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Adult Stem Cell Research Used for Bigger Breasts

I always pride myself on keeping you abreast on the latest news of any stem cell research using Adult Stem Cells so today I have a story about breasts.

In Britain, a breast surgeon is going to start offering breast enlargement using the person's own Adult Stem Cells taken from fat in their stomach.

From the Sunday Times : Dr. Kefah Mokbel, a "consultant breast surgeon" at the London Breast Institute at the Princess Grace hospital says "They [breasts treated with stem cells] feel more natural because this tissue has the same softness as the rest of the breast.” He said the treatment offered the potential of considerable improvement on implants: “Implants are a foreign body. They are associated with long-term complications and require replacement. They can also leak and cause scarring.”

Two Benefits of Stem Cell Breast Enhancement Treatment

No, I don't mean to make a bad pun.

  1. The fat containing the stem cells is removed from the patient's stomach, therefore, the woman gets a possible benefit of losing fat- getting thinner.

  2. The second possible benefit is the breasts get larger- and more natural looking than implants and almost certainly safer.

The stem cell treatment is to be used in patients with  "breast deformities caused by cancer treatment" as well as women who simply want a larger cup size.

Dr. Mokbel believes the stem cells can only increase the breasts one cup size at the moment, but will try to go on to bigger things later on.

Adult Stem Cells Used In Breasts in Japan for 6 Years

Apparently, Japanese doctors have been doing this procedure at the Seishin Cosmetic Clinic for approximately 6 years now.

And according to this stem cell article- In Japan, more than 80% of the women are satisfied with the results. Furthermore, there was a statistically significant improvement in breast tissue thickness at one and six months after treatment.
Posted: 3/30/2009 7:27:55 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research for Coronary Artery Disease a Success

Dr. Douglas Losordo, the director of Northwestern University's Cardiovascular Institute is reporting that his stem cell research Phase II study of 170 heart disease (severe coronary artery disease) patients treated with using Adult Stem Cells was a success.

Adult Stem Cells Give Impressive Results

Patients receiving their own Adult Stem Cells had improved tolerance to exercise and less discomfort after their follow up at 6 months.

From the stem cell treatment article:
Dr. Losordo says "The six-month, phase II data provide the first evidence that a patient's own stem cells could actually be used as a treatment for their heart disease."

How Adult Stem Cells Work for Heart Disease

It is believed the stem cells help rebuild damaged heart tissue as well as create new blood vessels helping more blood flow through out the body.

5 more years until Stem Cell Therapy Available for Heart Patients?

The results were so promising that Dr. Losordo and Baxter, the stem cell research company that sponsored the study will move forward with a Phase III trial.

After the Phase III trial is completed, Baxter would be able to submit the results to the US FDA for approval. However, before heart disease patients start celebrating, keep in mind that this will take at least 5 more years.

And Stem Cell Research for Other Diseases?

5 more years for Adult Stem Cell treatment to be available to heart patients in the United States-- and stem cell therapy for the heart is the most advanced as far as clinical trials using Adult Stem Cells go. So for Diabetes, Emphysema, Peripheral Artery Disease and others...we are probably looking at 10+ years before Adult Stem Cell research will be put to use.

Better Late Than Never for Adult Stem Cells?

Is this the best we can hope for?  Wait for these endless clinical trials to be completed for each particular disease? Wait for the use of our own cells, something already proven safe? Or is there something we can do to speed things up? A group of US doctors for Adult Stem Cell Therapy are trying to change things. What do you think we can do?
Posted: 3/29/2009 10:58:07 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Another Child With Cerebral Palsy Helped With Cord Blood Stem Cells at Duke

Posted: 3/28/2009 3:29:29 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

American Doctors Take On the FDA's Authority on Adult Stem Cell Use

While the United States is debating the pros and cons of Embryonic stem cell research, a group of American doctors are sidestepping this debate and have united to challenge the US Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) assertion that Adult Stem Cells taken from the patient's own bodies are to be classified as drugs.

This group has formed the American Stem Cell Therapy Association (ASCTA) in response to the FDA's stance on Adult Stem Cells. The FDA's stance is that stem cells removed from a patient should be treated as a new drug- ie. subject to 7-10 years of clinical trials and testing for each disease/condition it is used for.

American Doctors Finally Speak Up For Adult Stem Cells

Dr. Christopher Centeno MD of Regenexx, in Colorado- “Many patients are dying or suffering day by day with incurable diseases or problems that require major surgery. These patients should have access to basic adult stem cell therapy now.”

