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Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research Study for Baldness in Children

In a new stem cell research study presented at the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) annual meeting last week, a dermatologist presented a new clinical research study in which children with Alopecia Areata were treated for baldness with their own Adult Stem Cells.

Adult Stem Cells for Alopecia Areata

Dr. Marwa Fawzi, a dermatologist at the University of Cairo, treated 8 children who were suffering from Alopecia Areata and thus were balding. Alopecia Areata is a condition that causes hair loss and can happen at any age. People (children and adults alike) with this condition are often teased and shunned and many have low self esteem.

Process of Stem Cells for Baldness

  1. Small amounts of skin were removed from the scalps of the children

  2. The hair follicle stem cells that stimulate hair growth were isolated and then multiplied in a lab

  3. After one month, the children's own Adult Stem Cells were injected back into their scalps where the baldness was occurring.

Stem Cell Research Results

6 months after the stem cell treatment, 5 of the 8 children had at least a 50% increase in the amount of hair on their heads.
2 of the children had a small increase in the amount of hair and 1 child had no change.
Not bad for a simple procedure with no side effects or down side.

From the stem cell article:

She also took new skin samples and examined the hair follicles themselves and could see that the injected stem cells had migrated into the follicles. There, the stem cells stimulated the follicles to transition from a dormant phase to a hair-generating phase, Fawzi said.

In a poster that she presented at the meeting, she showed photographs of an 8-year-old boy named Mahmoud who was almost completely bald before the treatment and had a nearly full head of hair afterward.

Mahmoud was socially isolated before and always wore a hat to hide his baldness, she said. He now calls her almost every day to talk and thank her for the treatment.

Adult Stem Cells- improving more lives each day.

A similar stem cell research study for Alopecia Areata in adults is also going on in the United States now too.  Hopefully, we can expand this into treating male pattern baldness as well.  Why not?
Posted: 7/22/2009 4:55:23 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Treatment Helps Scleroderma Patient From New Jersey

New Jersey resident, Michael George feels "reborn" after having his own adult stem cells implanted in him to treat his scleroderma in a new stem cell treatment.  Scleroderma is an autoimmune disease which is mostly known as a skin disorder, but in it's worst form, also attacks the internal organs of the patient.

Quality of Life Improved After Adult Stem Cell Therapy- No Restrictions

The stem cell therapy took place a little over 1 year ago on March 13th, 2008.  Since then, Michael has improved so much that doctors have removed all restrictions on Michael's life so he can do anything he wants.

Stem Cell Therapy at Northwestern

The adult stem cells were implanted at Northwestern University in Chicago where presumably our American hero, Dr. Richard Burt was behind the scenes.

From the stem cell article:

The night he returned to Perth Amboy, George remembers being able to bend down to pick up the luggage from the trunk of the cab. These days his knees are giving him some trouble when he bends due to arthritis.

George said the procedure didn't cure him, but it stopped the disease and reverses it to a certain extent.

“In April the doctor said "are you sure I didn't give you a lung transplant, instead of a stem cell transplant,” he said, noting both his lungs and heart are now in good condition.

Michael followed in the footsteps of Bari Martz who also went to Northwestern for stem cell treatment for her scleroderma.  Martz also had great success with the adult stem cells-   For now, “I’m great,” she says. Her lung function jumped and is still improving, she can flex her hands again, and can even climb stairs, if slowly. “I’m continuing to get better.”

Stem Cell Treatment Isn't Cheap in United States

A lot of overseas stem cell companies take a lot of flack for charging patients usually in the range of $20,000-30,000 dollar for the adult stem cell therapy that can improve patients' lives.  However, we find out that stem cell treatment in the US isn't cheap either at over $200,000 for an "experimental" treatment:

George said he really appreciates life and everyone at his church, the school district and city who wrote or e-mailed him and contributed toward his medical expenses, which were more than $200,000.

