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Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research for COPD and Emphysema

Dr. Roberto Fernandez Vina will present his stem cell study on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Emphysema next week at the International Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT)  annual meeting in San Diego.

Dr. Fernandez Vina who is also the chairman of the Repair Stem Cell Institute's Science Advisory Board was the first stem cell doctor in the world to treat lung diseases such as COPD and Emphysema, starting in 2006.

Last Week Stem Cells For Diabetes Type 2, This Week - Lungs

I posted Dr. Vina's amazing results for stem cell therapy for Diabetes Type 2 last week, so this week, as a little tribute to Dr. Fernandez Vina, I wanted to let you in on the basics of his stem cell treatment for the lungs (COPD and Emphysema). It is simple and effective- and of course since it is using the patient's own adult stem cells, it is safe as well.

Process of Stem Cell Therapy for Lung Disease

The procedure to implant the patient's own Adult Stem Cells into the lungs was conceived by Dr. Fernandez Vina and it consists of the following:

  1. Using a special needle designed by Dr. Vina, the needle is injected into the crest of the patient's iliac bone and bone marrow is drawn out

  2. The aspirated bone marrow is then taken next door into the lab and put into a centrifuge.  The stem cells are separated, filtered (to remove some bone remains)

  3. 2-3 hours later, the stem cells are injected into the veins and go directly to the lungs.

What Do The Adult Stem Cells Do In the Lungs?

The lungs grab and keep the stem cells and the alveolus starts regenerating. What happens here is that dead cells in the alveolus of the lungs leave empty spaces or niches or little caves, into which the stem cells settle down and start growing, reproducing and rebuilding the alveolus.

The stem cells go to the lungs directly as all blood passes through the lungs before going to the heart, lungs are a sort of a trap and the stem cells stay there. Recovery does not happen immediately for obvious reasons, but it takes from 3 to 6 months, though the patient starts reducing his oxygen consumption as from the 4th week onwards. How much he can reduce his oxygen consumption depends on his actual condition, how his body may react and many other factors.

Sometimes, quite rare, a second implant is required about 6 to 12 months later, for reinforcement. If this would be the case, the Doctor does not charge any additional medical fees, just the out of pocket expenses coming with it, such as hospital, hotel accommodation, ground transportation and airfares.

That doesn't sound like a bad deal at all.  In other words, if it doesn't work, a patient can try again at minimal expense.

More On The Stem Cell Treatment For COPD and Emphysema

The patient is requested to arrive at one of the Treatment Centers which are controlled and supervised by Dr. Fernández Viña (Usually in El Salvador), one day prior treatment, for pre-treatment tests. The next day, the patient gets his stem cell treatment done and it is very probable he will be discharged from hospital on the same day or next morning, but he is requested to stay at a hotel nearby for observation purposes for 2 more days at least.

No Pain, No Gain With Adult Stem Cells

The patient normally does not have any pain during or after treatment, though if necessary he will get some analgesic, such as an Aspirin or Advil pill, that is all he will need. He will be at least in the same condition for traveling back as he was when he arrived. Afterwards, the patient will get his follow up by his regular attending physician, but the patient will always be able to keep in touch with Dr. Fernández Viña.

No Rejection, No Side Effects From Your Own Stem Cells

There is no rejection as the patient gets his own cells and there are no side effects, collateral effects nor consequences of the treatment. If some of the injected Stem Cells would escape from the lungs and go to some other organs, there is no harm, just the opposite- benefits for that organ!

If you are further interested in this Adult Stem Cell treatment, please go to our Repair Stem Cell Institute website and fill out this stem cell treatment request form and we will assist you in receiving more stem cell therapy information regarding Dr. Fernandez Vina.
Posted: 6/29/2009 3:41:29 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research Study Shows Adult Stem Cells Improve Diabetes Type 2

Dr. Roberto Fernandez Vina is scheduled to present a stem cell research study in which he helped improve Diabetes Type 2 patients with their own Adult Stem Cells and followed up on them for 3 years! The stem cell treatment and therapy was a great success. The results are below.

