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Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Adult Stem Cells Improve 2 Multiple Sclerosis Patients From New Jersey

2 New Jersey women with multiple sclerosis who traveled to Mexico for stem cell treatment using Adult Stem Cells are now stating that the stem cell therapy has given them tremendous quality of life improvements.

Donna Vander Ploeg and Nina Palumbo (a famous artist) both went to Mexico in July to receive adult stem cells and are very happy they did.

Multiple Sclerosis Adult Stem Cell Treatment
Nina Has Improved After Adult Stem Cell Treatment

Stem Cell Treatment Gets MS Patient Out of Wheelchair

Before the stem cell treatment, Donna was wheelchair bound for the last two years. And now, just days after the stem cell therapy, Donna was able to stand up and walk without the wheelchair. A blurry left eye is now able to see clearly thanks to the adult stem cells. And feeling has returned to her hands and feet.

As for Nina, she has improved as well. She was able to walk across her house without any canes and she says there are fewer "two cane days" as well.

Inspired by the Music of Adult Stem Cells

And the reason Nina was inspired to go for stem cell treatment in the first place was a man named Paul Nicholas, a multiple sclerosis patient as well as a musician. Nicholas had traveled to Mexico two years ago.

From the stem cell article:
He was “drooling in a wheelchair” before he received the treatment two years ago. When he returned, his family didn’t recognize him at the airport — and since then, he’s had a new lease on life.
“Going for adult stem cells was the best thing I have ever done for myself, in my whole life,” Nicholas said. “We are always told, ‘There are no second chances’ — and I can now say, ‘Yes there are.'"

You can find more stem cell success stories for multiple sclerosis in our Multiple Sclerosis Stem Cells category.

Stem Cell Therapy Information

For more stem cell treatment  information, write me at donmargolis@gmail.com and just put “Treatment”  in the subject box. Or, if you want to start the process to treat a loved one now, fill out this stem cell treatment form and one of the Repair Stem Cell Institute’s staff will provide you with all the help you need -free.
Posted: 8/14/2009 8:43:04 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Improved Quality of Life For Boy With Cerebral Palsy After Stem Cell Therapy

The parents of a 2 year old boy in Portsmouth, England are delighted with the improvements in their son with cerebral palsy just 6 weeks after a stem cell treatment using his own adult stem cells.

Harvey Telford's parents say they have seen a massive improvement in the quality of life in their son after the stem cell therapy that was done in Germany.

This stem cell success story sounds very similar to the one I posted last week on stem cell treatment for cerebral palsy. Perhaps the United States will take note and start helping these patients with cerebral palsy too!

Before the Stem Cell Treatment in Germany

  • Couldn't drink from a straw

  • Could only walk on his tip toes

  • Back was always arched

  • limited motion on both sides of his body and tongue

After the Adult Stem Cells Were Implanted

  • "The day after the treatment I had a drink with a straw in it and he drank from it for the first time."

  • Could walk normally, flat on his feet

  • Now can sit straight, back no longer arched

  • Improved motion on both sides of his body and tongue

From the stem cell article:

'We are just so glad we have done it, we want to go back next year for another round.

'We are so stunned at the improvements we have seen in him in just six weeks.'

Harvey had bone marrow extracted from his hip, which was processed in a lab at the specialist centre near Dusseldorf, where he received the treatment.

The quantity of his stem cells was checked, and found to be fine, before it was re-injected back into his body to get to work healing his damaged cells.

Not A Cure- But Adult Stem Cells Give Hope and a "Push"

Harvey's mother says- 'There was a chance it wouldn't work but if anybody was in the position we were in you would give it a shot.

'It shows there is hope out there. It's not a cure but it has given him that push.'

Saving For Next Stem Cell Treatment

Harvey's parents were so happy with the results of the first stem cell treatment using Harvey's own Adult Stem Cells that they are already saving up to go back for more stem cell therapy.

Stem Cell Therapy can also help adults with cerebral palsy!

Stem Cell Therapy Information

For more stem cell treatment  information, write me at donmargolis@gmail.com and just put “Treatment”  in the subject box. Or, if you want to start the process to treat a loved one now, fill out this stem cell treatment form and one of the Repair Stem Cell Institute’s staff will provide you with all the help you need -free.
Posted: 8/12/2009 11:56:33 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Peripheral Artery Disease Patients Save Their Legs Through Stem Cell Therapy

In a stem cell research study, 39 out of 44 patients with severe peripheral artery disease (PAD) and treated with stem cell treatment using their own Adult Stem Cells have had their legs saved from amputation.