Frank Falco, M.D. in Delaware/Maryland- “The FDA’s position against someone using their own stem cells is taking it too far. We are talking about a person using their own tissue to treat a degenerative disorder or process safely without the use of medications or surgery. Although we agree that oversight and standards are necessary, this should be provided through a physician organization such as ASCTA rather than by a government agency.”

Dr. Zannos Grekos, Naples, Florida, a member of the Repair Stem Cell Institute's Science Advisory Board, is also a member of the ASCTA.

FDA's Stance On Your Own Stem Cells

The FDA's stance on Adult Stem Cells taken from a patient is that it should be treated as a new drug- ie, subject to 7-10 years of clinical trials and testing for each use of it. This means 7-10 years of clinical trials for adult stem cells for heart disease. 7-10 years of clinical trials and tests for diabetes, 7-10 for spinal cord injury...you get the picture.  Think about how much money and how much time it will take to get through the hurdles for each particular disease/condition.  How many people will die  and suffer during that time  because they can't be treated with their own cells- which are safe and have no side effects.

Adult Stem Cells- the same as Lipitor or Viagra?

Cells taken from your own body are being treated by the FDA  exactly the same as Lipitor or Viagra were treated.  Lipitor and Viagra have side effects (ex. Lipitor- muscle weakness, Viagra- risk of heart attack) because you are introducing a new foreign chemical into your body.   Adult Stem Cells are not some mysterious concoction of chemicals brewed up after 10 years of research and development.  The Adult Stem Cells are your own cells-  removed from a patient so they have no side effects.  They are safer than taking an aspirin.

Stem Cells- Your Own Repair System In Place

In essence, your own stem cells are already there to repair damage to the body, let the body heal itself.  When you fall and scrape your knee, your body will send stem cells to heal the damage. However, sometimes for certain conditions and diseases, there aren’t enough of these stem cells to do that.  Therefore, these doctors/researchers are multiplying the amount of adult stem cells and then putting them into the area that needs repair- and then they let the body’s own repair mechanisms (the adult stem cells)  do what they are “born to do”- no controversy, no ethical concerns, a 3rd grader can understand this—  so why shouldn't it be  available in the United States?

These American doctors are finally speaking up and I (and thousands of patients who can benefit from using their own stem cells) applaud them.

Here is the original release

Thanks to the Stem Cell blog for this story
Posted: 3/26/2009 1:18:53 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research Video

Children Treated With Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells

Punta Gorda, Florida- This past Sunday, March 22, 2009,  a good time was had by all at a event organized by the Medical Awareness Association. This fun time was a gathering of mostly children with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia and their parents who had been overseas for stem cell treatment in China using Cord Blood Stem Cells.

One of the highlights was a speech given by Macie Morse, the 16 year old girl who was blind because her optic nerve failed to develop.  Recently, Macie returned from China where she received Adult Stem Cells.   Today, Macie has her learner's permit and is driving!!   Don't believe me?  Have a look at this stem cell video

Before the stem cell treatment in China, there was no treatment, no cure for Optic Nerve Hypoplasia.   Patients with this condtion were destined to a life of blindness.   Now, the word is getting out-  and more children like Jazmin Palmer with this condition are going to China to get this treatment.

Why isn't it available here in the United States?   The Medical Awareness Asscociation, started by Carol Petersen, the grandmother of Cameron Petersen who was treated and helped for his Optic Nerve Hypoplasia last year,  is trying to make this happen here.  The stem cells used are cord blood stem cells- there is no controversy surrounding them.  NO reason why this shouldn't be available now.

Here is their mission statement of the Medical Awareness Association:

We are, each one of us, Americans with conditions our US doctors have told us were untreatable, merely manageable, degenerative, unheard of, regressive, terminal or orphaned. We have witnessed the opportunity presented by adult umbilical cord and cord blood stem cell therapies outside our borders.

Many of us have questioned these terms by which our doctors labelled our conditions. Many of us have received stem cell therapies beyond the acceptance of the US medical tradition. We have accepted the risks inherent in our choice. We have also accepted the possibility of seeing "regression" itself regress.

We call on US researchers to actively pursue stem cell therapies while not belittling our choice to actively pursue therapies for ourselves internationally. We call on US researchers to engage us. We call on medical providers to not limit our treatment in US medical facilities because of our choice to receive stem cell therapies beyond our borders. We call on the press to include our perspective in their portrayal of stem cell technologies.

