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Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research Already Paying Dividends in Colorado

Dr. Christopher Centeno, a pioneer in stem cell research in Broomfield, Colorado is now treating patients with osteoarthritis, joint pain, knee injuries and non-healing broken bones at his clinic using the patient's own Adult Stem Cells to repair the damage.

Goodbye Ankle Surgery- Stem Cell Treatment Instead

Hal Kaye, an accountant who loved sports had endured four difficult ankle surgeries trying to repair a damaged arch sustained 15 years ago. The four surgeries had almost crippled him and the last surgery had caused his bone to in his ankle to die due to an artery dying off.

For Hal, an avid golfer, his quality of life had deteriorated. Hal said,"Golf was done in a cart with a handicap flag on the cart with a cane hanging from my golf bag.”

Facing an ankle fusion as a fifth surgery, Hal decided to change things up and try to heal himself using his own Adult Stem Cells implanted by Dr. Centeno.

From a cane to running again after Adult Stem Cell treatment

2 months after having his own stem cells implanted, he didn't have to use his cane anymore. Later, after 2 more injections of his own Adult Stem Cells, Hal was running again, “I got on my treadmill and did my first mile where a year before that, 100 yards was a job,”

From the stem cell article: For now, the Regnexx treatment is strictly used on some orthopedic patients, from osteoarthritis sufferers, to knee replacement candidates. Dr. Centeno said soon, adult stem cell treatment could replace orthopedic surgery altogether.

Centeno said he believes if the success of the treatment continues, health insurance coverage is not far off.

The Regenexx procedure is available in new treatments for the following bone and joint conditions:

* Non-Union Fractures
* Chronic Bursitis
* Chronic Bulging Lumbar Disc
* Thumb Surgery Alternative
* Shoulder Arthritis
* Moderate Hip Osteoarthritis
* Severe Hip Osteoarthritis
* Non-healing Fracture of the Arm
* Sacral Fracture (Tailbone)
* Knee Osteoarthritis - Cartilage Lesion
* Knee Osteoarthritis and Meniscus Changes
* Shoulder Rotator Cuff Tear
* Posterior Meniscus MRI
* Talar Dome MRI
* Ankle Talofibular Ligament Repair
* Non-Healing Fracture of the Foot

Stem Cell Doctors Taking on the FDA!

Dr. Centeno is also leading the charge in taking on the FDA's stance that a person's own stem cells are a drug.
He has formed a group of doctors AND a group of patients who are taking on the FDA. If you are an individual that is not a Doctor you can still get involved. ASCTA is focused on physician membership but there is a patient forum at www.safestemcells.org that you can get involved and ACT now! Please visit this patient site and contact the FDA and your congressman to tell them what you think.
Posted: 4/28/2009 1:11:01 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Published Research Using Adult Stem Cells for Multiple Sclerosis

A stem cell research study showing that Adult Stem Cells taken from a patient's fat and then implanted back into that patient, helps improve their Multiple Sclerosis. The research study documented 3 case studies of Multiple Sclerosis patients.

Case Studies of Multiple Sclerosis Patients Implanted with Fat Stem Cells

Case Study #1- 50 year old man with Relapse-remitting MS:

Before the Stem Cell Therapy:

  • Multiple Seizures

  • Sexual Dysfunction

  • Significant Memory Loss

  • Taking Multiple Medications- Solu-Medrol, Baclofen,
    Provigil, Tegretol, Trileptal, Tysabri, Vitamins, Omega-3 and Zanaflex

After the Fat Stem Cells were implanted:

  • No more seizures

  • Improved Sexual Function

  • Improved Memory


Case Study #2- 32 year old man with Relapsing-remitting MS

This patient reported after the stem cell therapy and treatment that he now has:

  1. Better Balance and Coordination

  2. His Depression is gone

  3. Significantly improved overall condition

Case Study #3- Man diagnosed in 1993 with Relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis
The patient was diagnosed with relapsing-remitting MS in 1993, presenting symptoms were noticeable tingling and burning sensation in the right leg, followed by paraplegia lasting almost three weeks.

