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Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Advances in Stem Cell Research for the Heart

The doctors had given Aaron Cathcart, a Louisiana native about a year to live. Suffering from congestive heart failure after a major heart attack, Aaron was told he was going to be yet another victim of heart disease. However, thanks to the wonders of Adult Stem Cell research, Aaron is not just living, he is "thriving" after having his own Adult Stem Cells injected back into his heart.

On June 26th, 2008, Aaron Cathcart was injected with stem cells taken from his own bone marrow and into his heart muscle in Covington, Louisiana in a clinical trial using Adult Stem Cell treatment.

Before the Adult Stem Cells

  • Ejection Fraction of 20%

  • Couldn't walk 200 feet without pain

  • Couldn't go outside if lower than 50 degrees because the cold weather would strain his heart

After the Stem Cells Were Injected into his Heart Muscle

  • Ejection Fraction of 41%- 6 months later

  • Can now take his dog for nice walks

  • the "non-functioning part of his heart that had received the adult-stem-cell injections was beating again"

Given His Life Back

Aaron now feels like he has been given his life back and his new goal is to let others know about this procedure that has saved his life and to "clear up any misconceptions there might be about adult-stem-cell research."

He also said “Everyone’s body has them (adult stem cells), and if you increase them in concentration, they can repair your body much better than normal,”

Adult Stem Cells Aren't Rocket Science

Once again, Aaron is correct, this isn't some special rocket science or splitting an atom, it is common sense.  In essence, your own stem cells are already there to repair damage to the body, let the body heal itself.  However, sometimes, there aren't enough of these stem cells to do that.  Therefore, these doctors/researchers are multiplying the amount of stem cells and then putting them into the area that needs repair- in Aaron's case it was the heart, and then they let the body's own repair mechanisms (the adult stem cells)  do what they are "born to do"- no controversy, no ethical concerns, a 3rd grader can understand this---  so why isn't it available in the United States?

FDA Regulates Adult Stem Cell Therapy Like a New Drug

Aaron was one of the lucky ones to qualify for a clinical trial, but while these clinical trials are going on, thousands of lives are being lost because in the United States, adult stem cells aren't available due to FDA regulations-  regulations that treat a person's own stem cells just like a new drug from Pfizer or Merkk- meaning 7-10 years until approval.  Until the FDA changes these archaic rules, Americans will suffer needlessly.  I'm at a loss at what to do to change this. Anyone have any ideas?

More Stem Cell Treatment Information

Here is the original stem cell article with Aaron Cathcart

That same article lists contact information for this particular heart disease trial

Also, for more information on heart disease patients helped by stem cell treatment
Posted: 3/16/2009 1:32:54 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Problems with Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Today, I have a press release that our Repair Stem Cell Institute has just put out. In it, we address the problems associated with Embryonic Stem Cell research and describe how Adult Stem Cell research is already giving people better quality of lives through stem cell treatment. Here it is in full:

The Chairman of the Repair Stem Cell Institute (That is me- Don Margolis) says the viability of Embryonic Stem Cells is an Illusion. Repair (Adult) Stem Cells have swept to such a large lead in diseases being treated all over the world, that it will be impossible for embryonic stem cell research, with all the insurmountable problems, to catch up -- ever.

The Illusion of Embryonic Stem Cells

Don Margolis, the retired founder of the world's first adult stem cell treatment company and chairman of the Repair Stem Cell Institute (RSCI), today issued a statement from RSCI headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand, in response to President Obama's reversal of current U.S. policy on stem cell research. In it, Margolis said that "Science itself will destroy the illusion of the viability of embryonic stem cells."

Adult Stem Cells- Already Successfully Helping People

Adult Stem Cells have already been proven to safely treat and improve the quality of life for thousands of patients, with successful treatments for multiple sclerosis, heart conditions, optic nerve disorders, diabetes and 100+ other treatable conditions.

Margolis went on to explain "There are six reasons why Embryonic Stem Cells will never make it out of the lab and into the bodies of sick Americans."

