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Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research Helps Girl With Autism

A woman from New York has written an open letter to Obama saying that stem cell research using Adult Stem Cells has helped her daughter's autism. Judy DiCorcia is reporting that her daughter, Lauren, a 10 year old girl with autism has improved significantly after the stem cell treatment and therapy in Germany in January 2009.

Process of Stem Cell Research and Therapy for Autism

  1. Bone Marrow Extracted From Patient

  2. Using a centrifuge, stem cells are separated from the bone marrow

  3. Implanted into spinal canal via lumbar puncture- a simple procedure

As easy as 1,2, 3!

Improvements in Lauren After Stem Cell Treatment

  • Can sleep through the night for the first time

  • Less Frustrated

  • Better focused, more compliant

  • Moms says a "40% general improvement which is huge for an autistic child"

From the stem cell article:

Now, more than five months since her treatment, Mrs. DiCorcia reports that her daughter is still doing well, "Lauren is doing well. I would have to say that she 'plateaued' at about the 12-week mark. Her situation is stable and fortunately all positive effects have persisted. I wish the doctor could fly to the US and perform the therapy here!"

I wish they could perform the procedure here too Mrs. DiCorcia.   Again, nobody is saying the stem cell therapy has cured Lauren.  But the improvement in the quality of life is what is most important.  And Lauren's mom says the improvement was 40%- in a simple procedure.

Now, Lauren had nothing to lose, the research has been done-  the procedure used her own Adult Stem Cells so was perfectly safe.   And it paid off for the family.

Here is the full letter from Lauren's mother addressed to Obama-

Dear President Obama,

I am the mother of a 10-year-old autistic daughter. In January, we took Lauren to Cologne, Germany for Adult Stem Cell therapy. The center used her own stem cells drawn from her hip bone marrow, centrifuged the next day, and then reinserted via lumbar puncture the following day (2.95 million cells). Both procedures were quick and not invasive at all. In the past 6 weeks we have seen significant improvements in our daughter's behaviors, focus, hyperactivity, and insomnia. I would rate a general improvement of about 40% - this is HUGE for a family living with autism. Our daughter started sleeping through the night for the first time (yes, she is 10 and got up every night) since stem cells. Lauren is happier just in her own skin - so much less frustrated and just generally happier. She is getting through her one-on-one therapy more quickly, better focused, and more compliant. Of course, it amazes me that this simple, non-controversial therapy cannot be done here in the United States.

Judy DiCorcia

It amazes me too Judy.  You should send your letter to the FDA as well.

We have previously reported  on autism with Matthew Faiella who has also improved due to stem cell research after adult stem cell treatment in Costa Rica.  Here is more on Matthew and how stem cells have helped his autism
Posted: 6/8/2009 4:04:59 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Research on Stem Cell Treatments Abroad

If you have done any research on stem cell treatments abroad, you will undoubtedly read negative articles like this one on CNN from the mainstream media saying these companies are promising cures and are preying on the desperate, that these companies are selling "snake oil"   Nothing could be further from the truth.

The stem cell companies and stem cell doctors that are part of the Repair Stem Cell Institute offer patients a good chance at an improvement in the patient's quality of life- they don't offer nor promise cures.  Patients going to these stem cell therapy treatment centers abroad know this.

Unfortunately, the United States and their FDA don't give these patients any other options.  Are they able to use their own stem cells to help their multiple sclerosis or heart disease-  Stem Cells that have been proven safe in thousands of studies? No.  What is one to do then?  These patients must go abroad for the only treatment that can help their disease or condition.

Here is a sampling of what some of these companies  affiliated with the Repair Stem Cell Institute tell their patients:

From Stem Cells China:

It's not a cure. It's about quality of life. Every day I see inquiries begin like this: "Can stem cells cure...?" Everyone should know the answer to that one right away. No. No known therapy utilizing stem cells can cure any medical condition. Not one.

A cure would rewrite the broken code of your genome. A cure would rewind the debilitating progression of a neuro-degenerative disease to the moment before onset. A cure would fix all the wrongs of a baby's challenged birth. We eagerly await the development of cures and their accessibility to patients in need.

So why are people receiving stem cell therapy today? Therapies involving adult stem cells today are providing quality of life improvements for many patients. It's no cure. Just as painkillers are not a cure for pain. They improve our quality of life if we feel pain.