I don't want money to be the main issue, as the important thing is Michael did improve his quality of life and you can't put a price tag on that. However, those overseas stem cell therapy companies don't look so bad after all when you compare them to the $200,000 + for adult stem cells in the United States for similar "unproven" treatments.
Posted: 7/20/2009 5:52:29 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Adult Stem Cells for Heart Attack Patients

Today, Tammy Henderson is riding her bicycle on the road, but less than 2 years ago, Tammy was on the road to a heart transplant after suffering a major heart attack back in 2001. Things changed after Tammy received Vescell stem cell treatment using her own Adult Stem Cells in Thailand in April 2008 to help heal her heart muscle.

From the stem cell article:

My doctor fully believes this is working,” said Henderson. “My echo showed at least a 5 percent improvement in ejection fraction — how well the heart pumps — and my heart shrunk by 3 mm, which is terrific. Usually, the heart enlarges as it gets worse.”

“My oxygen level went up three points. I have been feeling really great, and I'm back to bike riding and walking,” she added.

Her Sister Thrilled With Stem Cell Treatment for Heart Muscle

Tammy went to Vescell stem cell therapy and her sister Kelly Moyer is happy she did:

the improvements “are exactly what we hoped for,"

“In April, her family and I walked the Kensington Park path — 8.5 miles — that includes many hills, I was very impressed with her strength,” Moyer said. “A couple of years ago I would have never thought that kind of experience would be possible. Her heart is getting smaller and pumping better, clear medical signs of improvement. I couldn't be more pleased.”

Adult Stem Cells Helped Her Sinuses Too

While her heart has shown signs of healing, Henderson said she has been cured of chronic sinusitis. She use to spend $25 month for Zyrtec, but stop taking it in April 2008.

“I have not had a sinus infection since then,” she said. “I think the stem cells took care of it. That's a major extra plus.”

California Dreaming in Michigan

Moyer hopes that some day the stem cell therapy will be available in the United States. Her sister said there's a possibility it could be done at Henry Ford within a year.

“I pray that this treatment will be available in the U.S. as soon as possible,” Moyer said. “For someone sick to have to travel around the world for treatment is just absurd, especially living in the U.S. We live in the best country in the world, it doesn't seem right.”

I couldn't have said it better myself.
Posted: 7/17/2009 11:49:06 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

CNN Headline Story Focuses on Stem Cell Research Doctor

In the Dominican Republic, Dr. Zannos Grekos, a stem cell research doctor, is now helping patients with heart disease and lung diseases with their own Adult Stem Cells as reported on CNN in a special research report.

Adult Stem Cells Helping Heart Disease and Lung Disease

In the last 18 months, Dr. Grekos and his company Regenocyte have treated more than 100 patients for either heart diseases such as congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, heart attacks, and angina and lung diseases such as pulmonary hypertension, emphysema and COPD.

The story features Barbara McKean of Naples, Florida. Barbara was suffering from the lung disease, COPD and was treated with her own stem cells.

From the stem cell article:
"Right away, the next morning, I felt a sense of well-being that I hadn't felt in a long, long time," McKean said.

"I know that I am living proof that this does work," she added. "I know that."

His Eyes Are Wide Shut

Check out this quote from the chief medical officer of the American Lung Association-

The chief medical officer of the American Lung Association, Dr. Norman Edelman, said he does not doubt the sincerity of patients who believe they have been helped by stem cell therapy. But he added, "There's an enormous placebo effect in almost all of these cases."

So Dr. Edelman sees a woman, Barbara McKean, featured previously here,  who was on oxygen 24/7 walking around with a cannister and now, after stem cell treatment, is completely off oxygen and he thinks it is the placebo effect? Ridiculous.

Luckily, Barbara's doctor does not intentionally close his eyes to the obvious:

McKean's family physician, Dr. Robert Folsom, confirmed to CNN that she had been suffering for many years from an advanced state of COPD, an incurable lung disease. Folsom told CNN he was "quite incredulous" after seeing her condition improve.