87% Success Rate For Stem Cell Treatment

In a stem cell clinical trial, 60 peripheral artery disease patients, all of them smokers and many with Diabetes, had their own stem cells injected into their legs in an effort to save the legs from amputation. The 6 month follow up results are in for the first 44 patients and I repeat 39 had their legs saved. That is 87%. Not too shabby.

As If We Needed More Proof to Stop Smoking...

Dr. Vijayaragavan, Head of the Department of Vascular Surgery, Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, is conducting the stem cell research trial. He says that the 5 peripheral artery disease patients in which the stem cell therapy did not help-- those patients didn't stop smoking even after the adult stem cells were implanted!!

From the stem cell article:

The injection of stem cells would therefore help in creating new collaterals and these would provide the vital conduit for blood flow to the parts of the leg below the block. “The stem cells injected help in angiogenesis,” said Dr. Vijayaragavan.

“We did not see any great difference in angiogenesis between the two groups [one that got stem cell injections very close to the blood vessel, and the second group that got injections close to the vessel and as well as into the main artery above the block],” he said.

Stem Cell Research- A Case Study

We first got word of this stem cell research study in February when Dr. Vijayaragavan presented early results of his study in New York at a Cardiovascular Research Foundation meeting. There, he showed a case study of a 64 year old:

“These spots were along the blocked arteries. In four weeks, his pain came down. In eight weeks, he could walk. By the 12th week, he could get back to his daily routine with no trouble,” says Dr Vijayaraghavan.

Nothing to Lose - Why Not Adult Stem Cells?

As I said back in February, this is a no brainer.  The adult stem cell treatment should be a standard therapy for any peripheral vascular disease patient who is facing amputation.  The patient has nothing to lose (the procedure consists of simple injections of the patient's own stem cells into his leg)  and everything to gain.  It is a shame that this isn't available in the United States.

Stem Cell Treatment Information

For more stem cell treatment  information, write me at donmargolis@gmail.com and just put “Treatment”  in the subject box. Or, if you want to start the process to treat a loved one now, fill out this stem cell treatment form and one of the Repair Stem Cell Institute’s staff will provide you with all the help you need -free.
Posted: 8/10/2009 1:54:46 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Adult Stem Cells Help Improve Optic Nerve Hypoplasia

A young Texas boy with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia says his vision has improved already just one month after having Adult Stem Cells implanted in China.  Lawrence E Brown III and his parents went to China after being inspired by  young Colorado teen Macie Morse, a girl who also has optic nerve hypoplasia and who was able to see AND get her driver's permit after the stem cell treatment in China.

No Treatment for Optic Nerve Hypoplasia Before Stem Cell Therapy

Optic Nerve Hypoplasia is a disease in which the optic nerve fails to develop leaving the patient with little to no vision.  Up until the adult stem cell therapy in China, there was no treatment for this disease.  In other words, the patient was unable to be helped at all for this condition.

Enter a stem cell treatment company in China, they came up with a protocol for Optic Nerve Hypoplasia using adult stem cells from cord blood and now these people can improve their vision.

Already Improvements in Vision, Hopefully More to Follow

It is still early, but already Lawrence is seeing improvements, from the stem cell article:

By July 1, Lawrence's eyes began to itch, which he interpreted as a hopeful sign since previous patients had the same response from the therapy. On July 9, the doctors in Qingdao told him that his vision had improved slightly. "Today, I was able to see a candy wrapper on the floor," reads one entry from his blog from China. Colors became more vivid, and he could see them farther away than he could previously. He said he could detect movement that he couldn't see before. He could see the white lines of crosswalks from his taxi, something he couldn't do before. He could distinguish red flowers as individuals, rather than one big mass of color.

A Brighter World For Her Son Lawrence "was well worth it"

And Lawrence's parents had something nice to say too:

We are now taking our 7,000 mile journey back home. Lawrence is so happy with the sight he has received from God. Just having a “brighter world” for my son was well worth it. I would do this and more all over again for my children. I know that the man above has much more sight in store for Lawrence in these next 9-12 months.

Lawrence is the latest optic nerve hypoplasia patient to be helped by stem cell therapy from adult stem cells. Before Lawrence, we have featured:

Hayley Pelletier- Hayley's mother says after the stem cell treatment-  "“It’s been incredible,” Pelletier said. “Basically, her whole quality of life was just bumped up 110 percent. She’s so much happier.”