But who would deny that painkillers are still worthwhile for extreme pain? Many doctors in the West are saying that they don't have enough proof that stem cells are improving quality of life for patients. In the meantime, patients are busy coming to China and China's stem cell clinics are busy offering the chance for quality of life improvements where none else would exist. We encourage you to explore the therapies being offered today.

From Dr. Shimon Slavin, Israel, helping people like Louis Zylstra and Arndt Roehlig

However, we have some positive and most encouraging evidence that the cells we inject may be of benefit, especially as evidenced in some patients with multiple sclerosis as well as based on the first patient we treated with spinal injury that seemed to have somewhat improved. The good news is that there are no side effects at all so there is no risk and nothing to lose (except money…). I would like to stress that since we are in very early stages of our research, nothing can be said about the clinical efficacy of our approach.  However, on the other hand, I do understand that patients in need cannot wait for all the answers to be solved and this is why we agree to offer experimental procedures for patients that understand the experimental nature of our program and consent to try and explore new treatment options.

From Dr. Roberto Fernandez Vina-- For doctors who say that current stem cell therapies are "unproven," Dr. Fernandez Viña has the following response:

"How many patients must to be treated to say this is a cure? How many patients must die waiting for the word "cure?"

A lot of diseases are not totally cured with drugs but the laboratories talk about curing (HIV, Tuberculosis and a lot of malignant deseases). They say that the drugs "cure" but in reality the drugs improve the quality of life. Stem cells "cure" in the same sense. If a person is dying of diabetes and we improve the prognosis and he no longer needs insulin injections, we increase the C peptide, decrease the HbA1c, decrease protein in the urine, decrease the risk of amputation or kidney failure, in my book that is a "cure."

From Richard Humphries, with multiple sclerosis and a stem cell recipient from Cell Medicine in Costa Rica:

I’m case study #1 in the paper (Multiple Sclerosis Study) just released and have had two stem cell treatments in Costa Rica where they promise nothing but deliver wonderful results. Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis patients can’t wait on historical data. Time is not on our side but stem cells improved my quality of life and the follow up MRI looks excellent.

From the X cell Center in Germany:

Even if not all of the interactions have been conclusively researched to date, the status of the current medical insights has indeed reached a level that allows the non- hazardous treatment with adult stem cells and puts medical professionals in a position to assume responsibility for its use.

Given the proven treatment success of regenerative medicine, the question of whether more research is needed prior to therapeutic use has already been answered.

Those who nevertheless demand stem cell therapy be postponed until we know more about it are taking away patients’ rights to make their own decisions as they search for medical solutions – for the kind of help stem cell therapy does offer.
Posted: 6/5/2009 12:10:20 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research Helping Regrowth of Hair, Treating Baldness

A clinic in Florida is doing an experimental  stem cell research study to treat baldness with Adult Stem Cells from the patient's own blood.  John Satino, the clinical director of the Hair & Scalp Laser Clinic in Florida is now testing a method of using stem cell therapy and treatment to stimulate hair growth in people who are suffering from premature baldness.

Process of Stem Cells for Baldness

  1. Blood is drawn from the patient

  2. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Containing Stem Cells and Growth Factors are separated from the blood

  3. The stem cells are then injected into the affected (Balding) areas

  4. A Laser is also used to agitate the skin so the stem cells can migrate into the hair follicles

The stem cell article here features a Florida resident named Russell Gibson. Russell is 30 years old. Here is more:

Gibson has alopecia areata which is an auto-immune disease where white blood cells attack the hair follicle which stops hair growth on the scalp and on the body. Gibson's eyebrows and lashes have fallen out. There is no cure.

The hair clinic is treating Gibson and 5 others for free as part of the stem cell research study. The results of the research study are expected to be published. Hey John Satino, when you finish the stem cell study, please let the Don Margolis Blog know the results! We want to know.

The results of the study should be interesting. When I was with Theravitae, I saw the heart disease patients treated with Vescell and one of the positive side effects in addition to the benefits to the heart was that some of the patients reported that their hair was growing back- so this idea seems to be a good one. I'd like to see how Russell is doing in a few months as from the story, it seems he was just treated with his own Adult Stem Cells.