Stem cell therapies, even while exploratory, are gaining ground quickly. We are ultimately, and immediately, the intended beneficiaries of these therapies. And we are being forced to travel thousands of miles to foreign lands for any hope of benefit. We believe these therapies are ethical, immediately available and present no undue risk--save the journey we are forced to make to receive them. Please join us in our cause to increase exposure of these therapies and rush research into Stateside acceptance of adult stem cell therapy today.

There are quite a few groups sprouting up like the Repair Stem Cell Institute and this Medical Awareness Association,  largely ignoring the debate of adult stem cell research vs. embryonic stem cell research because they realize that adult stem cells can be used now!  They just can't be used in the United States because the FDA is treating Adult Stem Cells like a new drug.      That is the reason these children in the video had to go to China for a safe and effective treatment with little to no side effects. It isn't Obama, it wasn't Bush-- it is the FDA!

The original article on the stem cell gathering here

Posted: 3/25/2009 2:49:18 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Adult Stem Cell Research Helping Multiple Sclerosis Now

Holly Huber, a 36 year old woman from San Diego, is reporting "astonishing improvement" after receiving Adult stem cell treatment and therapy in Costa Rica for her Multiple Sclerosis last fall. The stem cell research and Adult Stem Cells in Costa Rica has given Holly in her own words "a new life."

The symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis had become unbearable for Holly who was forced to stop working. Not willing to wait for FDA approval of the procedure (10 years?) and after speaking with other MS patients who had received Adult Stem Cells before, Holly made the decision to go to Costa Rica for her stem cell therapy.

Before the Adult Stem Cells

  • Trouble balancing

  • Legs getting weaker

  • Bladder Control Issues

  • Lost sensation in her hands and feet

After The Stem Cell Therapy and Treatment

  • Balance improved

  • Strength returned

  • Had Complete Control Over Her Bladder

  • Feelings in her hands and feet returned

Happiest Father in the World

Holly's father, Larry Huber says he is the "happiest father in the world" and was so impressed with the Adult Stem Cell treatment that he was considering Adult Stem Cells to treat his Diabetes.

Stem Cell Research Facilities and Treatment

Holly says the stem cell treatment was not cheap and runs between $15,000 to $32,000. However, she says it is well worth it, especially considering she was paying $1450 per month (with insurance!!) for MS medication that wasn't effective.

As for the facilities, Holly says they were "immaculate" and would rival any hospital in the United States.

In summary Holly says:
It gave me a new life, a new future, I’m starting my life over at 36.”

Following in the Footsteps of Stem Cell Pioneers

Holly followed in the footsteps of others who have traveled to Costa Rica rather than wait for FDA approval that may never come, people like Jennifer Blankenship and Dennis Trammell and Angie Adcox, Joey Quinn, and Juli Balli who all followed in the footsteps of Richard Humphries and Preston Walker.

Congratulations on your new life Holly!

Update: Holly has her own new website called I Love My New Stem Cells

Here is the original stem cell article
Posted: 3/23/2009 9:04:53 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Adult Stem Cell Therapy and Research in the USA

Punta Gorda, Florida, March 22, 2009-  There will be an Adult Stem Cell rally this Sunday at Gilchrist Park on Charlotte Harbor in Punta Gorda from 1pm- 5pm.   The goal is to raise awareness of how Adult Stem Cells are helping people in the other parts of the world and to help bring Adult Stem Cell therapy to the United States.  Attendance is FREE.

This rally will also act as an "Optic Nerve Hypoplasia Family Reunion" as well.  It will unite ONH patients in the United States  who traveled to China for  Adult stem cell research and therapy.   Until the stem cell therapy in China, these children had no options for treatment and were destined to a life of blindness.  However, thanks to the Adult Stem Cells, these children can now see better  and  have a better quality of life.  You can find their individual stem cell stories here

This is from Carol Petersen's Stem Cell Aware website, one of the organizers of this talk:

The words "Adult Stem Cell" are no longer 'dirty' words. Adult stem cell therapy, with roots tracing back to bone marrow transplants in the '50s, is coming into its own. Available outside the USA for several years now, an ever-growing body of US residents travel to distant locations to receive these treatments.

We are a body of patients who have chosen to make this journey and receive these treatments. We have not been scammed by hucksters in foreign lands and we were not subjected to bizarre treatments. For many of us our only option given was to sit at home and suffer. Adult stem cell therapy has offered us the chance to see some improvement in our condition.

We recognize that this is no cure. But improvements in quality of life are valuable nonetheless.

If you are an adult stem cell patient and wish to join our organization please submit an email to us.