And after the Adult stem cell treatment?

His gait, balance and coordination improved dramatically over a period of several weeks. His condition continued to improve over the next few months and he is currently reporting a still continuing improvement and ability to jog, run and bike for extended periods of time daily.

You can see the full stem cell study here It is called "Non-expanded adipose stromal vascular fraction cell therapy for multiple sclerosis"

Celebrity Stem Cell Doctors Involved in this MS Study

Some of the authors of this paper are very notable.  For example, there is Dr. Amit Patel, an American cardiologist who is now doing a stem cell trial for the heart at the University of Utah.

Also, appearing as a collaborator on this study was Dr. Robert Harman, of San Diego, the CEO of Vet Stem, known for treating dogs and horse with fat stem cells.

Not to mention Michael Murphy, who I believe did the first trial in the United States treating peripheral vascular disease with Adult Stem Cells.

And I can't forget Neil Riordan and Thomas Ichim, the leaders of Medistem and  Cell Medicine in Costa Rica that is responsible for helping so many multiple sclerosis patients.

Here is the full list:   Neil H Riordan, Thomas E Ichim, Wei-Ping Min, Hao Wang, Fabio Solano, Fabian Lara, Miguel Alfaro, Jeorge P Rodriguez, Robert J Harman, Amit N Patel, Michael P Murphy and Boris Minev.

Special Note-
EFFECTIVE APRIL 15, The Repair Stem Cell Institute has named Cell Medicine, which is Dr. Riordan's and Dr. Ichim's clinic in Costa Rica as it's 8th recommended stem cell treatment center (out of about 200 in the world).
Posted: 4/27/2009 12:50:07 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research Yields Benefits for Broken Bones

Stem Cell researchers have discovered that a drug for osteoporosis actually has a positive side effect- it can speed up the healing of bone fractures or broken bones by stimulating the patient's own Adult Stem Cells.

Stem Cell Research - Adult Stem Cells Heal Bone Fractures
Stem Cell Research - Adult Stem Cells Heal Bone Fractures

Teriparatide- Now a Stem Cell Drug

The drug is called teriparatide (Forteo) and it is a "fragment of parathyroid hormone that contains 34 amino acids rather than the 84 found in the naturally occurring substance."

Adult Stem Cell Research Results for Unhealed Bone Fractures

From the stem cell article:

In an observational study of 145 patients with slow-to-heal fractures, 93% had complete recovery within 12 weeks of starting treatment with teriparatide (Forteo), according to Susan Bukata, M.D., of the University of Rochester Medical Center in Rochester, N.Y.

Within 12 weeks of starting treatment, 141 of the 145 patients no longer had pain at the fracture site, 135 had radiographic and clinical union of their fractures, and six had partial union of their fractures that clinically functioned as a healed fracture.

Only four had no improvement in pain or fracture union.

93%? Not bad.

You can find the full research paper on healing fractures here

How Do the Adult Stem Cells Work?

Dr. Edward Puzas, the lead investigator of the clinical trial for pelvic fractures said that teriparatide speeds up the healing of the broken bones by increasing the number of the cartilage and bone stem cells involved in the healing process.

He said "As a result, the callus forms quicker and stronger. Osteoblasts form more bone and the micromotion associated with the fracture is more rapidly eliminated," he said.

Fractures Healed- No More Pain

Susan Bukata, M.D., of the University of Rochester Medical Center in Rochester was also involved in the stem cell clinical study.

"I had patients with severe osteoporosis, in tremendous pain from multiple fractures throughout their spine and pelvis, who I would put on teriparatide," she said.

"When they would come back for their follow-up visits three months later," she said, "it was amazing to see not just the significant healing in their fractures, but to realize they were pain-free."

Old Bones Become Young Again Thanks To Adult Stem Cells

This is great news as the new stem cell drug would most benefit the elderly as it boosts the body's bone adult stem cell production to the point that adults' bones appear to heal at a rate typically seen for young kids ie. very fast. About 5% of fractures don't heal. There are approximately 6 million bone fractures in the USA every year so this stem cell drug should be able to help a lot of people- about 300,000 people.