Stem Cell Pioneer and Doctor to Present Adult Stem Cell Study At ISCT Meeting

Dr. Fernandez Vina will present the following abstract at the International Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT) in San Diego in July 2009.  This is another milestone in Adult Stem Cell research as Dr. Fernandez-Vina has probably been the world's foremost stem cell doctor in helping patients with their own stem cells.


Objectives: To evaluate the long time performance of Stem cells implant in pancreas in Diabetes Type 2 patients The adults stem cells CD34(+)CD38(-) have demonstrated the capacity to differentiate into functional cells in the endocrine pancreas.

Method: After three years on cell therapy for diabetes,patients the conclusions are optimistic. In this study were observed the evolution of 58 patients Diabetic type 2, 37 male, 21 female, 29- 71 years old. 29 patients were under insulin therapy, and 20 patients using Sulphonylureas + Biguanides. For the transplantation, we harvested bone marrow from the iliac crest by aspiration. The sample was processed using a density gradient separation method, obtaining 120ml (±95) of CD34(+)CD38(-) solution. For the implant was procedure a catheterization through Splenic Artery. No complications or further events were observed during or after the procedure. The patients were subjected to clinical and blood samples control during the 36 months following the implant.

Type 2 Patients

Before Implant

6 Months

36 Months

Results %

P values

C-Peptide Basal (ng/ml)






C-Peptide after meal (ng/ml)











Insulin Basal (MU/ml)






Insulin After Meal (MU/ml)




58.75 %

Pills per day






Insulin Dosis (IU/day)





P= 0.037

Conclusions: the implant of mononuclear CD34+CD38- ( stem cells) from autologous bone marrow improve pancreatic function in patients with type 2 diabetes, in a safe form and is maintained after 3 years at least

Stem Cell Treatment Now Available, But Not In the United States

Dr. Fernandez Vina from Argentina now is treating patients with their own stem cells in  El Salvador (a short flight from Houston) for conditions such as Spinal Cord Injury, Heart Disease, Lung Diseases (COPD and Emphysema) Diabetes Type 1 and Diabetes Type 2 as well as many other conditions.

If you are further interested in this Adult Stem Cell treatment, please go to our Repair Stem Cell Institute website and fill out this stem cell treatment request form and we will assist you in receiving more stem cell therapy information regarding Dr. Fernandez Vina
Posted: 6/25/2009 2:41:39 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research Now Helping Dilated Cardiomyopathy!

Stem Cell Research continues to show that Adult Stem Cells can help Dilated Cardiomyopathy patients. Before Adult Stem Cell treatment, there really was no treatment for cardiomyopathy, just a drug regimen to minimize the symptoms of the dreaded heart disease eventually resulting in congestive heart failure and then a heart transplant or death.

Adult Stem Cells Giving Hope

Adult Stem Cell research has given us new hope. Patients like Leonard Narracci are living examples of how this new stem cell therapy can help. Leonard previously wrote me and informed me of his stem cell treatment for his cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure on October 8th, 2008. He reported that 7 weeks after his treatment, his ejection fraction (a measure of the heart's pumping ability) had gone from 18% all the way to 33%.  Not only that, he had  renewed energy and sense of well-being that he had not experienced in 3 years!

That was in December- 3 months after the stem cell research had worked its magic on Leonard.  Now, more than 6 months after the adult stem cells were implanted, Leonard has more good news.

6 Months After Stem Cell Treatment- Good News!

His ejection fraction has gone up from 18% before treatment to 51% 6 months post stem cell treatment.

From the stem cell press release:

It goes against traditional theory that we should try to fix damaged heart muscle, but we are generating new heart tissue with impressive results that improve cardiac function and quality of life,” said Dr. Leonel Fernandez Liriano, Professor of Medicine at Pontifical Catholic University School of Medicine (PCUSM), and the head of the cardiology team that treated the patient with adult stem cells.