Before that there was Jakob Bielski from Canada

We added Dakota Clarke , her mom said “It’s been worth every single penny to see the changes in her.”

A few weeks before that, we added Macie Morse who can now see well enough to drive after her stem cell therapy.

And before that Coby Fend’s mother said ““We are talking about going back — we’d almost be crazy not to, because right now it’s the best thing going in the entire world.”

And we also had Connor Corkern - He’s doing great. He is doing wonderful. It’s like we’ve got a totally new baby, Coye Corkern said

We had Cameron Petersen - Grandma Petersen said “There was nothing for Cameron before this treatment. Now, his world is limitless.”

Lydia Black- From her father - “the treatment is already having a huge effect on her life, and he is glad that she was able to receive stem cell treatment in China.

Lydia Olmstead and Rylea Barlett - “After her second treatment, we started to notice a change,”

Savannah Watring - “She said hello to herself in an elevator (after seeing her reflection). It blew everyone away. We weren’t expecting that.”

Xavier Carballo- Xavier’s ophthalmologist, Dr. Jack Guggino of Tampa, said he did a baseline exam on the boy before the trip to China and after his return. He said before the treatment Xavier could only detect hand motion at 1 to 2 feet, and after the treatment he could count fingers at 3 to 4 feet.

As far as Xavier is concerned, there has been definite and measurable improvement, neurologically and ophthalmologically,” Guggino said.

Stem Cell Treatment Information

For more stem cell treatment  information, write me at donmargolis@gmail.com and just put “Treatment”  in the subject box. Or, if you want to start the process to treat a loved one now, fill out this stem cell treatment form and one of the Repair Stem Cell Institute’s staff will provide you with all the help you need -free.
Posted: 8/7/2009 10:15:44 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Cerebral Palsy Stem Cell Treatment

Caleb Turner, a 2 year old boy from New Zealand, with severe cerebral palsy has made many improvements in his quality of life after his stem cell treatment using adult stem cells from cord blood 7 months ago in Mexico. Yes, the Turner family had to fly from New Zealand to Mexico for this stem cell therapy.

However, they are very happy they did make the effort as the adult stem cells helped Caleb immensely.  Caleb has severe cerebral palsy as a result of a massive brain bleed days after his birth.

Before the Stem Cell Therapy in Mexico

  • 30-50 seizures per day
  • Showed no emotion- couldn't tell if he was happy, sad, sick etc.
  • Choked when he ate
  • Couldn't walk, talk, or roll over

After the Adult Stem Cell Treatment

  • Down to 4-5 seizures per day!!
  • Laughs, cries, smiles-  Mrs. Turner says "to see a smile on his face is priceless"
  • Now has an easier time eating
  • Now can clap his hands, roll over and has better trunk control

Going Back for a Second Helping of Adult Stem Cells

The Turner family was so happy with the changes in Caleb after the first stem cell treatment, that they are planning to go back to Mexico again for a second stem cell therapy.  To do this, they are holding an art auction to raise the money needed (approximately $30,000 US for treatment/travel).

From the stem cell article:

"When you do see improvements, it's hard not to give him that opportunity. He deserves it. We can't sit back and do nothing," Mrs Turner said.

"To hear him laugh or cry, or see a smile on his face is just priceless. Now, I know when something is not right."

If you wish to help the Turners raise money for a second stem cell treatment, you can email Mrs. Turner at shirley.turner@slingshot.co.nz

Why Can't We Get Adult Stem Cells in our Country?

The Turners are not the only family from New Zealand who have had stem cell success traveling to the North American continent, previously I have covered the story of Maia Friedlander who had her own cord blood stem cells implanted at Duke University.  The results?  Seems very similar to Caleb Turner-

“We just can’t believe the change in her. Maia is now talking, hugging us, playing and getting up to mischief with her sister and we couldn’t be more thrilled.

She’s had a second chance at life and we can now have the family life we’d always dreamed of.

For more, please click stem cell success stories for Cerebral Palsy

And more recently, just two days ago, we had this story about an adult with cerebral palsy improving after adult stem cell therapy.

Stem Cell Therapy Information

For more stem cell treatment  information, write me at donmargolis@gmail.com and just put “Treatment”  in the subject box. Or, if you want to start the process to treat a loved one now, fill out this stem cell treatment form and one of the Repair Stem Cell Institute’s staff will provide you with all the help you need -free.
Posted: 8/5/2009 3:31:07 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Adult Stem Cell for Cerebral Palsy

A woman from India with cerebral palsy has made significant improvements in her quality of life after receiving stem cell therapy using her own Adult Stem Cells removed from her bone marrow.  Ms. Aditi Kulkarni, 24, was the recipient of the life changing stem cell treatment.

