best decision I ever made in my life. You can see my progress during the therapy by going to Betty's MS Blog on
As long as stem cells are governed by politics in this country, patients have no hope except to look elsewhere for treatment. I did and I have no regrets. I felt this issue would not be resolved in my lifetime and I don't have the patience to wait. It's a shame that people in this country - supposedly the best healthcare in the world - are left to suffer and die. All I can say -- there is hope -just not here.
Click here to see the
stem cell video by CTV Calgary and then weigh in on this in the comment section.
2/23/2009 7:47:16 AM by
Don Margolis | with
Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our
treatment form or email me and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
In yet another advance in Adult Stem Cell research, doctors in Barcelona, Spain are now curing Crohn's Disease patients with stem cell therapy using the patient's own stem cells.
Crohn's Disease affects approximately 600,000 Americans and millions more worldwide. It is an irritable bowel disease in which the patients suffer from cramps, diarrhea, and continuous abdominal pain. In many cases, Crohn's Disease sufferers have a diminished quality of life due to the crippling symptoms. For Crohn's Disease patients, there are almost no treatment options, most are not effective.
At the Hospital Clinic, in Barcelona, Dr. Julián Panés and Dr. Elena Ricart are now treating Crohn's patients with Adult Stem Cells taken from the patient's bone marrow. They are reporting that they have treated 6 patients- 3 successfully and 3 others are still being treated. From
the press release:
- Hospital Clínic de Barcelona is one of the few hospitals in the world to instate cellular therapy using autologous stem-cell transplantation. In the US, the stem cell treatment has been tested on 12 patients with severe Crohn's disease, of whom 11 have had very good results; in Italy, the treatment has been applied to 4 patients, 3 of whom are also showing excellent progress following the transplant. As Hospital Clínic, 6 patients with Crohn's disease are already included in the process and, following the international examples, increasing numbers of patients are expected to choose this option to treat the disease in a state that was, to date, practically untreatable.
To summarize that:
- 11 of 12 Crohn's Disease patients in the USA who underwent the stem cell therapy had very good results. That is almost 92%!!!
- 3 of 4 patients in Italy who received this stem cell treatment had excellent results. That is 75%.
- If we put them both together, 14 of 16 had great results from the Adult Stem Cells-- that is 87.5%Can we call the stem cells a cure yet???
6 Steps:
Here are the 6 steps in the Crohn's Disease Stem Cell Treatment process at Hospital Clinic in Barcelona. I imagine it is similar to stem cell transplants elsewhere for Crohn's. :
- Initial Chemotherapy (Cyclophosphamide + G-CSF). In this initial phase, leukopenia or reduction of the number of leukocytes (immune-system cells) in the blood is induced in the patient.
- Migration of Stem-Cells to the Blood. Following the previous immunosuppression, the organism reacts by releasing stem cells from the bone marrow into the blood; these are the cells which will later be used for the transplant.
- Collection of Stem Cells by means of Apheresis. Apheresis is a technique that separates components of the blood. Here, the stem cells that previously migrated from the bone marrow are separated.
- Cryopreservation of Stem Cells. When the stem cells have been collected by apheresis, they are frozen and preserved until ready for transplant.
- Second Chemotherapy. In this phase, total leukopenia is induced; that is, the immune system is left devoid of leukocytes, ready to be reset with the stem-cell transplant.
- Autologous Stem-Cell Transplant. The patient receives the transplant by means of transfusion with his or her own stem cells. The immune system is reset, leading to remission or reduction of the abnormal inflammatory process of Crohn's disease.
Additional Info:
I previously covered
Billy Tytaneck in Canada who was facing surgery from Crohn's Disease and went through this stem cell process. It was a great success story!
I also covered a
clinical trial using stem cells to treat Crohn's Disease in Topeka, Kansas.
Clinical trials testing stem cells for Crohn's in the United States
And I can't find anything in the archives, but according to my now forgetful 74 year old memory, Dr. Richard Burt at Northwestern University has previously treated Crohn's Disease patients with their own stem cells too.