Other Stories of Adult Stem Cells Helping Bone Fractures

Loraine Holland of England had her leg healed after her own stem cells were implanted

Also, Anthony Giancola of Australia had his broken leg healed after an Adult Stem Cell treatment as well

For those of you in the United States- I would suggest Dr. Christopher Centeno of Regenexx in Colorado where they also do a procedure that is probably much easier than taking teriparatide.
Posted: 4/23/2009 5:43:04 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Therapy in Iraq

An English priest living in Baghdad, Iraq has had his own Adult Stem Cells used to treat his Multiple Sclerosis. Canon Andrew White, the vicar of St. George's Church in Baghdad was the recipient of this stem cell therapy to treat MS.

No Ethical Issues to Use His Own Stem Cells for Multiple Sclerosis

Andrew has a medical background and had helped establish the Bone Marrow Transplant Centre in Baghdad in 2001. He was good friends with Dr. Majid, the director of the center who saw that Andrew was suffering from the effects of his Multiple Sclerosis and approached him about using his own Adult Stem Cells for treatment.  Andrew had no objections or ethical issues about using his own stem cells and agreed to the stem cell therapy.

Process of Using Andrew's Own Adult Stem Cells

  1. Both  his arms were cannulised

  2. He was connected to the Blood Cell Separator

  3. Blood was taken from one arm and the stem cells were removed and then the blood was returned through his other arm (took 2 hours)

  4. Andrew's own Adult Stem Cells were injected into his spinal cord via lumbar puncture

From Andrew's Stem Cell post on his blog.

Good luck Andrew.  My best wishes to you. Since you used your own stem cells, you have nothing to lose- and much to gain.

Hopefully it will turn out well- like Jason Bradshaw, the Texas Sheriff who also had stem cell therapy for Multiple Sclerosis, albeit using a different technique- Adult Stem Cells taken from his fat and a mixture of cord blood stem cells too.
Posted: 4/21/2009 5:38:16 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research Provides Help for Breast Reconstruction

Irene MacKenzie had a lumpectomy for her early stage breast cancer leaving her with a hollow in her breast. The lumpectomy took care of the cancer, but what about her breast? Well, Irene was the first person in Britain to reap the benefits of Stem Cell research using Adult Stem Cells for breast reconstruction.

Feeling Self-Conscious After the Lumpectomy

After the lumpectomy, Irene didn't feel good about the way her breast looked. She looked for options. A friend referred her to Eva Weiler-Mithoff who is a consultant plastic surgeon at Glasgow Royal Infirmary. Dr. Weiler-Mithoff who had been approached with a new Adult Stem Cell process asked if Irene would be interested in becoming the first woman in Britain to receive this new stem cell treatment for breasts. Irene didn't hesitate and said "YES!"

Process of Stem Cells for the Breast

  1. Approximately one pint of fat extracted via liposuction from her stomach.

  2. Half the fat was put aside.  Adult Stem Cells were extracted from the other half of fat.

  3. The Adult Stem Cells were then mixed with the first half of fat.

  4. The Stem Cell mix was injected into the hollow in her breast.

  5. 3 months later- the stem cell therapy treated breast looked and felt like a normal breast

Up until now, the only option has been to  fill the hollow with the liposuctioned fat (without adding the Adult Stem Cells).  The Adult Stem Cells create new blood vessels thus giving the newly added fat some blood supply so it does not die.

11 Breast Patients Treated With Stem Cell Therapy So Far

Dr. Weiler-Mithoff says that they have treated 11 patients so far in this stem cell clinical trial, but that she is very pleased with the results so far.

From the stem cell article:

This stem-cell enriched fat also seems to restore the softness of the breast tissues. It almost uncrumples the skin, undoing some of the radiotherapy damage, and women are reporting that their pain has eased, too - possibly because it makes the skin more supple.

I feel this technique will have a significant impact on breast reconstruction. Patients don't need a big operation and there are no scars.

I recently covered a similar story approximately a month ago about this breast reconstruction in Britain although that story focused more on how this exact same procedure could be used for breast enlargement.