Folsom, who said he has been McKean's family physician for many years, disputed any suggestion that her apparent recovery stemmed from a "placebo effect" -- an improvement sometimes seen in patients who are given an inert substance in clinical trials.

"I know about the placebo effect, and her improvement does not seem to be a result of that," he said.

Stem Cell Therapy- Documenting Results

Dr. Grekos is documenting research data  from his patients treated with their own stem cells and wishes to present it to the FDA at the end of this year.

In the past few days, another stem cell research doctor, Dr. Roberto Fernandez Vina, also just presented his results of his stem cell research data for COPD and Emphysema at the annual International Society for Stem Cell Research annual meeting.

And Dr. Grekos had a parting shot for the "experts" who always try to downplay any adult stem cell success story:

He shrugs off the criticism from people who doubt his claims, saying he -- and not they -- are on medicine's cutting edge.

Stem cell experts who reject his methods "need to be better educated," he said.
Posted: 7/15/2009 11:30:28 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research Trials for Heart Attacks and Heart Failure

Recent stem cell research studies using Adult Stem Cells to treat heart diseases such as congestive heart failure and heart attacks have made the news recently.  And on the surface, these adult stem cell success stories of heart attack victims making amazing recoveries in these research clinical trials is wonderful news indeed.

New Research Trials for Heart Attack Victims

For example, at the Texas Heart Institute, John Hartman who had suffered a heart attack recently had his own stem cells implanted into his heart muscle in a new stem cell research trial.

From the stem cell article:

Dr. Jim Willerson President, Texas Heart Institute, said, "We think the improvement we see is largely from the blood flow increase salvaging the cells that are reversibly injured, allowing them to function normally."

"That reflects in the patient being able to do better, walk further, breathe better," said Dr. Emerson Perin St Luke's, THI Cardiologist.

Stem Cell Trial for Congestive Heart Failure

Also, in another stem cell research trial at Vanderbilt, an unnamed 65 year old congestive heart failure patient was treated using his own Adult Stem Cells again.   Dr. David Zhao, director of the cath lab there said “The patients who stand to benefit from this approach include those whose coronary arteries are so diseased that nothing else could be done,”

What About Heart Disease Patients Who Can't Get Adult Stem Cells?

However, the headlines don't mention the millions who are suffering and dying after having heart attacks (1.25 million per year in the United States) and are in congestive heart failure and don't have the opportunity to receive adult stem cell treatment because the FDA has classified a patient's own stem cells as a drug- thus slowing down progress and starving heart patients of a "drug" with no side effects or ethical issues and only has upside.

For every Barry Brown or Kenneth Milles, heart attack victims who were lucky enough to get into a US stem cell research clinical trial using their own stem cells, there are millions of heart disease patients who do not have that opportunity. And for that, we have the FDA to blame.

And that is only addressing adult stem cell therapy for heart disease.........what about the hundreds of other conditions that can be helped or improved by Adult Stem Cells?


For more information on clinical research trials in the United States, go to the Clinical Trials website - www.clinicaltrials.gov
Posted: 7/13/2009 4:55:39 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research Produces Another Miracle of Adult Stem Cells

Here is another miracle story in which stem cell research using Adult Stem Cells played the star role.  Kim Case, a woman from Gaston, Oregon was given little hope to live after being diagnosed with NK T-cell Lymphoma.  In fact, Kim was the first caucasian in the United States to have had this deadly form of Lymphoma.

Chemotherapy Ineffective Against Lymphoma

Kim went through radiation treatments and 3 rounds of chemotherapy.  All were ineffective against the lymphoma. Her only hope was adult stem cells from a matching donor.

Lucky to Find Match for Adult Stem Cell Transplant

Kim was very lucky in this regard.  She found a matching donor within one week.  Normally it takes 6 months to a year to find a donor and many lymphoma patients die waiting for the right match.  Kim's hero was Doug Cokinis a 42 year old male with matching adult stem cells.