Here are the six reasons why Embryonic Stem Cell research is not needed:

  1. There is no need for still-useless embryonics. "We already have Repair (Adult) Stem Cells, the most powerful medicine the world has ever seen, capable now of improving the quality of life of millions of patients; something embryonics will never even approach, let alone reach.

  2. No scientist in the world, not just America, has a clue on how to stop the inevitable cancer threat of Embryonic stem cells.

  3. Our bodies are built to destroy invading enemies. Embryonic stem cells  are so perceived by the human immune system and always will be.

  4. California, with $275 million of stem cell funding to give away last spring, could not find one embryonic scientist in the state who was worthy of two cents worth of funding.

  5. There are many ways of creating "embryonic-like" stem cells good for lab research, by using what The Institute heartily endorses, adult cells.

  6. Economics: there is no way anyone can make money from the disaster known as embryonics. Just ask those who tried to cash in on the Geron hype a few weeks ago."

Diseases Treated by Adult Stem Cells

If a loved one suffers from something "incurable," check out our list of highly-honored doctors and the 100+ diseases they are treating in 2009, NOT 2025."  You can find that diseases treated list here.

Mr. Margolis concluded: "For a full explanation of each of these six points, read 'The Grim Fairy Tale' on our website.

About the Repair Stem Cell Institute (RSCI): The Repair Stem Cell Institute's mission is to educate and inform everyone about the rapid advances being made in Repair Stem Cell research, so all can intelligently exercise freedom of choice in medical care. Founded in 2008, RSCI is located in Bangkok, Thailand, and Dallas, Texas.

Here is the stem cell research press release.
Posted: 3/13/2009 4:30:42 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

New Stem Cell Research Benefits Woman With Multiple Sclerosis

While Embryonic Stem Cell research is grabbing all the headlines, more and more patients are being helped right now by stem cell therapy using Adult Stem Cells. Jennifer Blankenship, a woman diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis for more than 30 years, is the latest person to benefit from the advancements in Adult Stem Cell research.

The Multiple Sclerosis had advanced to the point where Jennifer has been unable to speak for two years and she was partially paralyzed.

Using Cord Blood Stem Cells

Jennifer was treated with cord blood stem cells for her multiple sclerosis- Adult stem cells taken from the umbilical cord blood of newborn babies. The stem cell treatment took place in Costa Rica, where Preston Walker and Richard Humphries and many others have been helped.

Before the Cord Blood Stem Cells Were Implanted:

  • Multiple Sclerosis had left her unable to speak

  • "semi-paralyzed" from the MS

After the Adult Stem Cells were implanted:

  • Was able to speak- her first sentence "this is a miracle"

  • For the first time in 2 years, Jennifer was able to lift her hands above her head and was able to move

Continuing Trend of Adult Stem Cells Helping MS

As mentioned above, Jennifer was following the footsteps of Preston Walker as well as a large contingent from Texas who have also had tremendous improvements in their quality of life as a result of the adult stem cell therapy in Costa Rica.

Additional Stem Cell Information for Multiple Sclerosis

This blog has also reported successful stem cell treatments in Israel with Dr. Shimon Slavin.
Also, more good adult stem cell work for Multiple Sclerosis is being done in China as well.

Here is the original article about Jennifer Blankenship

For more information on how to receive stem cell treatment, please go to the Repair Stem Cell Institute website.
Posted: 3/11/2009 2:27:34 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Advancements in Stem Cell Research

Thanks to more advancements being made in stem cell research using Adult Stem Cells, heart disease patients and heart attack victims are now being healed by their own stem cells. Dr. Zannos Grekos, of Naples, Florida is now treating American heart patients in the Dominican Republic.

Given New Life From Adult Stem Cells

One of his congestive heart failure patients was Dr. Howard Lindeman, a heart attack victim who says he has been given a new life- "I had the procedure done and since then, I've just been getting better and better and better. I'm going to be 58-years-old in May and I'm on my way to being 35 again," he said.