Hey FDA, are you getting this? A person is being helped by his own stem cells again, you better step in and stop this "improving the quality of lives" stuff right away!
Posted: 6/3/2009 4:31:06 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Another Heart Failure Patient Saved By Stem Cell Research

Barbro Lowed, a retired air hostess from London, England says that stem cell research using Adult Stem Cells removed from her bone marrow has given her her life back.  Barbro had previously been suffering from congestive heart failure before the stem cell treatment. The heart failure was caused by a faulty valve.

This research story starts with Barbro going into congestive heart failure because of a leaky heart valve.  Then in Barbro's own words -

Unless it was repaired, my heart would steadily worsen, until it couldn't function any more. Even though I needed the operation straight away, the NHS waiting list was two years, which really worried me.

After six months, with no sign of an operation date, I was getting desperate. I felt dizzy and lethargic all the time and couldn't even walk to the local shops without struggling for breath.

When Free Health Care Isn't Free Anymore

Ok, I will give the US FDA a day off and target Socialist (Free?) Healthcare today. Can you imagine needing an operation yesterday and having to wait 2 years?  That is shameful.   And this is what Obama has in mind for us? I hope not. But no more ranting- on with the stem cell story....

Finding A Stem Cell Doctor Who Used Her Own Adult Stem Cells

Barbro found Professor Andreas Zeiher in Germany who had been performing stem cell therapy using the patient's own Adult Stem Cells for many years. Now this is where the story gets a little confusing (at least to me):

Stem Cell Therapy for Congestive Heart Failure

According to Barbro's account, Dr. Zeiher implanted the stem cells into her heart valve which apparently improved both her valve and her congestive heart failure. But if you look at the article, then in part 2, Dr. Zeiher describes implanting the stem cells into the arteries to cure the heart failure and in turn the heart valve?

Very confusing, but the most important part of the story is that Barbro now has her life back thanks to being implanted with her own Adult Stem Cells.

How Do the Stem Cells Do That Thing They Do?

Also from the article is this interesting tidbit from Dr. Zeiher: Stem cells have this extraordinary ability to turn into other cells. They help the heart heal by encouraging the formation of new blood vessels, which brings more oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscle.

And as far as we know, unlike drug treatments, stem cell transplants have no undesirable side-effects. The process is also less risky than conventional open-heart surgery, as it doesn't involve a general anaesthetic, which is always a concern with a heart failure patient.

You can read the full article here as it is very fascinating-  Stem Cell Research Article

This is the 2nd day in a row with a Heart Disease story helped by Stem Cell Research using a patient's own stem cells. Yesterday we featured a Michigan man who also suffered from congestive heart failure.
Posted: 6/2/2009 4:38:53 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Adult Stem Cells Fix Damaged Heart Muscle

Stem cell research has helped James Eilert repair his damaged heart muscle after a severe heart attack. Using his own Adult Stem Cells, James has made almost a complete recovery after his heart attack 3 years ago.

Heart Attack Left Him Devastated

James, only 34 at the time of his heart attack, had lost hope. He was short of breath, fatigued and sweating all the time. Work was getting very difficult. Depression had set in. James had given up hope.

Stem Cell Research in Thailand

One day, James stumbled upon the Vescell website. In Bangkok, Thailand, the company Theravitae, a stem cell research company and makers of Vescell use a patient's own Adult Stem Cells to help heal heart attack, heart failure, and heart disease patients.

James quickly contacted them and on November 14, 2007 had his own stem cells implanted using a catheter.

Before the Stem Cell Therapy

  • Ejection fraction was 20-25%

  • Difficulty Working

  • Gasping for breath, sweating all the time

After the Adult Stem Cell Treatment

  • Ejection fraction at 50%

  • Can Work Full Time

  • No Restriction or Limitations

From the stem cell article:

After the treatment, James was thrilled with the results of the Vescell ™.  “I had an echocardiogram only 2 weeks after my stem cell therapy and my completely dead apex was beating again.  I was shocked and ecstatic at the same time.”

James now is going on 20 mile bike rides and living life to the fullest.

Stem Cell Treatment? Why Not the USA?

What would have happened if there was no Vescell in Thailand for James?  Most likely he would still be suffering from congestive heart failure- shortness of breath, fatigue, sweating all the time and depressed.  He was one of the lucky ones.  Most people in the US who have heart disease usually either can't go abroad for treatment or don't want to because they believe the US offers the highest standards in health care.   Sadly, in the case of congestive heart failure, these people are mistaken.  The US is falling behind by not allowing the use of the patient's own Adult Stem Cells to heal themselves.  Yes, I'm talking to you US FDA. You are making people suffer.