Also, doctors have been doing this in Japan for over 6 years now at the Seishin Cosmetic Clinic with an  80% satisfaction rate.

Similar Stem Cell Research for Face Lifts

Also, last week, I covered a company in China that is using this same technique of getting Adult Stem Cells from the fat and then injecting them into the face as an alternative to a facelift.
Posted: 4/21/2009 4:56:20 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis- Giving Life Back

Multiple Sclerosis had taken many things away from Jason Upshaw- his job at the Sheriff's department, his ability to play with his kids, as well as his ability to walk. Jason had given up hope . Luckily for Jason, he found an article about Preston Walker, another law enforcement officer in Texas with MS. Preston Walker had gone to Costa Rica for a new stem cell treatment and therapy using Adult Stem Cells and had reported tremendous improvements.

Jason, 36, of Erath County, Texas contacted Preston Walker who gave the stem cell therapy a glowing review.  Jason promptly contacted the stem cell treatment company in Costa Rica and arranged to go there for treatment.

In June, 2008, Jason went to Costa Rica with his mother to receive the Adult Stem Cells that would turn his life around.

Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms Before the Stem Cell Treatment

  • numbness and tingling on his right side

  • balance issues- had to use a scooter to mover around outside

  • poor coordination

  • severe heat sensitivity

MS Symptoms After the Stem Cell Therapy

  • Not Applicable (NA)

  • NA

  • NA

Jason no longer has any symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis and he has stopped seeing his neurologist.  He is also back to playing baseball in the backyard with his kids.

Thanks to Stem Cell Therapy, Back to Work

The Adult Stem Cells have enabled Jason to go back to his work at the Sheriff's Department. The Multiple Sclerosis had forced him to stop work and put him on full disabiltiy. That is not the case today.

According to the stem cell article:

“I never thought I would be back,” Erath County Sheriff’s Investigator Jason Upshaw said, referring to his career in law enforcement. “The day the sheriff handed my badge and gun back, I cried. I mean, I really broke down and cried.”

Stem Cell Research Impresses Wife Too

“Four months after we got married, his MS was very bad,” Michelle said. “And then, just weeks after he left for Costa Rica he was walking on his own. I fell to my knees when I saw him. I hit the floor.”

However, Michelle isn't so impressed with the state of stem cell research and therapy in the United States (and why should she be?):

“Our lives have truly been changed forever,” Michelle said. “It is an injustice that these treatments, resources and facilities are not available in the United States.”

Adult Stem Cells- Giving Hope and Inspiring Others

Jason hasn't let the FDA stop him from spreading the wonders of adult stem cell therapy around. Jason is now speaking in front of groups and writes 25-50 emails a day to MS patients who are in similar straits to where Jason once was.

One of those MS patients is Robyn Gorrie who is in Costa Rica now (April 2009) receiving stem cell therapy for her condition. Jason wrote a very nice email to her-

I now play baseball with my boys in the back yard. I'd nearly given up on ever being able to do that again, much less get back in to the profession I love. Please feel free to contact me at any time. You can call anytime. Please know that you are in my prayers and I hope you get to go, it has truly changed my life.
Your friend,
Jason Upshaw"

You can read Jason's full email to Robyn here

Thank you to Janice Fuller  for this terrific story and it looks like she is getting ready to go to for stem cell treatment herself.  Read Janice's story at Adult Stem Cell Therapy Ning Group

Other MS Patients Who Have Had Successful Stem Cell Treatment in Costa Rica

Holly HuberJennifer Blankenship and Dennis Trammell and Angie Adcox, Joey Quinn, and Juli Balli who all followed in the footsteps of Richard Humphries and Preston Walker.
Posted: 4/20/2009 6:42:31 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research Study Reveals Stroke Patients Helped by Own Stem Cells

A new stem cell research study/trial recently completed shows that implanting a person's own Adult Stem Cells helps stroke patients overcome partial paralysis. Dr. Kameshwar Prasad of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) will present his stem cell study at the European Stroke Research Conference in May, 2009.