Grekos states, “After comparing this patient’s echocardiogram and MUGA nuclear scans before and after treatment, we are very pleased to see a profound increase in cardiac function.”

More on Stem Cell Research for Dilated Cardiomyopathy

Good to hear from Leonard again.  We also covered 2 other dilated cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure patients who are doing well after adult stem cell therapy- Mike Rumble and Dan Jackson.

Posted: 6/23/2009 3:34:22 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Cerebral Palsy Stem Cell Treatment for the 2nd time!

Sierra Rose Hill, a young girl from Australia with cerebral palsy who was already helped by Adult Stem Cells is off again to Germany for a 2nd stem cell treatment.  Sierra went to Germany in December, 2008 for the therapy with her own stem cells and it paid big dividends.  We first covered Sierra here in this stem cell post in March

Adult Stem Cells Successful First Time- Now Going for Two!

As a result of the first stem cell treatment, Sierra got "looser" in her limbs, more flexibility and a better ability to control her tongue. Sierra responded so well to her own Adult Stem Cells that her parents have now raised enough money to return to Germany for more stem cell therapy.

Stem Cell Research Documentary

Sierra and her parents are leaving for Germany on June 25th for the treatment. However, this time, they will have company. Pia Niebel is producing a documentary called 'Little Mountains' about Sierra and in Pia's words:

'Little Mountains' is an intimate portrayal of an Australian family’s struggle with cerebral palsy and the risks and choices associated with emerging stem cell technologies. It is a character driven documentary that enquires about the current status of adult stem cell treatment and why it is not available in Australia.

Adult Stem Cells Available to Help In Australia? No

I often moan on how adult stem cells are not available in the United States.  However, of course, there are people everywhere who have diseases and conditions that adult stem cells could help.  There is no reason why Australia shouldn't be making a person's own stem cells available for treatment as well.

And as Sierra's father said once  “If that (stem cell treatment) was available in Australia, at an affordable price, if it was at a hospital from a professional service, that could make such a huge difference to people with cerebral palsy and various other conditions,” he said. “I know they want to do their clinical trials. But they are providing this service already around the world. I would like to see it here.”

Pia is looking for funding to help her produce this Adult Stem Cell research documentary which would be a nice step in the right direction in getting Adult Stem Cell treatment approved in Australia.  If you would like to help Pia get the word out, you can contact her here:
Pia Niebel


Creative Producer

mobile +61 (0)4 388 77 183

Email: happy@pia.net.au

Here is a preview of Pia's stem cell research documentary featuring the lovely Sierra and her parents:

Posted: 6/22/2009 4:11:35 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research Shown To Improve ALS

In a recent published clinical stem cell research study, adult stem cells were shown to help delay Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) progression and improve an ALS patient's quality of life. This research study was believed to be the first published study comparing ALS patients who had their own stem cells injected into their brain vs a control group.

Thank you very much to ALS Worldwide for providing us with this exciting stem cell research breakthrough in humans- not mice! Any clinical studies like this in the United States? I can't hear you....

Without further ado- here is the published stem cell research study on ALS.

Summary of Adult Stem Cell Therapy for ALS Study

This summary is provided by the good people at ALS Worldwide as well as they went to observe this tremendous stem cell treatment using Adult Stem Cells!


The initial two year clinical test study results of the stem cell procedure instituted by Hospital San Jose Tecnologico de Monterrey, was published in Cytotherapy, February, 2009. Positive results were confirmed through both clinical observation and MRI tractography. It is considered by many within the international neurological community to be the foremost procedure available for minimizing or abrogating ALS symptoms and extending the lifespan of ALS patients. The procedure is a state of the art use of autologous CD-133 (+) stem cells injected into the frontal cortices for the effective replacement of motor neurons.