Please feel free to contact James via email jameseilert@att.net or phone- 248-227-3016

It looks like my old friends at Theravitae, the makers of Vescell are becoming more active on the internet.  It is about time. Keep it up guys.  I'm cheering for you.
Posted: 6/1/2009 4:22:46 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Breakthrough in Stem Cell Research for the Cornea

Stem Cell Research using the patient's own Adult Stem Cells has brought us another great discovery- Stem Cell Contact Lens. In Australia, a group of doctors in a research study treated 3 patients who had some form of cornea problems and they all were able to see after the stem cell treatment in which their own stem cells healed damage to their cornea

The Process of Stem Cells for the Cornea

  1. The doctors removed Adult Stem Cells from the patient's good eye

  2. The stem cells were grown on a contact lens for 10 days

  3. The contact lens was placed on the damaged eye for 3 weeks

  4. The stem cells "blend" into the eye and repair the damage in the cornea

From the stem cell article:

The researchers, led by Dr Nick di Girolamo, said each person's sight improved significantly within weeks of the procedure, and that it was a simple inexpensive technique which required a minimal hospital stay

Stem Cell Research Abstract

Also, here is the  stem cell research abstract for the cornea study.  Here are some of the actual results:

Results. A stable transparent corneal epithelium was restored in each patient. There was no recurrence of conjunctivalization or corneal vascularization, and a significant improvement in symptom score occurred in all patients. Best-corrected visual acuity was increased in all eyes after the procedure.

This technique is simple, non invasive, and uses the patient's own stem cells-- so the patient has nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying something like this.  What can be easier than popping in a contact lens?

Covering Old Stem Cell Ground?

However, it seems like they have doing something similar in India for a number of years. Notice in the story, that the doctors removed stem cells from the good eye of the patient. What happens if the patient has two bad eyes? Well there are  doctors in India are getting the stem cells from under the lip of the patient. This stem cell story didn't get any run when it came out in October of 2008- but it probably should have. Read more about what this group of stem cell doctors in India have for stem cells for the cornea here

Posted: 5/28/2009 4:04:58 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research Doctors Featured

I am very sorry. I don't have any new stem cell research success stories today. However, I still want you to read about a special group of people. I don't give enough praise to the stem cell doctors who help all of these patients I feature here. So today, I want to introduce these special people who are saving and improving lives right now.

The Repair Stem Cell Institute (Disclaimer- Yes, I am the founder) issued a press release today announcing their new 2009 Stem Cell Research Science Advisory Board. The Repair Stem Cell Institute's mission is to educate and inform everyone about the rapid advances being made in Repair Stem Cell research, so all can intelligently exercise freedom of choice in medical care. If you, or a loved one, is seeking treatment for your "untreatable" medical condition then you should check out the Repair Stem Cell website.

Here is the press release in full---- read about these stem cell pioneers who are helping people now!

The Repair Stem Cell Institute (RSCI) http://www.RepairStemCells.org, a Dallas, Texas-based stem cell global public affairs organization founded in April 2008, today announced the annual appointments of its Science Advisory Board (SAB) which consists of five of the world's leading Repair (Adult) Stem Cell treatment science and research professionals.

Science Advisory Board Chairman, Dr. Vina

Science Advisory Board Chairman, Dr. Vina

According to Don Margolis, RSCI Chairman, "RSCI's Science Advisory Board carries on our mission of providing the public with the latest Repair Stem Cell (RSC) research and therapeutic innovations. Repair Stem Cells include both autologous (from the patient) and cord blood. There is no organization in the world which can match these five leaders in stem cell treatment accomplishments---none. They actively research and successfully treat patients suffering from heart disease, cancer, diabetes, spinal cord injury, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, and a dozen other incapacitating conditions with Repair Stem Cells. That covers over 90% of the world's incurable patients."

SAB Chairman Roberto Jorge Fernandez - Viña, M.D. is a world pioneer in developing stem cell therapies for heart diseases, Type 2 Diabetes, and serious lung disorders. He has treated hundreds of patients with stem cells for these conditions, both in El Salvador and other Latin American countries. He proved the great healing benefit of RSC for heart patients in South American clinical trials in 2003-04, and is the first and only person with a successful clinical trial on treating Type 2 Diabetes with stem cells.