Suffering from cerebral palsy after a lack of oxygen left her with brain damage, Aditi's parents took care of her growing up.  However, as they have gotten older, they feared what would happen when they died.  How would Aditi survive and get her basic necessities?

Stem Cell Therapy - Improvements in Quality of Life

Aditi received her adult stem cell therapy in February 2009.  Aditi started experiencing improvements in her quality of life approximately one week after her Adult Stem Cells were implanted.

From the stem cell article:

During the course of  the week that followed after the first shot of stem cells, Aditi showed remarkable improvements in her ability to hold her head upright and started experiencing good gripping power in her hands than she had prior to stem cell therapy. Tremors in both her hands and even the stiffness in her fingers have reduced dramatically.

The kind and degree of positive change in Aditi was so striking that her therapist and doctors argued in favor of a second shot of stem cells. Aditi made additional gains following the second shot in her ability to lift weights from the weight box without much effort.

More Stem Cell Research Success Stories for Cerebral Palsy

This is the first cerebral palsy success story for stem cell research using Adult Stem Cells this week.  I think I will add another one later this week so be on the look out for that.    Before this week, we have had plenty more of these stem cell success stories.  Please see our Cerebral Palsy stem cell treatment successes here.

Stem Cell Treatment Information

For treatment information, please fill out our stem cell treatment form (see link below)- and one of the Repair Stem Cell Institute’s staff will provide you with more information - free.

For full information, write me at donmargolis@gmail.com and just put “Treatment”  in the subject box. Or, if you want to start the process to treat a loved one now, fill out this stem cell treatment form and one of the Repair Stem Cell Institute’s staff will provide you with all the help you need -free.
Posted: 8/3/2009 9:42:35 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research Trial for Congestive Heart Failure

Look what we have here- another stem cell research trial for heart disease (congestive heart failure) and another heart patient has his life improved. This time, at the University of Louisville, the first heart failure patient treated with his own Adult Stem Cells has improved already, just 2 week after his stem cell treatment.

Adult Stem Cells Result in 30% Improvement

Michael Jones, a contractor in Louisville, was the first congestive heart failure patient to take part in this stem cell research trial. Here is more from the stem cell article:

His severe congestive heart failure was treated with the stem cell treatment. The procedure involved injecting his own cardiac stem cells into his damaged heart muscle. It was done on July 17. He shows already had 20-30% improvement of his heart function since the treatment.

Congestive Heart Failure Kills Millions Every Year- US Does Nothing

Heart failure is a leading cause of death in the United States, affecting some 6 million Americans a year. Half of the patients die within one year. Doctors have had little to offer patients with late-stage heart failure. With major muscle damage to the heart, patients have the option of a heart transplant or implantation of a mechanically assisted heart device.

What About The Millions Who Can't Get Stem Cell Treatment?

This is good news right? Well yes and no. Yes, I am happy for Michael Jones as he is a lucky man to receive stem cell treatment using his own adult stem cells and unsurprisingly it has worked.

No, because what about the other millions of Americans who aren't able to receive this stem cell treatment. The Fight Aging Website has a post on this:

It is only in the last couple of years that clinical trials have started for autologous stem cell therapies in the US. Or, to put it another way, for some time now unelected and largely unaccountable employees of the US government have forbidden US residents - on pain of criminal prosecution - from offering or making their own decisions about a medical technology commercially available elsewhere in the world. All the while, these bureaucrats impose vast costs on medical development concerns by insisting on largely pointless trials, continuing far past any reasonable trade-off between risk and reward, thereby greatly postponing the commerical introduction of these technologies in the US.

Do you have responsibility for, or even the ability to make your own medical choices? Not according to people in positions of power at the FDA. Regulation in medicine has largely become an exercise undertaken for its own sake, as is the end result of any centralization of power. No-one's interests are being served save for those of the career bureaucrats in charge of forbidding new things. Everyone else gets to suffer due to the ball and chain shackled to medical progress, and due to being forbidden the basic, fundamental freedom to choose how to treat their own medical conditions.

Now ask yourself, why can't anyone with heart disease and the necessary funds just up and do the research on the treatment and choose to try this within the borders of the US? Because a faceless bureaucrat has decided that it is forbidden, and that anyone who offers this treatment must be jailed. Welcome to the land of the free.