Dick Dufala is another patient who has been helped by stem cell therapy using his own Adult Stem Cells. He had congestive heart failure before his therapy and after-
"I think it's improved my life and my life will be extended as a result of having the procedure," said Dufala. "I feel like I don't have congestive heart failure. I feel quite good."

Adult Stem Cell Video

Please watch the video to see these heart patients and to see how the Adult Stem Cell treatment and therapy works.

Diseases Treated By Adult Stem Cell Therapy and Treatment

Dr. Grekos is able to treat Heart Disease patients with coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, heart attack, and congestive heart failure. For more information on this stem cell treatment, go to our Repair Stem Cell Institute website.
Posted: 3/10/2009 12:07:16 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
Thanks to advancements in Adult Stem Cell research, a Canadian boy has been able to improve his eyesight. Jakob Bielskis, a young boy from Calgary, Canada, was the first Canadian to go to China to receive stem cell treatment for Optic Nerve Hypoplasia- a disease that affects children when their optic nerve fails to develop leaving the child blind for life. Before the stem cell therapy in China, there was no treatment for this condition.

Jakob was first featured in July, 2008 in this stem cell blog. We announced he was going to China to become the first Canadian to be treated for Optic Nerve Hypoplasia. He was following in the footsteps of other children who have seen amazing improvements thanks to the Adult Stem Cells.

Before the Stem Cell Treatment:

  • Couldn't see at all

  • No response to light

After the Cord Blood Stem Cells Were Implanted:

  • Has some vision, can respond to visual information

  • Responds to light

Were the Adult Stem Cells Worth It?

More from the stem cell article:

That the $75,000 stem-cell transplant (Don- THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT THE FOLKS IN CHINA HAVE BEEN LOWERING THEIR PRICE---A LOT---SINCE HIS TREATMENT. THE TOTAL COST TODAY, INCLUDING AIRFARE AND LIVING FACILITIES IS AROUND $30,000, OR 60% LESS THAN THE "OLD DAYS!" FOR INFORMATION ON STEM CELL TREATMENTS FOR 100+ DISEASES AVAILABLE IN 2009, CLICK FOR STEM CELL TREATMENTS NOW) was worth it is of no question to the one-year-old's mom -- Villeneuve says her older boy's life has been altered since the therapy, covered by fundraising.

"He grabs at these flashing balls we have to hold up for him," said Villeneuve.

"We tested him with them a million times before, and nothing -- now he reaches out and grabs at them."

There are hopeful signs he is seeing and understanding things around him.

"He plays peek-a-boo and covers his eyes, and he's blowing kisses by putting his hand to his mouth," she said.

"How else could he know how to do that?"

Saving Umbilical Cord Blood For More Stem Cell Treatment

The doctors in China told the Bielskis that Jakob would probably benefit from a second round of cord blood stem cells.  Therefore, Jakob's mother recently had a child and saved the umbilical cord blood.    Now, that cord blood is being stored in Vancouver and waiting for when the Bielskis decide to give Jakob his second stem cell treatment with hopes for more improvement.

Another Stem Cell Success Story

Jakob Bielski now becomes the latest addition to our "club" of children who have been to China for stem cell therapy for their Optic Nerve Hypoplasia and the closely related Septo-Optic Dysplasia and then come back to the United States, UK (and now Canada) with better vision and other benefits to their development.

Just last week, we added Dakota Clarke , her mom said "It’s been worth every single penny to see the changes in her.”

A few weeks ago we added Macie Morse who can now see well enough to drive after her stem cell therapy.

And before that Coby Fend's mother said "“We are talking about going back — we’d almost be crazy not to, because right now it’s the best thing going in the entire world.”

And we also had Connor Corkern - He's doing great. He is doing wonderful. It's like we've got a totally new baby, Coye Corkern said

We had Cameron Petersen - Grandma Petersen said "There was nothing for Cameron before this treatment. Now, his world is limitless.”