Representing the ALS WORLDWIDE patient community, we were at Hospital San Jose Tecnologico de Monterrey in Mexico from June 6-14 to observe the hospitalization and procedures for the first two international patients being provided this stem cell therapy. In a sentence, the official message delivered is clear: "This stem cell procedure is not a cure. We offer nothing more than the promise of stability and extended life expectancy. The opportunity, however, exists for improvement. "

Process of Stem Cells for Lou Gehrig's Disease

The stem cell preparation procedure is sophisticated and complicated but in the simplest terms, the patient's blood is purified, extracted and cleansed. Stem cells are extracted and then the one kind of stem cell that can be best coaxed into becoming a neuron is injected into two places in the brain. The patient experiences no pain and very little discomfort during the procedure. A mild sedative is provided and within hours, the patient is back in his or her room, enjoying dinner.

The team effort at Hospital San Jose Tecnologico de Monterrey embraces a cooperative spirit that pervades every aspect of their efforts. Patients and their families are treated with the highest level of concern, respect and support. The hospital itself resembles the finest hotel and provides exemplary care. A more detailed, scientific explanation of the Monterrey experience is currently being prepared and will be posted to ALS WORLDWIDE within the next week.

I hope to post these updates on this breakthrough in stem cell research as well.
Posted: 6/18/2009 12:10:07 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research Heals Heart Muscle After Heart Attack

Another congestive heart failure patient has been helped by stem cell research using adult stem cells. Terry Areford, 62, a multiple heart attack victim has been given a 2nd chance at life after receiving Vescell stem cell treatment to heal his heart muscle in Thailand.

Congestive Heart Failure Symptoms

Terry was dying. He was slowing down. He had the usual symptoms of congestive heart failure. He had shortness of breath. He could barely walk 50 feet slowly. However, Terry still had hope. His daughter came across the Vescell website and contacted them.

Adult Stem Cells From Your Own Blood

For those of you unfamiliar with Vescell stem cell therapy in Thailand, it is a process created by a company called Theravitae in which adult stem cells are removed from the patient's blood (similar to a blood donation) and then multiplied into a therapeutic dose and then implanted into the patient's heart muscle and/or coronary arteries.

But back to Terry's stem cell story-

Before Vescell Treatment

  • Ejection Fraction 10%

  • Could barely walk

  • Severe shortness of breath

After Adult Stem Cells Implanted

  • Ejection Fraction at 45%

  • Plays 3 rounds of golf per week

  • No shortness of breath- outside chopping firewood

3 full 18 hole rounds of golf per week? No kidding Terry?  I am very happy for you.   Like many of the Vescell heart patients recently, Terry has become an adult stem cell advocate and wants other congestive heart failure patients to know that there is still hope out there.

You are welcome to call or email Terry  at 304-594-9377 or his email is bkareford@msn.com

Stem Cell Research in Thailand

This is the third stem cell research success story to come out of Thailand in the last month. See stories from heart attack victims and heart failure patients James Eilert and Andy Jordan as well.   Is anyone in the FDA paying attention to this?  Adult Stem Cells can be used now to help these heart patients with no side effects!  Why do they have to leave the United States for it?
Posted: 6/17/2009 1:11:06 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.
While America continues to waste put its money into Embryonic Stem Cell research, a doctor in Iraq is actually treating patients with their own Adult Stem Cells.   Dr. Abdul Majeed Alwan Hammadi is treating patients for free- and has so far treated 34 patients with stem cell therapy and treatment, mainly patients with Multiple Sclerosis.

Dr. Hammadi claims no side effects have been reported in his patients and this isn't surprising because it is the patient's own stem cells he is using.

We covered Dr. Hammadi briefly last month when he was treating  Reverend Andrew White, the vicar for St. George's church in Baghdad.  Reverend Andrew was suffering from multiple sclerosis before his stem cell treatment.

Reverend Andrew had no qualms about using his own Adult Stem Cells for his treatment because they were cells from his own body, already designed to repair damage.