Professor Shimon Slavin, M.D., Deputy Chairman, is an expert bone marrow transplantation scientist and clinician, is famous for his innovative clinical application of cell-mediated immunotherapy for the treatment of cancers plus multiple sclerosis and ALS. He is the pioneer for all three. Dr. Slavin is the medical & scientific director of the International Center for Cell Therapy & Cancer (ICTC) at the Tel Aviv (Sourasky) Medical Center in Israel.

SAB Chairman Emeritus Kitipan V. Arom, M.D., Ph.D., FACS, FACC, FACCP, FRCST, established an innovative stem cell treatment program at Bangkok Heart Hospital (BHH) and may be the only doctor in the world to successfully inject stem cells directly into the heart muscles of more than 120 late-stage heart patients. Dr. Kit is the associate professor of surgery and chief cardiothoracic surgeon at BHH. He is a co-founder of the Minneapolis Heart and is the President of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons of Thailand.

Carlos Lima, M.D., one of the foremost neuropathologist experts in stem cell treatments, rejected traditional bone marrow stem cells as a too-limited source for the neurological stem cells required to repair injured spinal cords. Using olfactory stem cells harvested from the patient's own nose, Dr. Lima transplants the cells at the spinal cord break utilizing the successful OMA transplant surgical procedure he developed. He was the first doctor in the world whose treatments, coupled with extensive rehabilitation therapy, created the neurological redevelopment required to allow some paraplegics to rise from their wheelchairs and walk.

Zannos G. Grekos, M.D., F.A.A.C. Director of Cardiology & Vascular Disease, Regenocyte and Clinical Assistant Professor, Nova Southeastern University, is an RSC innovator. Dr. Grekos is the first to inject stem cells into the muscle of the heart via catheterization. This procedure produces significantly less "spillage," maximizing cell utilization at the target region. In May he saved a young cardiomyopathy patient with serious complications by developing a new multi-faceted comprehensive stem cell treatment procedure. Dr. Grekos treats pulmonary hypertension and fibrosis, heart and peripheral vascular diseases, and is the only doctor known to have a successful stem cell therapy for renal problems.

"To summarize," said Mr. Margolis, "these five men have improved the lives of more 'untreatable' patients than all of the world's thousands of embryonic doctors and scientists combined---and that will still be true a decade from now!"

About The Repair Stem Cell Institute: The Repair Stem Cell Institute's mission is to educate and inform everyone about the rapid advances being made in Repair Stem Cell research, so all can intelligently exercise freedom of choice in medical care. If you, or a loved one, is seeking treatment for your "untreatable" medical condition and wish to avoid less competent stem cell clinics, visit http://www.repairstemcells.org for our list of the eight most experienced and successful stem cell treatment centers in the world, as well as the standards applied to them.
Posted: 5/27/2009 3:42:52 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Multiple Sclerosis Patient Helped By Adult Stem Cell Research

Canadian native, Arndt Roehlig is the latest Multiple Sclerosis patient to be helped by stem cell research. Arndt was injected with his own adult stem cells back on March 6, 2009 and since then has seen improvements in his quality of life.

Arndt, a Vancouver resident,  first became interested in stem cell therapy for his multiple sclerosis when he read a story about fellow Canadian Louis Zylstra, a professional golfer who was able to return to the golf course after her multiple sclerosis had forced her to give it up.

Adult Stem Cell Treatment in Israel

Zylstra was helped after seeking stem cell research in Israel where Dr. Shimon Slavin was treating patients with their own Adult Stem Cells.  Arndt saw the stem cell success story and was inspired to seek out the same stem cell treatment as his multiple sclerosis was getting worse.

Stem Cells for Multiple Sclerosis Experience

Here is the whole stem cell experience  in Arndt's own words--

"I wouldn’t call it success just yet, as I am careful not to report a reversal when it is still early.

I had a bone marrow extraction performed on me in Tel Aviv in late December, 2008. This procedure was quick and I suffered no side effects at all after my butt healed. Dr. Slavin’s team then did their magic which took approx. 2.5 months to grow the needed stem cells from my bone marrow donation. The experience then really started in Istanbul, as non Israeli citizens are not allowed to receive stem cell treatment in Israel as of yet.