Lydia BlackFrom her father - "the treatment is already having a huge effect on her life, and he is glad that she was able to receive stem cell treatment in China. "

Lydia Olmstead and Rylea Barlett - "After her second treatment, we started to notice a change,”

Savannah Watring - “She said hello to herself in an elevator (after seeing her reflection). It blew everyone away. We weren’t expecting that.”

Hayley Pelletier- “If there’s a laptop within three to four feet of her, she knows it is a laptop,” Heather said. “That’s huge.

Xavier Carballo- Xavier’s ophthalmologist, Dr. Jack Guggino of Tampa, said he did a baseline exam on the boy before the trip to China and after his return. He said before the treatment Xavier could only detect hand motion at 1 to 2 feet, and after the treatment he could count fingers at 3 to 4 feet.

As far as Xavier is concerned, there has been definite and measurable improvement, neurologically and ophthalmologically,” Guggino said.

If you or someone you know has a similar condition, please go to our Repair Stem Cell Institute website and we will provide stem cell treatment information.
Posted: 3/9/2009 4:41:00 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

New Stem Cell Research for Unhealed Bone Fractures

A medical team is reporting new stem cell research using Adult Stem Cells to heal broken bones in the foot and ankle. The Adult Stem Cell product called "Trinity" was used to heal bone fractures  in the foot and ankle of 21 people that failed to connect properly after the initial healing.

Clinical Results of Adult Stem Cells For Unhealed Foot and Ankle Fractures

Dr. Shannon Rush, of Palo Alto Medical Foundation presented his results of using Adult Stem Cells in the Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery for March, 2009:

A review was conducted of 23 patients who underwent implantation of mesenchymal stem cell allograft for revision foot or ankle surgery. Composed of viable mesenchymal stem cells derived from cadaveric donor tissue, the graft had osteogenic, osteoinductive, and osteoconductive properties, and was capable of direct new bone formation at the site of implantation. In all of the cases, radiographic new bone formation was observed at the area of implantation and a 91.3% union rate was observed, and no evidence of graft rejection or complications associated with implantation were recorded.

Let me try to translate that-  the doctors took 23 patients who had broken bones or previous fractures  in their foot or ankle that did not heal properly (or nonunion is the clinical term).  As a result, they had difficulty and/or pain when walking.

21 out of the 23 patients who were implanted with this adult stem cell product "Trinity" achieved "bone union" and healing which allowed them to walk in regular shoes with little or no pain after their casts were removed.

What is Trinity?

Trinity is a mixture of donated adult stem cells combined with crushed bone from a bone bank.  It's full name is Trinity Multipotential Cellular Bone Matrix.

I previously covered Trinity and how it was used  for spinal fusions.  Most importantly, Trinity is already approved by the US FDA.

What This Means For Unhealed Bone Fractures

According to the Trinity website:

Trinity is an effective alternative to autograft in virtually all orthopedic applications. Essentially, for every surgical indication where autograft would be selected by a surgeon to be a bone void fill or bone growth stimulator, Trinity can be used. Trinity is not intended to be be used as an autograft "extender." It is intended to be a substitute for autograft.

An estimated 600,000 Americans suffer from unhealed bone fractures, so for any orthopedists or podiatrists or patients reading this- this is good news for you. Since it is FDA approved, I imagine if you wanted the "Trinity" adult stem cell product, it would be available for use-  "ask your doctor".

Some of the Repair Stem Cell Institute's doctors already use adult stem cells for bone fractures
Posted: 3/7/2009 6:27:42 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Miracle Baby Can See After Adult Stem Cells Implanted

Many of you have seen the news about the blind girl from the United Kingdom,  Dakota Clarke who has been given the gift of sight from Adult Stem Cells (cord blood stem cells).  I covered it in this stem cell article yesterday.

A Letter from Father of the Stem Cell Baby

However, I was very surprised yesterday when I was looking through my emails and I had received an email from Darren Clarke, the father of Dakota!  Apparently, he stumbled upon my little obscure blog and saw my piece on his daughter and Adult Stem Cell research.