2/20/2009 9:04:57 AM by
Don Margolis | with
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Three (3) Multiple Sclerosis patients from Texas have successfully been helped by
stem cell research using
Adult Stem Cells. Angie Adcox, Joey Quinn, and Juli Balli all traveled to Costa Rica recently for the stem cell treatment and unsurprisingly, all three have seen miraculous improvements in their quality of life.
Angie Adcox went to Costa Rica to receive
cord blood stem cells to treat her Multiple Sclerosis in September, 2008. Her MS had progressed to the point where she said-
"I'm going to go try this," she said. "If not, who's to say where I'm going to be in another six months? In a home somewhere?"
These days, Angie has a lot more energy and can be seen at the local rink--
In her blog, Angie says:
"I have been amazed at my energy level! I have much more energy than I did before I went to Costa Rica. I have just been feeling good the last few weeks."
Joey Quinn also went to receive the stem cell treatment in Costa Rica. Multiple Sclerosis had forced him into a wheelchair:
"After the third shot that I had with the stem cells, I threw my cane away," he said. "I got rid of that, didn't need that no more."
Juli Balli also received the cord blood stem cells approximately 4 months ago:
Julie Balli doesn't know precise details of the treatment she got four months ago. What she does know is she can wear high heels and stand up without help for the first time in years.
These three patients all have followed in the footsteps of
Preston Walker and Richard Humphries who were the first to go to Costa Rica to receive Adult Stem Cells from umbilical cord blood.
Interestingly enough, the reporter for this article tried to get doctors/specialists to talk about this stem cell treatment:
They all refused, saying it's unproven, potentially dangerous, and could give patients false hope. MS societies warn against it.
Could give patients false hope? These specialists would rather watch MS patients deteriorate more and more rather than "give false hope"? There are very few things in life that are a 100% sure thing, but now with Adult Stem Cells in the form of cord blood stem cells and autologous stem cells (stem cells taken from the patient, usually from the bone marrow or peripheral blood), Multiple Sclerosis patients have another weapon (very safe) to fight this disease. Why not use it?
You can read the
full stem cell article here along with a stem cell video that I couldn't get to play
And I would also like to address the big story in the news today of the
Israeli boy who got tumors after receiving Fetal stem cells to try to treat his Ataxia. These fetal stem cells are very different than cord blood stem cells.
Fetal Stem Cells are stem cells taken from aborted
fetuses. For example, when a young woman has an abortion after being pregnant for three months, the stem cells are then extracted from the aborted
fetus. These are fetal stem cells and are what caused the tumor in the Israeli boy with Ataxia. These fetal stem cells are widely available in Eastern Europe and Russia (where the boy was treated).
The cord blood stem cells are different! These stem cells are taken from the umbilical cord blood of new born babies ie. when you cut the umbilical cord separating the newborn from his/her mother. There is nothing controversial about these Adult Stem Cells and are used in a vast array of stem cell treatments including Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy and dozens of other diseases and conditions. They are considered very safe and are not to be confused with Fetal stem cells.
A Special Note: We are quickly building up a nice cache of stories and videos of patients who have Multiple Sclerosis and have been helped by Adult Stem Cell research. If you or someone you know has MS, you may want to take a quick peek at our
Multiple Sclerosis Archives.
2/19/2009 7:17:31 AM by
Don Margolis | with
Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our
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Macie Morse, a 16 year old from Colorado, has made dramatic improvement in her eyesight after receiving Adult Stem Cells taken from cord blood to treat her Optic Nerve Hypoplasia. In yet another victory for stem cell research, Macie now has her driving learner's permit after being almost totally blind before the stem cell therapy.