From the stem cell article:

After another chemotherapy session, the stem cell transplant took place in October 2004.

It took about a month before Kim re-gained some strength.

"It was a gradual, slow process," she said. "I had to walk three or four times around my room without stopping before being allowed to leave the hospital."

Able to leave the hospital after 52 days, Kim stayed in Seattle to go back in for occasional tests.

"They gave her a list of things she'd have problems with for the rest of her life," Jay said.

So, the short period of time after that was nothing short of remarkable.

She was able to return home in February 2005, cancer free. She regularly had blood draws to make sure the cancer had not returned.

By June 2005, she was able to stop taking medication for side effects from cancer. She hasn't taken any medication since then – something unheard of in cancer patients.

How to Become A Stem Cell Transplant Donor

Kim had something to say to everyone  about being possible donors at the Red Cross--
"It's an easy process," Kim said. "They take blood to test for diseases. Once that's clear, they put you on a list. Once they find a match, they give you shots to take for the cells to reproduce at a faster rate ... most don't know what to an adult stem cell transplant is, it's not like a bone marrow transplant."

Considering all that had happened to her, Kim took no time in answering whether or not she thought her experience was, in fact, a miracle.

"One hundred percent miracle," she said.
Here is another stem cell success story and information on how you can possibly save a life by giving the greatest gift of all- the gift of life.
Posted: 7/10/2009 11:56:41 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Multiple Sclerosis Patients Update: After Second Stem Cell Treatment

It has been about 3 months since I last updated you on Preston Walker and Richard Humphries, the two Multiple Sclerosis Stem Cell Research pioneers who received their own Adult Stem Cells to improve their MS.

Since then, both have returned to Costa Rica to receive a second helping of their own Adult Stem Cells- a second stem cell therapy.   Let's check in with their stem cell blog and see what they have to say.

Update from Stem Cell Research Blog

First is this July 7th post from adult stem cell recipient, Preston "An Energetic Day"-

I am not sure how to describe what happened today other than that I have a LOAD OF ENERGY!!

To let everyone understand this, I documented today's events in the following information:

I invited my son to a bike ride. We rode twenty miles and returned home. Instead of wanting to sleep, I started looking for other things to do!! I found that my lawnmower needed the rear wheel removed and replaced.

It was quite a day of doing little things, but it would have been very taxing several weeks ago.

It's now 9:00 p.m. and I am still full of energy!! There is only one reason for this turn of events. It is God's good grace through the injection of ADULT STEM CELLS. GO STEM CELLS GO!!

In Him, Preston

Adult Stem Cells Enable Multiple Sclerosis Patient to Deal With the Heat

And this is from Richard Humphries, MS patient treated with Adult Stem Cells Twice:

June 30, 2009
Dealing with the heat

Heat intolerence is associated with every MS patient. With the heat we are having all of us have this intolerance.

This week in Wichita Falls I was in the 100-degree heat for over 8 hours on back to back days. This was not even possible after the first stem cell treatment but after a 4-month regeneration from the second stem cell treatment, not only is it possible but reality.

Even Dr. Thomas Ichim, a stem cell expert from the University of California-San Diego is in amazement.

I just keep getting blessed.


Richard of course was Case Study #1 in a recently published stem cell research clinical paper.  And I'm not sure, but  I believe Preston was involved in the research paper as well (either Case Study 2 or 3)
Posted: 7/8/2009 4:24:20 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research Study for COPD and Emphysema to be Presented at ISCT Meeting

As we are gearing up for the International Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT) annual meeting this week in San Diego, Dr. Fernandez Vina has provided us with results from his stem cell research clinical study using Adult Stem Cells for the lung diseases COPD and Emphysema.

Last week, I posted on Dr. Fernandez Vina's process of treating COPD and emphysema patients. Therefore, this week I can share his results of patients treated with their own Adult Stem Cells in his research study.