He gave me permission to post this very nice letter describing how Dakota is doing after being implanted with cord blood stem cells (stem cells taken from the umbilical cord blood of new born babies):

Hey there,

I’m Dakota Clarke’s father, and am just dropping you a quick word about the results we have seen so far with Dakota. Things have been better than expected and a lot sooner too. Dakota is identifying objects at a distance of 3 feet, but we think she can see further, although to what extent we can’t be sure yet. She is able to tell who people are from around 6-7 feet without any noise or prompting.

The (stem cell) treatment also cleared up a bowel problem she has suffered from for the last two years, which is fantastic for her as this has meant its one less medication she needs to get every day.

That’s the basics anyhow, but thought you may like to know after I read a piece in your blog concerning her treatment. Feel free to get in touch anytime at all.

Darren Clarke

More Adult Stem Cell Research Information

If you really want to see something special, go to Dakota Clarke's website - Miracle Baby or if you or someone you know has Septo-optic Dysplasia or Optic Nerve Hypoplasia, and you want to ask Darren about Dakota's experience with stem cell therapy using Adult Stem Cells, you can email Darren and Dakota directly at babydakota@googlemail.com
Thank you Darren!  Please keep us updated on Dakota's progress in the future!

Other Stem Cell Information

For more information on this stem cell treatment and therapy for other diseases and conditions, you can visit our Repair Stem Cell Institute website, which we have just revamped.
Posted: 3/6/2009 10:57:00 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
Dakota Clarke, a young girl with Septo-Optic Dysplasia is able to see for the first time after undergoing a stem cell treatment in China. The stem cell research using Adult Stem Cells has enabled Dakota to be the first British girl to benefit from the new stem cell technology.

Dakota has been suffering from Septo-Optic Dysplasia (closely related to Optic Nerve Hypoplasia),  a disease in which the optic nerve doesn't develop properly, since birth and was treated three weeks ago at Beike Biotech stem cell treatment center in China.

Adult Stem Cells "Worth Every Single Penny"

When asked about the stem cell treatment, Dakota's mother Wilma Clarke said " "We didn't know if the treatment would work, and people kept telling us it was too experimental, but we had to do this.

"It's been worth every single penny to see the changes in her."

Her father, Darren Clarke said, ""It's nothing short of a miracle for us. She can see the world for the first time."     This is only three weeks after the adult stem cell treatment using cord blood stem cells taken from new born's umbilical cords.

Before the stem cell treatment:

  • Registered Blind

  • Balance Issues, needed two people to help her walk

  • Had severe bowel problems

After the cord blood stem cells were implanted:

  • Can now see, eyes tracking together, can recognize people

  • Better balance, only needs one person to hold her hand to walk

  • Bowel problems improved, can use the toilet easily

Mr. Clarke added this  "Last week she pointed at a hairbrush across the room and shouted 'brush'. I almost cried with happiness."

Cord Blood Stem Cells Are Safe

Dr. Tom Liu, the director of Beike Biotech, the stem cell treatment center that helped Dakota, said "The use of stem cells taken from the umbilical cord is completely safe. As we learn more about the way these cells work our results are getting better and better."

Yes, Dr. Tom, followers of this blog know that cord blood stem cells are safe and are wondering why this stem cell treatment isn't available in the United States or United Kingdom and why these families have to go to China for treatment.

However, this is still fantastic news.   I hope to be able to follow more improvements in Dakota in the near future.  Remember, all of these improvements come just three weeks after she had the Adult Stem Cells implanted.  The stem cells should still be working. Here is the whole stem cell article about Dakota

UPDATE: I found a previous article on Dakota while she was still in China. Key Quotes-- Wilma said she shed tears of happiness when Dakota was able to see her face for the first time. "I jumped up and down when she saw the brush and grabbed it.
"No words can describe how I feel. All along we didn't dare have our hopes built up and we were prepared in case the treatment didn't work. I cried tears of joy when I realised she could see.
"It makes all of the effort we put in with the fundraising really worthwhile," added Darren.