Macie before stem cells:
- 20/4000 vision in one eye and in the other eye she only had light perception- she could only make out light
- Could only watch TV with her nose pressed against the glass
Macie after stem cells:
- 20/80 vision in one eye and the other is 20/400+
- Driving her family's van and enjoying her new driving permit
Now after the Adult Stem Cell research has helped her, Macie is realizing her dreams:
“I’ve always wondered what it would be like to lay on the couch and watch TV,” she said. “It looked so comfortable.”“I always wondered what it would be like to see my friends,” she said.Macie was treated with Adult Stem Cells taken from umbilical cord blood (not Embryonic stem cells) by Beike Biotech in China. Macie joins our " Optic Nerve Hypoplasia Club" with others who have made similar improvements from this stem cell research. Others such as
Cody Fend,
Cameron Petersen, Lydia Black,
Lydia Olmsted and Rylea Barlett,
Savannah Watring,
Xavier Carballo, and
Connor Corkern all have made great strides since receiving cord blood stem cells for their Optic Nerve Hypoplasia and Septo-Optic Dysplasia in China.
For more information about this stem cell treatment, you can contact Beike Biotech's Medical Director Dr. Kara Zhang directly at
dr.zhang@beikebiotech.comClick here to see the
full article
2/18/2009 9:15:23 AM by
Don Margolis | with
Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our
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Due to advances in Adult Stem Cell research, Dr. Dennis Turner was helped by his own stem cells to treat his Parkinson's Disease. Treated by Dr. Michael Levesque of NeuroGeneration, in 1999, Dr. Turner's "
motor scales improved by over 80% for at least 36 months."
While the case of Dr. Dennis Turner has been well known for a long period of time, this is significant to some in that it finally appeared in a peer reviewed study published in a medical journal-
Bentham Open Stem Cell Journal. Michael J Fox, are you reading this? A man suffering from Parkinson's was helped by his own Adult Stem Cells. There are also other patients like
Penny Thomas who have been helped with their Parkinson's due to Adult Stem Cells outside of the United States.
From the
press release:
Our paper describes how we were able to isolate patient-derived neural stem cells, multiply them in vitro and ultimately differentiate them to produce mature neurons before they are reintroduced into the brain's basal ganglia. This is performed without the patient requiring immunosuppressants.Scientists at NeuroGeneration are planning a larger prospective clinical trial for Parkinson's disease. "It's our hope that this trial will result in the launch of a cost-effective and lasting therapies for the millions of patients suffering from debilitating neurodegenerative disorders," concludes Levesque.I also found a
full transcript of when Dennis Turner testified in front of Congress in 2004 about how Adult Stem Cells helped him. Here is what Dennis said about his stem cell treatment for Parkinson's:
However, since this cell-replacement approach had never been tried in a human patient we hoped for the best. And since my only other realistic alternative was to continue growing worse until I eventually died, I decided to have the surgical procedures in 1999, one to remove the tissue and another to inject the cells. I was awake for both procedures, under local anesthesia. Soon after having the cells injected my Parkinson’s symptoms began to improve. My trembling grew less and less, until to all appearances it was gone, only slightly reappearing if I became upset. Dr. Levesque had me tested by a Neurologist, who said he wouldn’t have known I had Parkinson’s if he had met me on the street. I was once again able to use my right hand and arm normally, enjoying activities that I given up hope of ever doing.
Since being diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease my condition had slowly, but continuously worsened. I can’t say with certainty what my condition would have become if Dr. Levesque had not used my own adult stem cells to treat me. But I have no doubt that because of this treatment I’ve enjoyed five years of quality life that I feared had passed me by.
Last year, after four years of being virtually symptom free, my Parkinson’s symptoms began reappearing in my body’s left side. Today I have various degrees of trembling in both hands, although I feel that the left is slightly worse. Nevertheless, I wouldn’t hesitate for a second to have Dr. Levesque use my adult stem cells to treat me a second time, since in my case they were safe, effective, and involved no risk of rejection.
It looks like Dr. Levesque and NeuroGeneration are going to begin a Phase II study to test the efficacy of his technique using the patient's own stem cells in Parkinson's in Los Angeles.
Heather Larrabee

Stem Cell Research- Dennis Turner received his own stem cells for his Parkinson's Disease
Hat tip:
Dr. Wesley Smith
2/17/2009 9:32:33 AM by
Don Margolis | with