The Stem Cell Doctors

Author Block: R. J. Fernandez Vina1,2, J. Saslvsky3, J. Ferrerira da Silva Lima4, O. Andrin1, F. Fernandez Vina1, F. Vrsalovic1, L. Camozzi1, L. Vazquez Sosa5, M. Saslavsky6;
1San Nicolas Clinic FernandezVina Foundation, San Nicolas (Buenos Aires), ARGENTINA, 2Maimonides University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA, 3Medicine School University of Rosario Argentina, Rosario, ARGENTINA, 4San Nicolas Clinic Fernandez Vina Foundation, San Nicolas (Buenos Aires), ARGENTINA, 5Hospital de la Mujer, El Salvador, EL SALVADOR, 6San Nicolas Clinic & Hospital, San Nicolas, ARGENTINA.

The Goal of the Stem Cell Research Study

Objectives: To present the first reports and follow up from Argentina of 33 patients, that carry severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and Emphysema treated with Autologous Bone Marrow stem cells.

All patients have smoking history for 30-40 years, quit smoking for at least 6 years. Using oxygen 2 lpm 24/7, Ipratropium, nebulizaded Salbuterol , prednisone. Grade III-IV short of breath.

Before Stem Cell Therapy

Laboratory Data:  (Before Adult Stem Cell Treatment)

Forced vital capacity: 0.5 l (12%), VEF1: 0,30 l (10%) y 0,42 l (13%) post-bronchiodilator, FEF 25-75: 0,14 l/sec(8%), MVV: 11 l/min(10%); TLC: 2.90 l/min (46%), Diffusion Capacity: 10.2 ml/mmHg/min (64%).

The patients were submitted in a procedure to extract 600 ml of bone marrow, that presented: Total cells 9184 x10p6/ ml, Total mononuclears 3218 x10p6/ml, CD34+: 4,8 x10p6/ml, CD34+CD38-: 0,72 x10p6/ml. Using IV infusion, in a rhythm of infusion of 300 ml/h .

The Results of the Adult Stem Cells for COPD and Emphysema Research Study

Evolution and Results: After 60 days of the procedure all the patients were submitted to clinical and laboratorial controls, which presented: Saturation 95-97% in room air, while exercising, free of oxygen. Dispnea Grade 2, decreased of the required medication to 1 Salbuterol nebulization per day in all cases and 12 of them with 1 doses of Ipratropio per day, All patients decreased the doses of prednisone and finally quit with this medication totally.

Laboratory data: Forced Vital Capacity: 1,94 l , VEF1: 0,69 l y 0,88 l, FEV25-79: 0,38 l/sec, MVV: 58 l/min, TLC is normal, Diffusion Capacity is Normal.

Did the Adult Stem Cells Work?

Conclusions: The autologous adult stem cell from Unfractions Autologous Bone Marrow implanted in lung improved the pulmonary function in patients with terminal lung diseases.

Other Stem Cell Research Studies from Dr. Fernandez Vina

You may also be interested in Dr. Fernandez Vina's results when he treated Diabetes Type 2 patients with their own Adult Stem Cells.  See the Stem Cell for Diabetes Type 2 Research Study here.
Posted: 7/6/2009 4:33:13 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Heart Attack Victim Recovers In Stem Cell Research Study

As part of a new stem cell treatment series, I am trying to find patients who have been helped by Adult Stem Cell research and therapy.  In May, I featured a Multiple Sclerosis patient named Arndt Roehlig who described his successful  stem cell experience in Israel in his own words.

Barry Brown- Stem Cell Study Volunteer

This time, I present Barry Brown, a heart attack victim who was involved in a stem cell research study at the University of Miami.  We had presented Barry before back in May in this stem cell post .  Barry was kind enough to write to me and wished to present his own stem cell success story in his own words.

A Stem Cell Success Story

Hey Don,  Barry here,  sorry its taken so long for me to do this but here goes.