This is similar to what I argued here in this stem cell research post

Stem Cell Treatment Information

For treatment information, please fill out this stem cell treatment form- and one of the Repair Stem Cell Institute’s staff will provide you with more information - free.

For full information, write me at donmargolis@gmail.com and just put “Treatment"  in the subject box. Or, if you want to start the process to treat a loved one now, fill out this stem cell treatment form and one of the Repair Stem Cell Institute’s staff will provide you with all the help you need -free.
Posted: 7/31/2009 8:24:03 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research for Multiple Sclerosis

Today is a lucky day for us as we get an up close and personal look at Dr. Roberto Fernandez Vina, the chairman of the Repair Stem Cell Institute's Science Advisory Board, and one of the world's most renowned stem cell research pioneers using the patient's own Adult Stem Cells.  We also get a in depth look at his stem cell therapy for Multiple Sclerosis.

Dr. Roberto Fernandez Vina taking care of his MS patient
Dr. Roberto Fernandez Vina taking care of his patient

Dr. Fernandez Vina recently presented the results of some of his stem cell research for Diabetes Type 2 and COPD at the

ISCT 2009 Annual Meeting
May 3-6, 2009
Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina

However, Dr. Fernandez Vina usually doesn't get the credit he deserves as his stem cell treatment takes place far away in  El Salvador and other Latin American countries.

Stem Cell Treatment by Dr. Fernandez Vina - Up close

Dan Alvarez, also known as "the Day Trading Tutor,"  recently took his mother to Latin America for Dr. Fernandez Vina's stem cell treatment to help his mother's Multiple Sclerosis and documented the whole story in his Day Trading Blog.

Here is what Dan had to say about the stem cell treatment for his mother using Adult Stem Cells:

we were picked up late in the afternoon and taken to the hospital for preparation for the treatment on the following day. I was very impressed by the quality of the hospital and its cleanliness. The nurses and staff were great; always very helpful and supportive. The room was equipped with cable TV with plenty of channels (as well as funky Argentinian shows).

On that same day, we met Doctor Fernandez Vina and his assistant, Doctor Janina.

All I can say is that they were wonderful, with a genuine concern for their patients and their well-being. My mom really felt at ease with them and that helped a lot with her nervousness (she’s a bit of a sissy when it comes to doctors…He…He!).

During the next morning, bone marrow was extracted from my mom’s hip bone under general anesthesia. From this marrow the stem cells were later extracted and a few hours after that, Doctor Fernandez Vina implanted the cells through one of my mom’s leg arteries. The implant procedure took less than an hour.

My mom had to spend the day after the procedure in the hospital under medical supervision and one day on bed rest at the hotel.

The Results of the Stem Cell Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis

And what happened after the stem cell therapy for Multiple Sclerosis? Did it help improve her quality of life?

Dan describes the effects of the Adult Stem Cells:

After the Stem Cell Treatment

It’s been around two weeks since my mom had her treatment; so it’s too soon for the stem cells to complete their repair function, but we’re already seeing some dramatic changes. The MS had affected mainly my mom’s balance and coordination. She could not really walk without a cane anymore and constantly swerved to the sides, bumping against objects in her path if unassisted. To my amazement (and that of all our other family members), she was rather quick on her feet yesterday (the day prior to this post) when we paid her a visit. She wasn’t swerving to the sides and didn’t use a cane at all while we were with her.

It’s a truly amazing change given her previous condition. I can’t wait to see what other changes lie in store for her and thank God for all the blessings bestowed upon her so far.

For those of you who have family members suffering from multiple sclerosis, diabetes, or any other condition for which the traditional medical community doesn’t have a cure and probably no financial interest to find one, I strongly suggest that you contact me. I’ll be more than happy to discuss my experiences and suggestions with you in more detail, so feel free to contact me as well.

Stem Cell Treatment Information

Dr. Fernandez Vina treats many diseases and conditions using adult stem cells. For treatment information, please fill out this stem cell treatment form- and one of the Repair Stem Cell Institute’s staff will provide you with more information - free.