Stroke Victims Own Adult Stem Cells Used

In the stem cell study that took place in New Delhi, India, 12 stroke victims had their own stem cells implanted within 1 month after a stroke. Also, 3 stroke patients were used as a control group and were not given any stem cells.

Process of Stem Cells for Stroke

  1. Adult Stem Cells extracted from patient's bone marrow

  2. Stem Cells are then purified

  3. Patient's own stem cells are then reintroduced intravenously into the antecubital vein (in the forearms, near the elbow)

  4. Stem Cells migrate to area of injury (in this case- the brain)

  5. Adult Stem Cells enhance repair process and reduce brain damage

The Stem Cell Treatment Results

At the beginning of the stem cell study, none of the 12 stroke patients were able to carry out daily activities, use the toilet, take a bath, dress and eat independently.

However, within 1 year, 70% (I assume 7 or 8 of the patients) were able to overcome their handicaps and successfully return to previous activities like playing golf, working in the office and cooking.

Only 1 out of the 3 stroke patients in the control group were able to go back to their normal routine.

No Side Effects From Your Own Stem Cells

From the stem cell article:
"The stem cells had excellent safety profile. After carrying out Pet scans and MRIs thrice in a year on patients who received stem cells, we found no side-effects. This study shows that stem cells are a safe and feasible therapy in acute stroke. This holds promise and needs to be confirmed in a bigger study,'' Dr Prasad said.

Of course there were no side effects, the trial used the patient's own cells. Rejection isn't an issue.  As I say time and time again, the patient has everything to gain and nothing to lose.  There is no downside to this treatment.  It is a shame this isn't being put to use in the United States and made available to everyone who may need it.

These same doctors will follow up this stem cell clinical trial for stroke with a 120 patient trial in the next 3 years.  Hopefully, this will speed things up for Adult Stem Cells to be accepted sooner rather than later.

Related Stem Cells for Stroke Success Stories

The results of this study comes just after I covered this stem cell trial for stroke in Texas.  Also, earlier this year, I covered the stem cell tea bag which helped a German stroke victim as well.
Posted: 4/20/2009 7:08:03 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Adult Stem Cells Improve Young Boy with Cerebral Palsy

Corey de Gregorio, a 3 year old boy from Gordonvale, Australia has improved tremendously after going to a Stem Cell research company which implanted Adult Stem Cells from cord blood into him.

Corey's parents, Mark and Roseanne had doubts before going to China for the stem cell treatment, but they  wanted Corey to have every chance to live a better life and therefore, they made the journey to China for the stem cell therapy which used only Adult Stem Cells.

The miracle treatment consisted of six "therapies" of cord blood stem cells.

Before the Adult Stem Cells for Cerebral Palsy

  • Had very little use of his left arm/hand

  • Little movement in his torso

After the Stem Cell Treatment

  • Can now use his left hand, can use it to drink a cup by himself

  • Increased flexibility in torso

Amazed by the Stem Cell Research

According to the stem cell article:
More than six months after the stem cell treatment, Mr de Gregorio said the family was amazed at the improvements in his torso and his left arm.

Corey de Gregorio is not the only Aussie to go abroad for stem cell research using Adult Stem Cells. Last month, I featured Sierra Rose Hill, another young toddler from Australia who went to Germany for a successful stem cell treatment for her Cerebral Palsy as well.

Adult Stem Cells do seem to work well for Cerebral Palsy as I have posted many stories about children going to Duke University for stem cell research where they were treated with their own cord blood stem cells.

I am happy for Corey de Gregorio and a special kudos for his parents for taking an educated "risk" and going to China for stem cell treatment where hundreds of others have been helped as well.   It paid off for them.
Posted: 4/18/2009 1:08:27 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Adult Stem Cell Research Shows that Diabetes Type 1 Can Be Helped

In a Stem Cell research study that is being published today in the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA), Adult Stem Cells have been used to help patients with Diabetes Type 1.

20 of 23 Patients Helped With Their Own Adult Stem Cells

23 patients who were newly diagnosed (within 6 weeks) with Diabetes Type 1 were first given chemotherapy to dampen their immune system, then they were given their own stem cells taken from their blood.