Last February,  after moving from Las Vegas to Miami upon retiring from 20 years in the Air Force, I started getting a dry cough which upon doing some research on my own was attributed to the use of lisinopril.   My cough cleared up but I realized when i would start exerting during exercise I would get a hot flash down the middle of my shoulder blades I would just shrug it off thinking it was just the side effects of the BP drug. A few weeeks went by and I got a cold and I started coughing so much I coughed my chest sore and couldn't breathe.  After about 10 days of suffering with this I finally went to the doctor.   An Ekg was conducted and the results came back Abnormal.  I'm like ok, Ive been exercising eating well, no caffiene, no Nicotine ( I had Dipped tobacco on and off for 20 yrs) I had just stopped in February.  So I thought  "whats going on?"

Heart Attack Misdiagnosed

The first diagnosis was I was out of shape and needed to lose about 10 lbs. Hmmmm ok ill buy that i need to lose a few lbs, but mind you, just 2  months before that, I was working out 5 days a week doing cardio 45 min a day and weights 3 times a week and teaching 2 circuit training classes so why had my cardiovascular health gone down so quick?? "Im not buying it Doc, run some more tests I want to get back to where i was 2 months ago and I want to make sure 1000% that my heart is healthy to exercise!"

Next test was an echocardiogram that showed some weakening of the lower part of my heart. The  2nd diagnosis was I  need to lose a few lbs and lets see how you are in a month....."

I thought to myself " how am I going to lose any weight?  first off if  I cant walk 15 minutes without feeling like i got 1000 slaps on the back for a good game????"

Watching Hugh Laurie and House Saves Barry's Life

OK look Doc i said,  "Im no bleeping doctor, but Ive watched enough ER episodes and House to know you can run some dye thru my veins and check my arteries and valves.  I dont know what its called but thats what i want!!!!"

Thallium stress test was what i had done, I stayed on the treadmill about 4 min before I had to get off, the nurse said stay here we want to read the results....... the results were read and off to the 7th floor I went to meet with the Cardiac folks

I met with the Cardiologist he explained to me that they thought there was a blockage in my heart but they want to run a cath up my leg and angioplasty the blockage and put a stent in and that it should take no longer thatn 30 min. He said when can you come back mind you it had been about 2 months since it all first started so i said TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The day of the Cardiac cath comes, I get on the table and I'm on the table for what seemed like an eternity. The doctor  comes in and says "Mr. Brown we have a few things we need to discuss with you,  some options for you.  Did you know you’ve already had a heart attack?  Fighting back some tears and trying to regain some composure from the lil self deprecation and a little self pity that went through  my mind for a few minutes then a conscious decision made I wasn’t going to let this situation get the best of me. "Ok Doc what are the options???"

The options were laid out…..

  1. Option 1 was have a triple bypass get it over with and start living the life I was living just 12 months earlier.

  2. Option 2 enter into this radical new study involving stem cell therapy, help open the doors for new research and possibly ways were we can change the lives of others from now on. Where at the time of your surgery you may be injected with your own stem cells at several different areas on your heart with the hopes of healing some of the damaged tissue from your heart attack.  Hmmm that sounded interesting……

As I waited to hear option 3 which was I'm sure going to be take this pill go home and come back in a month you should be fine-- it never came I was stuck with two options I guess……

So to me it was a no brainier-  enter into this study have the opportunity to be the FIRST devilishly handsome charming semi fit veteran to have this procedure done and open the doors for other to follow. PERFECT….. There pains and trails, as well as numerous sleepless nights that I had to endure of course this is real life, there was a point in Aug where tests had shown I had an enlarged prostrate so I needed to have to have a biopsy done to be cleared of cancer so  I could remain in the study. So, there I was thinking to myself wow I have Heart disease and prostrate cancer. I needed to be cancer free because if I had cancer when injected with the Stem cells it could move to the cancer and make it spread faster.

SO after a bunch more tests to get me back into the study since it had been over three months for all the initial work I was finally cleared back in…..