Dr. Hammadi started treating Reverend Andrew in January 2009.  Since then (from the stem cell article):

White said his slurred speech and other MS symptoms improved since starting the three-hour therapy sessions, which involves Hammadi extracting adult stem cells from White’s blood and then injecting them into his spinal cord.

"When there’s no other treatment, you kind of just go with it," White said. "At least there’s a chance."

White said the therapy itself "can be a bit painful" since it involves a spinal cord puncture, but there has been a "massive difference" in his condition.

"It’s very rare for me to actually feel ill now," he said. "My balance is still quite bad and my vision is not perfect, but I do not feel ill."

Look at this.  In the middle of a warzone, a doctor is treating patients with their own Adult Stem Cells for free.  While in the peaceful United States, too busy with their Embryonic stem cell research, multiple sclerosis patients wait (and suffer) for the right to use their own stem cells for treatment. Is there something wrong with this picture?

Posted: 6/15/2009 3:43:36 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Treatment Helps Spinal Cord Injury

Due to the wonders of Adult Stem Cell treatment, yet another spinal cord injury patient has improved his quality of life.  A young man in India who had lost all sensations from a car accident has been helped after receiving his own Adult Stem Cells and having them injected into his spinal cord where the injury occurred (C3-c4).

Before the Stem Cell Therapy

  • Loss of bladder function and control

  • Weakness in all both legs and arms

  • Loss of feeling and sensations

After the Adult Stem Cell Therapy

  • Regained bladder function- doesn't need urinary catheter anymore

  • Getting Stronger in all limbs

  • Return of more feelings and sensations

Process of Stem Cells for Spinal Cord Injury

  1. Bone Marrow taken from the hip

  2. 6 weeks of cultivating the adult stem cells to increase total to 100 million +

  3. Adult Stem Cells injected at injury site (C3-C4) in a surgical procedure

Dr. K Eliyas Basha of Salem Manipal Hospital in India was the stem cell doctor responsible for this success story.  He contacted various stem cell treatment centers around the world and exchanged ideas and techniques.

From the stem cell article:

"We have been screening and interacting with stem cell centres around the world to know further details regarding stem cell therapy directly at the C3- C4 cervical cord injury. The whole procedure was thoroughly studied and scrutinized by various committees of Manipal health systems," Dr. Basha said.

Perhaps he consulted with this group in Ecuador- see this amazing stem cell for spinal cord injury video

While obviously not a cure, this stem cell therapy and treatment has   helped improve this young man's life.  That is what Adult Stem Cells do- they repair damage and improve lives with no side effects.

What if we gave every spinal cord injury patient in the United States this stem cell treatment using their own repair stem cells?  Don't you think that would help improve thousands of lives?

I do.   We have enough proof- it is safe and helps in most cases. Let's make Adult Stem Cells available for treatment now!
Posted: 6/13/2009 3:57:20 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Adult Stem Cell Group Having A Rally

A group of patients who have been helped by stem cell research using Adult Stem Cells have formed a group called the Stem Cell Awareness Association.  This group is growing fast with prospective stem cell patients and even US doctors joining the movement.   They will be holding a Stem Cell Awareness rally this Saturday, June 13th, 2009 in Denver.

Making Others Aware of the Benefits of Adult Stem Cells

The Stem Cell Awareness Association was formed by Carol Peterson.  Carol is the grandmother of Cameron Peterson, a young toddler who was blind from Optic Nerve Hypoplasia, but now can see thanks to stem cell therapy in China using Adult Stem Cells from cord blood.

Educated Freedom of Choice

Carol says the mission of the Stem Cell Awareness Association can be summarized  in four simple words, "Educated Freedom of Choice.

"Our group is mainly made up of patients who have experienced what is really available in other countries and while we don't want to exert influence over other patients' decisions, we do want to make them aware that what is available in the U.S. is not representative of what is available throughout the world."

US Medical Establishment Protecting Patients Or Are They More Worried About Lawsuits and Reputations?