Here is the other stem cell article

More Stem Cell Research information

Dakota is the latest in a long list of children who have gone to China to treat Septo-Optic Dysplasia and Optic Nerve Hypoplasia.  Others on the list who have improved their vision and other conditions significantly thanks to advances in this stem cell research include Macie Morse, a 16 year old who can drive now after being blind, Coby Fend, Connor Corkern, Cameron Petersen, Lydia Black, Lydia Olmstead and Rylea Barlett, Savannah Watring, Hayley Pelletier and Xavier Carballo.
Posted: 3/5/2009 2:33:03 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Cord Blood Stem Cells Give Spinal Cord Injury patient feeling

In yet another triumph for Stem Cell research, cord blood stem cells (Adult Stem Cells) have helped give Spinal Cord Injury patient,  Bradley Koenning a better quality of life after being totally paralyzed from a dirt bike accident.

Bradley, 21, from Westhoff, Texas, was paralyzed from the neck down following the accident and traveled to Lima, Peru to receive stem cells taken from the umbilical cord blood of new born babies.  These cord blood stem cells are NOT to be confused with the fetal stem cells (stem cells removed from an aborted fetus) recently in the news for causing tumors.

Before the Adult Stem Cells:

  • No feeling from the neck down

  • No feeling in bladder, didn't know when he would have to use the restroom

  • Low blood pressure, Bradley would often pass out because it was so low

After the umbilical cord blood stem cells were implanted:

  • Can feel from the chest up

  • Can feel his bladder too, knows when to use the bathroom

  • Blood pressure equalized, doesn't pass out anymore

Key quotes from the stem cell news article:

The treatment shots cost about $25,000. Because they are not yet approved in the United States, he has to travel overseas to receive them, his mother said. This April, he is going to Tijuana for another treatment.

"Our hope is he will be able to walk again with this treatment. I think it should be available in the U.S.," she said. "There are so many people with spinal cord injuries that need these shots but can't afford them. Since they aren't approved, insurance won't cover them."

Look at that quote directly above.  Don't take it from me, take it from the mother of a Spinal Cord Injury patient.  Think how many millions could be helped if we had Adult Stem Cells available here in the good old USA.

Here is the full stem cell article

Additional Adult Stem Cell Research Information:

See our Spinal Cord Injury archives for more good stem cell success stories and information on stem cell treatment for the treatment of spinal cord injuries (SCI).

Posted: 3/4/2009 3:04:33 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research and Treatment for Congestive Heart Failure

Stem Cell research has produced another miracle in the form of Adult Stem Cells. Mike Rumble, a dilated cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure patient from Florida  is now reporting his ejection fraction has tripled after receiving stem cell therapy in the form of his own Adult Stem Cells.

I first featured Mike here in December 2008, Mike was treated by Vescell adult stem cells for his dilated cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure in Bangkok, Thailand in May 2008. Now, 10 months later, Mike is doing much better.

Before Vescell stem cells

  • Ejection Fraction at 10%

After Stem Cell Treatment using Adult Stem Cells

  • Ejection Fraction at 30%

Second Time Adult Stem Cell Research Has Saved Him

This was Mike's second close brush with death.  The first came in 1989 when he was in the hospital for six months for AML Leukemia which he survived due to Adult Stem Cell research in the form of a bone marrow transplant.

More Energy Due to the Stem Cells

With the renewed energy and heart function given to him by the stem cells, Mike has been able to go back to work at his job as a professional chaplain where he counsels dying patients in hospitals and hospices.  Mike has also been able to open up his own counseling business.

Still More Hurdles After Stem Cell Therapy

However,  Mike isn't out of the woods yet.   Unfortunately, Adult Stem Cell research can't help with valve repair.  Therefore, Mike is trying to get into a clinical trial in which they use a special clip  to correct severe mitral valve regurgitation.  Mike hopes his condition will improve even more if he is able to do it.

Thanks to Vescell blog for the story
Mike also has his own personal stem cell therapy blog
Posted: 3/3/2009 10:49:55 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

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