Then finally the date, Nov 20 2008 triple bypass day….. I’m lobbing congress to have that a legal holiday so you’ll have Veterans Day, Barry’s Bypass day and Thanksgiving all in Nov…

The 3 days I spent, no 4 days I spent in the hospital were a blur and that is where I made my mind up that I was going to get back on my feet and get busy getting healthy again. And it started with one of my post op meals ribeye steak and French fries……. Ok so the dietician was off the week I was in ICU no biggie….. Ill just get something else off the MENU…..

Of course anyone who has stayed in a Hospital knows you don’t get any rest in the hospital,  it really started with my release from the Hospital and qtr mile walks after 7 days,  to half mile walks after 2 weeks and pretty much adding mileage up to 3 miles in February when I started walking with a 30 lb pack 3 times a week. I’ve had days where my chest hurt so bad I didn’t want to do it but I pushed myself to do it so I could start strengthening my heart and get better so my quality of life would improve.

It has been a long road its been a challenge but with the great help of the Miami VA and the University of Miami Doctors and staff and the support of friends and family my outlook hasn’t looked better, From last summers 3 clogged arteries and not being able to walk a qtr mile, to my own fitness training and life expectancy its all good.

Its been pretty much a whirlwind the last week I was asked to be at the dedication of a new Stem cell research lab located with in the school of Medicine at UM and I did a TV interview the other day and word on the street  is that Mens Health wants to interview me also so more to come on that. Also with the help of one of my marketing friends Glen Werstler in Ohio and his marketing group at page gravy had started me out with my own web page and Non profit organization called One Heart to start foundation. I'm excited to try to get people more aware about this medical breakthrough. thanks for taking your time and reading.



Please feel free to email Barry at barry5448@yahoo.com if you have any questions or want to hear about his stem cell treatment for his heart muscle.

"a beating heart isnt always a healthy heart"
Posted: 7/3/2009 11:13:41 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

Are you or a loved one interested in receiving stem cell treatment? For free information, please fill out our treatment form or email me don@repairstemcells.org and just put TREATMENT in the subject box and the MEDICAL CONDITION in the message.

Stem Cell Research Treats First Patient With Stem Cells From His Own Heart

The song "Take another little piece of my heart" by Janis Joplin has new meaning today as doctors in Los Angeles have taken Adult Stem Cells directly from a heart attack patient's heart and used those stem cells to treat the patient in an adult stem cell research study.

As part of a Phase 1 clinical research study, Dr. Eduardo Marban, of Ceders Sinai Hospital, did a minimally invasive biopsy and took a piece of Kenneth Milles heart muscle after Kenneth had suffered a heart attack.

The piece of his heart was sent to a lab where the Adult Stem Cells were cultivated to produce millions of Kenneth's heart stem cells. 4 weeks later, the stem cells were implanted back into Kenneth's heart muscle. The goal to help regenerate the damaged heart tissue from the heart attack.

From the stem cell article:

"We seek to actually reverse the injury that has been caused by the heart attack, by re-growing new heart muscle to at least partially replace the scar that's formed," says Dr. Eduardo Marban of Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute.

Doctors are using stem cells, the body's master cells, because they can transform into different kinds of tissue.

Marban says, "These cells that we're putting in come from the heart itself, and are predestined to generate heart muscle and blood vessels."

Other types of stem cells, like bone marrow, have been studied for heart repair, but with mixed results. Animal studies indicate heart stem cells do a better job. The problem is: the heart has so few stem cells that researchers have to grow more.

And they did grow more- doesn't seem like that big a problem.   Hopefully the money for this problem came from the California taxpayers- at least that would be the first positive that ever came out of their stem cell funding- using heart stem cells to help people.  However, the cynic in me says that is not the case.  I'm guessing it was privately funded.

Kenneth was the first patient treated with this method and the results are not in yet.  However, why wouldn't it work? The patient's own Adult Stem Cells are used.  The patient has nothing to lose.
Posted: 7/1/2009 6:00:04 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments

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