Everybody is welcome.  The doctors from  China responsible for this treatment will also be there.  Some of the older children helped by the stem  cell treatment will give speeches.  Therefore, if you are in the Florida area and wish to learn something new and meet some great people, get down to Punta Gorda on Sunday.  You can contact Carol Petersen for more information or if you want to join their group at carolptrsn@msn.com

Stem Cell Treatment and Therapy Talk in Dallas

Dallas/Ft. Worth Area, March 21, 2009-  Preston Walker wanted everyone to know that Dr. Neil Riordan, Ph.D.,the CEO of Cell Medicine in Costa Rica, will be giving a talk in  Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas this Saturday, March 21  between 3pm and 6 pm at the Westin Hotel.

Preston Walker and Richard Humphries (who will both be in attendance at the Westin)  were the two (now famous) Multiple Sclerosis patients who made the trek from the United States to Costa Rica for the Adult Stem Cell research and treatment last year.

Here is the latest update from Preston Walker himself:
"Richard Humphries and I went to Costa Rica in May 2008 with relapsing-remitting MS (Richard had secondary progressive MS) .  At the time I suffered from fatigue, depression, a cognitive “cloud” and a staggered walk.
Since the treatment, I’ve had one poor day with the depression returning with a vengeance!! That was ONE time.

I recently found this site and have been reading feverishly.

The only thing still lingering is an occasional “cloud” moment. the cognitive cloud. I want to say it doesn’t exist because it is normally just a faint memory, but it’s still there.   I have RRMS.   Richard had SPMS.   Dr. Riordan believes his MS may have been reduced to RRMS because of this (stem cell) treatment."

Since Richard and Preston went to Costa Rica, many others, particularly MS patients from  Texas have followed in their footsteps to reap the benefits of Adult Stem Cell research outside of the United States.

Both Preston and Richard will be attending the talk at the Westin Hotel.  For more information on the event at the Westin, or if you are not in the area and wish to correspond with Preston and Richard you can email Preston at pwalker2644@sbcglobal.net You can also email Richard at rdhforegolf@hotmail.com
Posted: 3/20/2009 6:39:37 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Fundraiser for Adult Stem Cell Research and Therapy

Friends and family of Chuck Melton are holding a "Chuck Melton Benefit Raffle" on March 28th, 2009.  Chuck was paralyzed in 2002 in a diving accident and went to China for Adult Stem Cells in January 2007.  The stem cell research and resulting treatment gave Chuck a better quality of life- so much so that he is trying to raise money so he can return to China for more stem cell therapy (Adult Stem Cells of course)  in hopes for even more improvement.

I featured Chuck Melton here last month focusing on the benefits of his first stem cell treatment which gave him the ability to sweat again, better bladder control, easier breathing and more feeling in his legs.  Chuck and his doctors feel that another treatment with the cord blood stem cells (Adult Stem Cells) would help him improve even more.

Prizes for the raffle include a "Bad Boy Buggy", a Toshiba HD TV, a Touring 150 Deluxe Scooter, as well as a Dell Vostro A860 Laptop computer.  Raffle tickets are $20 and all proceeds for the raffle go to cover the costs of the stem cell treatment and travel expenses for the trip to China.   You don't need to be present to win.  Chuck lives in Hoyelton, Illinois which is where the raffle will be held.  For more information on the raffle, please call 618- 231- 5558.

It doesn't matter where in the world you reside.  You can still buy raffle tickets and/or make a donation to Chuck.  He and his family (he has 3 young children) would appreciate it very much.

You can also call them up directly.  The information is below.

Chuck Melton Benefit
74 W. St. Louis St.
Hoyleton, IL. 62803
Kelly's (Chuck's wife) cell: 618-599-2529
Chuck's cell: 618-599-3601

You may also email them at meltonfamily@frontiernet.net

Thank you-  Don
Posted: 3/19/2009 3:38:05 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

New Stem Cell Research for Spinal Cord Injuries

A published stem cell research study shows that Adult Stem Cells implanted into Spinal Cord Injury patients is not only safe, but also improves their quality of life.

Published in the new issue of Cell Transplantation (Vol. 17 No.12), doctors in Ecuador did 8 individual case studies of Adult Stem Cell treatment for Spinal Cord Injury patients.