I arrived in Istanbul on Friday afternoon on March 6th 2009. As I was advised to stay an additional day after my planned procedure, which was booked for Saturday, I was booked to fly home on Monday morning, thinking this would leave me plenty of time to recover from the stem cell infusion. As it turned out, it is very common to feel nauseous, have headaches and be vomiting for several days after the infusion. I experienced all three symptoms, which felt like a really terrible case of food poisoning. As I arrived, the service that picked me up stated I will be receiving the stem cells that evening, so a day early. Sure enough, as soon as I checked in to the Florence Nightingale Hospital there, I was wheeled into the radio room where the Spinal surgeon quickly administered the anesthesia into my spine, about half way up my back. Within minutes following, I received the stem cells. The whole procedure was about 15 minutes long and involved no serious pain. I was wheeled back into my room and ate dinner. That was the last food for three days, as I felt very nauseous and vomited without sleep for three days. I did hear however, another patient that received the same treatment that day never vomited, just had a terrible headache for three days, so everyone reacts differently to the treatment in terms of side effects.

Monday morning came by and I was still feeling terrible, so after another visit across the street to the hospital, I received some more IV help so I could get on the plane. As I had a layover in London for 3.5 hours, I found a couch where I actually slept for two hours for the first time in three days. When I awoke, I felt a sensation I never have had before. It felt like the whole pressure from my MS dissipated and almost like a massive weight off my shoulders, wow. Then as I got home and slept in my bed, I noticed that my usual cramps that I have at night time also went away completely. Although, I must say that the cramps did come back since then, however not as strong as they once were. My experience since then has been quite good, to date (~2.5 months since infusion), I have recorded MS attacks, however, they are no where near as overwhelming as opposed to my continuous attack prior to infusion. My masseuse (once a week treatment) reports my back, which used to be riddled full of knots and tension is now normal and soft.

As for the progression of my disease, I think the disease is still affecting me, especially I notice symptoms on my left leg may have gotten a bit worse. However, I am just as of late feeling some potential improvement in my ability to walk a straight line without dragging my right leg behind me. Also, some parts have gotten better for example, I can get my right leg into my pants while standing again. This could just be a calm part before the disease progresses, or it could be the potential of nerves growing back and hence ability is better. It is obviously still too early to say for certain, but so far I am feeling very positive and according to the stem cell specialist Dr Slavin in Tel Aviv, I am not to feel much potential in the first three months anyway.

This experience so far has given me back my life as I was suffering a dramatic downward shift in mobility just before the infusion and thus can plan my life a little bit better as compared to before the infusion.

I would so far definitely endorse my treatment and advise people to try it. There is no downside risk except for lost money. There is no chemo therapy.

I hope I explained my experience well enough and will update my experiences again in the near future."

Best regards,

Arndt Roehlig
Email: arndt@trivello.com

If you want more details on Arndt's stem cell research experience with his own Adult Stem Cells, please email him at the above email address.

Arndt is just the latest Multiple Sclerosis patient to be helped by stem cell research using his own stem cells. See other stem cell success stories for Multiple Sclerosis here
Posted: 5/26/2009 2:07:42 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Balanced Article on Stem Cell Research

In a surprisingly balanced article on stem cell research from the mainstream media, Adult Stem Cells have helped at least two more patients- one for congestive heart failure and the other for Parkinson's disease.

In an article by Forbes Magazine, they took a fair look at stem cell treatments abroad. Yes, there is the obligatory quote from Irving "they won't work now- more research more research" Weismann. However, the author tries to show it from a patient's perspective.

Parkinson's Disease Treated With Adult Stem Cells

The first Parkinson's patient she featured was Carlene Victor, who traveled to the Xcell Center in Germany. Carlene suffering from Parkinson's for 7 years says " I am not waiting for the FDA to rule to get treatments," She went to Germany 5 months ago to get stem cell treatment for her Parkinsons. The results???

Victor is underwhelmed by her improvement. While she says she has more control over her feet, and the pain in her stomach that made it hard to sit has abated
, her walking has not improved, her right arm still shakes, her wrist hurts continuously and her right foot still tends to numb up.