Besides MS, Dr. Fernandez Vina treats many other diseases and conditions using adult stem cells. His specialties are heart disease, diabetes and lung diseases....he is a world pioneer in all three and not one researcher in the world can match THAT statement! For full information, write me at donmargolis@gmail.com and just put "Vina" in the subject box. Or, if you want to start the process to treat a loved one now, fill out this stem cell treatment form and one of the Repair Stem Cell Institute’s staff will provide you with all the help you need! 
Posted: 7/29/2009 1:18:47 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research Using Adult Stem Cells for Spinal Muscular Atrophy

A young 16 year old boy with Type 2 Spinal Muscular Atrophy has returned home with noticeable improvements after receiving Adult stem cell research in China. Kyle Knopes, from Janesville, Wisconsin says his quality of life has improved tremendously after returning from China where he received adult stem cells taken from cord blood.

What is Spinal Muscular Atrophy?

Spinal Muscular Atrophy is a hereditary disease in which the person is missing a gene which is responsible for the production of the protein for motor neurons. Without this protein, the motor neuron in the spinal cord wither and die.

Before the Stem Cell Treatment in China

  • Couldn't open his fist

  • Couldn't roll over on his side by himself

  • All muscles were very weak, could only hold empty cups

After the Stem Cell Therapy Using Adult Stem Cells

  • Can open his fist and stretch his fingers by himself

  • Can roll from his back onto his side all by himself

  • Can now carry some weight, such as a bottle of apple juice rather than just empty cups

  • Reports improved strength in all his muscles

  • Daily tasks such as eating and writing are easier

Adult Stem Cells "Definitely" and "Absolutely" Worth It

When asked if the trip half way around the world from Wisconsin to China was worth it, Kyle replied "Definitely" and his mother chimed in with "Absolutely."

From the stem cell article:

Kyle and Penny said they’re happy to have gone through all the fundraising and planning for the treatment that cost more than $30,000, plus expenses.

They’d even consider a second trip in a few years for more injections.

They met families from across the United States, Australia, United Arab Emirates, England and elsewhere during their stay.

It was like one big family,” Kyle said.

Another Spinal Muscular Atrophy Patient Helped By Stem Cell Research

Coincidentally, or probably not so coincidentally, Kyle followed in the footsteps of another Janesville resident with Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Brandon Meinke.

This was a great story because a reporter from the local TV station followed Brandon before and after the stem cell treatment, documenting the improvements.

Brandon received stem cell treatment for his SMA and was able to walk again after the adult stem cells. You can see more on his stem cell therapy here.
Posted: 7/27/2009 4:27:06 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Video Shows Improvement for COPD Patient

This stem cell video is from the story I had last week, on the COPD patient who was helped by Adult Stem Cells. CNN presents this video which features Barbara Mckean, a COPD patient who received stem cell treatment from Dr. Zannos Grekos in the Dominican Republic.

Adult Stem Cells From Her Own Blood

The stem cell video shows Barbara playing with the Nintendo Wii and trying to stay in shape, approximately 1 year after her stem cell therapy which used Adult Stem Cells taken from her own blood.

Barbara, who was on oxygen 24/7 before the treatment and riding around in a scooter is living proof that Adult Stem Cells can help improve lives now!

Protecting Us From What? Possible Improvements in Quality of Life?

But of course, that doesn't stop the naysayers like Dr. Irving Weissman (see the video) who under the guise of "trying to protect us" are actually slowing down the pathways to treatment and thus costing lives.

And of course, the stem cell video didn't show the original part of the stem cell story which featured Dr. Robert Folsom, who was amazed, but actually now believes in the stem cell therapy after seeing Barbara's miraculous improvement for her COPD. Because we wouldn't want to be too positive about Adult Stem Cells would we CNN?

McKean’s family physician, Dr. Robert Folsom, confirmed to CNN that she had been suffering for many years from an advanced state of COPD, an incurable lung disease. Folsom told CNN he was “quite incredulous” after seeing her condition improve.

Folsom, who said he has been McKean’s family physician for many years, disputed any suggestion that her apparent recovery stemmed from a “placebo effect” — an improvement sometimes seen in patients who are given an inert substance in clinical trials.

“I know about the placebo effect, and her improvement does not seem to be a result of that,” he said.

Anyway, you can watch the stem cell video and judge for yourself.

Special Note on Stem Cell Treatment

If you or someone you love has COPD or perhaps another disease, If you are interested,

Go to The Repair Stem Cell Institute website

Right side of page, click on STEM CELL TREATMENT NOW.

Fill out the form and click SUBMIT. You will get an immediate answer listing some more facts about stem cell treatments.

Within a few days you will get a personal answer for the medical condition you inquired about.

This service is free.
Posted: 7/24/2009 11:07:06 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

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