Different Ways to Deliver the Adult Stem Cells

The stem cells were implanted 3 different ways:

  • Into the spinal column

  • Into the spinal cavity

  • Administered intravenously

The 8 patients (4 acute and 4 chronic) were followed for 2 years using MRI scans to assess any changes in the spinal cord.  From the stem cell article abstract:
Comprehensive evaluations demonstrate improvements in ASIA, Barthel (quality of life), Frankel, and Ashworth scoring. Moreover, in order to assess bladder function, we designed a simple numerical clinical scoring system that demonstrates significant changes in bladder function following BMSCs administration.

Patient Quality of Life Improved- No Adverse Events

Dr. Silva, one of the authors of the study says "To date, we have administered BMCs into 52 patients with SCI and have had no tumor formations, no cases of infection or increased pain, and few instances of minor adverse events. We also found that patient quality of life improved."

For patients with spinal cord injuries- these improvements, especially in bladder function makes a big difference in their quality of life.

Stem Cell Treatment in Ecuador, Not the USA

The stem cell treatment is being carried out by  Dr. Luis Geffner at the Luis Vernaza hospital in Guayaquil, Ecuador.  We first heard about Dr. Geffner after he treated Michael Flounders who was extremely pleased with his stem cell therapy in Ecuador as he traveled all the way from the United Kingdom:

“It has broadened the horizons of my recovery; it has given me a sense of hope. Everyday things are changing; the feelings in my legs are becoming a lot more powerful.”

Effects of Adult Stem Cell Research Explained

"Autologous stem cell transplantation of BMCs (Bone Marrow Cells) can promote the growth of blood vessels and, therefore, represent an alternative therapy," said Dr. Silva.

"BMCs are well known for their ability to grow blood vessels," explained Dr. Silva. "This angiogenesis is necessary for wound healing and establishing a growth permissive environment. We hypothesized that improved blood flow and oxygen supply could contribute to functional improvements for SCI transplanted with autologous BMCs."

More Stem Cell Research for Spinal Cord Injury Information

Please see our archives for more patients who have been helped with stem cells for SCI

Dr. Carlos Lima, the pioneer of stem cell research for Spinal Cord Injury, implanting Adult Stem Cells taken from the patients' noses.
Posted: 3/18/2009 3:34:43 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Therapy for Cerebral Palsy

Lately, stem cell research has shown that Adult Stem Cells can now be helpful for Cerebral Palsy.  Little 2 year old Australia girl, Sierra Rose Hill is the latest person to be helped by stem cell therapy,  having received her own stem cells in December, 2008 at a stem cell treatment center in Germany.

From Australia to Germany for Stem Cells

At the clinic in Germany, 6 milliliters of fluid was extracted from Sierra's bone marrow.  The next day after the stem cells were separated from her bone marrow, they were implanted into her spinal cord.

Just two days after the stem cell treatment, Sierra's mother Karen could see some results.

Before the Adult Stem Cells were implanted:

  • Muscle tightness-  could only separate Sierra's legs 10-15 cms

  • Could not touch elbows together

  • Tongue was uncontrolled- difficulty talking and eating

After the Stem Cell Treatment:

  • Looser Muscles- could now separate Sierra's legs to 25 cms

  • Could touch elbows together

  • Tongue under control more-  can eat easier, better chance to develop speech

From the stem cell news article:

"We saw it — it happened," Karen says. "There are no miracles. You can't expect a child who has a severe condition to sit up and walk. But with cerebral palsy, even a small difference can have enormous long-term benefits, can make a huge difference to her quality of life."

More Stem Cell Research and Therapy

Karen also says that they are very pleased about the reduction in the spasticity which means that the stem cells have focused on the damaged area.

In fact, she says they are very happy with the results and would like to go again hoping for more improvement. To that end, they have started their own Help Sierra website to raise money for more stem cell research and treatment for Sierra.

Why Not Make Adult Stem Cells Available in Australia?

Sierra's father also had some things to say related to making Adult Stem Cells available to all:
Sierra's father, Shane, says he wants all Australian children with cerebral palsy to have the same chance Sierra has had.

"If that (stem cell treatment) was available in Australia, at an affordable price, if it was at a hospital from a professional service, that could make such a huge difference to people with cerebral palsy and various other conditions," he said. "I know they want to do their clinical trials. But they are providing this service already around the world. I would like to see it here."

I would too Shane.

More Stem Cells for Cerebral Palsy Information

We have covered other children who have been helped by using either cord blood stem cells or their own Adult Stem Cells. You can find these in our Cerebral Palsy Section

Also, for information to receive treatment for Cerebral Palsy in various locations around the globe, you can find it at our Repair Stem Cell Institute website
Posted: 3/17/2009 3:28:43 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

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