David Aldrich, a spinal cord injury patient who has improved tremendously after his stem cell treatments in China also weighs in on the topic-

"I am worn out from dealing with a medical establishment that does not provide me with the best treatment available and oftentimes tries to stop people like me from seeking treatment abroad under the guise of protecting me," said Aldrich. "My short-term goal is to let people know that there is help available, no matter what your physician says. But my real goal is focused on bringing people together to figure out what can be done so I don't have to go abroad for my next treatment."

If you guessed that David was referring to the American medical establishment not providing him with the best treatment available,  you would be correct.

Too Much Focus On Stem Cell Research and Not Enough Focus On Helping Patients Now With Adult Stem Cells?

While America focuses on "research" using billions of taxpayer dollars, other countries are using Adult Stem Cells now and actually helping patients improve their lives.

For example, take Shel Morse, the mother of Macie Morse, who was legally blind from her optic nerve hypoplasia, but CAN NOW DRIVE!  after receiving adult stem cell therapy in China, she has her say -

"Macie's journey to stem cells started when she turned 15 and asked for a driving permit. It wasn't even an option with her current vision, not to mention the fact a vision teacher of hers had stated it was never going to be possible and we should just face reality. At that point I knew that it was my mission to let people know that they don't necessarily have to live with the diagnosis their local doctors give them.

"Macie's doctors not only criticized the companies we told them about but actively discouraged us from help overseas - help that they could not offer. The reason why I got behind this organization and decided to set up this event in Denver is because the patients need to join together to have a voice. Our medical society needs to get serious about real health care; we cannot rely on our current system - it is broken. U.S. doctors and scientists need to focus on doing what is necessary to help patients instead of their reputations and how they can make money."

What else can I say?  Carol, David and Shel said it perfectly.    See the full stem cell press release here

If you are in the Denver area on Saturday, go check them out, you may learn something and for sure you will meet some brave individuals-

All patients who are considering stem cell treatments or have already had stem cell treatments are welcome to join the next Stem Cell Awareness Rally:
    Location: Denver, Colorado
Place: Stella's Coffee House
Date: June 13th, 2009
Time: 2 pm
Posted: 6/11/2009 3:00:45 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research Doctor Helps Woman With Brain Injury

In another victory for stem cell research using Adult Stem Cells, a woman in India is recovering from a traumatic brain injury suffered in a car accident.  Madhumalika, 27,  had her own adult stem cells implanted into her brain for the therapy and treatment.

In a Coma, Nothing to Lose- Her Own Adult Stem Cells To The Rescue

Madhumalika had been in a coma for more than 3 months.  Her family had given up hope.  Her father said ""We had no hope of getting her back after the fatal injury. Also, we were unsure of the effects of the therapy on her. But we had to take a chance."

With the help of Dr. N K Venkataramana, chief neurosurgeon of BGS Hospitals,Madumalika had the stem cells from her bone marrow put into her brain.  The results?

From the stem cell article:

In the surgery done in March, four million stem cells per body weight, which were prepared at Stempeutics Research Pvt Ltd, were injected directly into her brain.

After a month of the transplant, she showed considerable improvement. She became conscious, started talking and could move her limbs. She was also able to recognize family members and friends.

Dr. N K Venkatarmana - Can you say the name of this stem cell doctor 3 times fast?

As noted above, the stem cell research and treatment was carried out by Dr. N K Venkataramana.  One doesn't easily forget a name like that.  Dr. Venkataramana was the same doctor (neurosurgeon) who helped Aaditya, the lovely young boy suffering from  Niemann Pick Type C, with Aaditya's own stem cells.    You can read more about Aaditya's stem cell treatment at his own web site set up by his family Hope for Aaditya

This all leads back to "Why isn't this available in the United States?"-  Treatment with your own stem cells - not as a cure, but as a beneficial treatment that should be done especially when the patient has nothing to lose such as in this case.  By not being able to use our own stem cells as a therapy, it  is causing unnecessary deaths and unnecessary suffering each day we delay.
Posted: 6/10/2009 10:16:09 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

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