Of those 23 patients, 20 "reduced or ended dependence on insulin as their bodies took over production of the hormone." Of those 20 patients, 12 of them were off insulin for a long period of time, while 8 relapsed and went back to taking small doses of insulin.

According to the stem cell abstract:

Conclusion After a mean follow-up of 29.8 months following autologous nonmyeloablative HSCT in patients with newly diagnosed type 1 DM, C-peptide levels increased significantly and the majority of patients achieved insulin independence with good glycemic control.

A Cure is Needed for Diabetes???

And according to the stem cell article, “A cure is needed, but it will probably not come from a single breakthrough,” wrote Christopher D. Saudek of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, in an accompanying editorial.

A cure is needed? Thanks for that Chris. I never dreamed a cure was needed until I read this stem cell research article.

Luckily the senior author of the stem cell research study was a little more positive- The stem-cell technique “remains the only treatment capable of reversing type 1 diabetes mellitus in humans,” wrote the paper’s senior author, Julio Voltarelli, and colleagues at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and in the U.S.

Use of Adult Stem Cells "in the hands of the FDA"

Unsurprisingly, Dr. Richard Burt of Northwestern University was one of the stem cell doctors who authored the clinical study and luckily he added a little more insight- "“We work 24/7, and we’re getting there as fast as we can. It’s now in the hands of the FDA" 

In the hands of the FDA?  Why do you have to be such a killjoy Dr. Burt?  You just killed all hope I had of seeing this available in the United States.

Speaking of FDA, another doctor, Dr. Christopher Centeno, involved in Adult Stem Cell research has formed a doctor's group who are challenging the FDA's silly rules that a person's own stem cells are drugs. A group of laymen are also joining the cavalry and if you are reading this, I recommend you join them-- go to www.safestemcells.org
Posted: 4/16/2009 8:10:37 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Adult Stem Cell Research Now As A Face Lift Alternative

Memo to Michael Jackson, Adult Stem Cell research has brought you an early Christmas gift this year. No longer is surgery required for anti-aging or making one look younger because Adult Stem Cells are now being used as an alternative to a facelift- no surgery required!

The stem cells being used are taken from the patient's fat- so they are autologous adult stem cells ie. the patient's own stem cells so there are no rejection issues.  Here is how it works:

Process of Stem Cells

  1. Patients  have fat cells removed from their stomach using a needle and local anesthetic

  2. Stem Cells are extracted from the fat cells and multiplied

  3. Two weeks later, patient returns to hospital.

  4. Doctors inject the stem cells into the face in a series of shots that plump out skin, erase wrinkles and give the patient a youthful appearance

  5. No surgery required!

Stem Cell Facelift Only Available in China

Alas,  since the United States always seems to be the last ones on the bus for these adult stem cell treatments, it is China that is taking the lead.  This process is taking place at  Beijing Tian Tan Puhua Hospital in Beijing, China.

Before you scoff at this stem cell treatment, this is the same hospital where Penny Thomas, the famous American woman who was the first to be treated with Adult Stem Cells for her Parkinson's Disease.  Countless other Americans have followed in her footsteps as the US FDA drags its feet.

Also, this same company, RNL Bio, is the same one that has helped John Cullison with his arthritis as we saw previously on this blog in this stem cell video.

This stem cell facelift is very popular with South Koreans after they had one of their aging stars, Kyung-gyu Lee go there to give it a try. Apparently it must have been a success.

Adult Stem Cells As Alternative to Plastic Surgery- A Possible Billion Dollar Industry

With the plastic surgery industry in the United States in the billions of dollars annually, we are looking at the near future of this industry.  Right now, this face lift alternative to surgery costs about $4,000 + the cost of a trip to China.
Bruce Jenner? You want to be the US pioneer?

But seriously, at first glance, this seems to be an industry with untapped potential. Some of you entrepreneurs out there may want to check this out.

See the whole story on the stem cell facelift here
Posted: 4/14/2009 3:06:52 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

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