What if Adult Stem Cell Treatment was Available in the USA

So in this case, all of you can't accuse Don Margolis of only focusing on the success stories. However, let's take a closer look at this. What if the FDA wasn't slowing down progress and made adult stem cell treatment available in the United States. Victor did improve a little bit. Therefore, if the treatment center wasn't half way across world and cost prohibitive, and her own Adult Stem Cells were available for use in the United States- she could get another treatment here and then probably get a little more improvement with a second treatment and then even more with a third-- why not? They are her own cells, her own repair kit- there is no downside to putting them in, just some discomfort. And the FDA isn't allowing you to use your own stem cells thus making people like her suffer and "wait until the 10 years of clinical trials are done" which haven't started for Parkinson's by the way.

Parkinson's Patient Improved With Adult Stem Cells- Michael J Fox Pay Attention

There was another Parkinson's patient who went to the same stem cell treatment center as Victor and at the same time. His name was Aubra Phillips, 50, who had suffered from Parkinson's for 22 years. The Adult Stem Cells worked for him!

From the stem cell article: he's "60% to 70% better" than he was. He used to drag his legs and have trouble mustering the strength to sign credit card bills; post stem-cell treatment, he can jog and take notes. His stutter is gone too. Says Phillips, "If I can improve the quality of my life for what I have left to live, that is all I am after."

Stem Cell Research for Congestive Heart Failure

Lastly, the article takes a look at Andy Jordan, who was in congestive heart failure. He came to Bangkok for stem cell treatment with Vescell. Before the "Vescell stem cell treatment", Andy had an ejection fraction of 19%. After-- his ejection fraction was 30-35%-- even his doctor was impressed!

All of that included in just one mainstream media article on stem cell research. Maybe things are changing? I sincerely hope so. There are a lot of patients who can be helped right now with Adult Stem Cells!
Posted: 5/22/2009 5:00:50 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

US Doctors Group Organize to Challenge the FDA

In a bold move that is sure to shake the foundations of the United States FDA, a group of American doctors have published a set of strict clinical guidelines that will allow US doctors to treat patients with their own Adult Stem Cells.

Your Own Stem Cells Are Not a Drug

This move by the American Stem Cell Therapy Association comes in response to the FDA's position that a person's own stem cells should be classified as a drug, thus subject to the exact same set of standards that a drug like Viagra or Lipitor or Vioxx would be examined under.

However, these US doctors are correct in believing that adult stem cell therapy with the patient's own cells is governed under the practice of medicine, not under drug production guidelines.

From the stem cell press release:

Adult stem cells can be processed with the same techniques commonly used in existing in-vitro fertilization (IVF) labs. "Like the human cells and tissue used in IVF, adult stem cells are not drugs," stated Christopher J. Centeno, M.D., a physician who worked on the guidelines and whose medical practice includes the use of the Regenexx procedure, which uses patients own stem cells to treat orthopedic conditions.

Slowing Progress, Costing Lives- the US FDA at Work

"Making the stem cells in your own body a drug won't make them safer, will dramatically reduce availability of treatment, and will increase bureaucratic red tape." stated Dr. Centeno.

Dr. Centeno is absolutely right.  These are your own cells and having the FDA regulate your own body won't be helping anybody as there is no downside to having your own stem cells implanted.

Let me repeat that- there is no downside to having your own Adult Stem Cells implanted. Either they will help you or they won't (no effect).  This has been proven in thousands of studies.

Your own stem cells should be an extra tool your doctor should be able to use to help you.  No, adult stem cells are not a cure yet, but they do help in the majority of cases.

Again, your own stem cells should be a tool in your responsible doctor's tool kit that may or may not be able to help, but should be made available to you as there is no downside.  What does the patient have to lose?  A man in end stage heart failure about to die- give him his own stem cells, they should help. He may not be beating Husain Bolt in a 100 meter sprint, but should improve.  A spinal cord injury victim, give him his own stem cells, they should help.  He/she may not be walking, but it could be beneficial in some ways.  A diabetic, give him his own stem cells- they should improve his insulin levels. And if your own stem cells don't help- there is no harm done- thousands of studies have proven this.

And what if your own Adult Stem Cells work only 5% of the time for a particular lethal disease and your doctor wants to try to save your life? Hey! It will save 5% more than zero. With no downside, why not? And if the FDA has its way, that 5% will be 0. It is up to all of us to make a stand. And these clinical guidelines are the first step.

If you are a patient of any kind and reading this, I urge you to go to Safe Stem Cells Now, a patient run organization demanding the use of their own stem cells.
Posted: 5/21/2009 11:28:58 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

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